How to switch the Chinese and English input method and full angle / half?
Problem Description:
How to switch Chinese English input method and full angle / half angle, Chinese and English characters, etc.
First, state the external function:
Function Boolean Immsimulatehotkey (unsignedlong hwnd, unsignedlong dwhotkeyid) library "imm32.dll"
Function unsignedlong getKeyboardLayout (unsignedLong WLayout) library "user32.dll"
Function Boolean Immisime (unsignedLong HKLKeyboardLayout) library "imm32.dll"
Second, write in a button:
Long ll_hwnd
LL_HWND = Handle (SLE_1)
IF not immisime (getKeyboardLayout (0))
Immsimulatehotkey (LL_HWND, 16)
Immsimulatehotkey (LL_HWND, 17)
Third, test: After running, enter the comma first in Text, all of which are half angle, then click the button, then enter the comma, all of the whole corner