How do I use the ASCII code to use the ASCII code to 0 characters?
Problem Description:
How do I use the ASCII code to use the ASCII code to 0 characters?
1. How to write binary to the registry, requiring finally displayed as "00"
Blob {1} K
LI_SYSDIR = RegistrySet ('hkey_current_user / software / odbs / odbc.ini / sza / engines / xbase', 'statistics ", regbinary!, k)
2, how to write binary to the registry, requiring finally displayed as "01"
LB_V = blob (char (1))
LI_SYSDIR = RegistrySet ('HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / ODBC / ODBC.INI / SZA / ENGINES / XBASE', 'Statistics', Regbinary!, LB_V)
The principle is the same as above, declare the blob {1} K, then use K to represent 00