/ *
* CREATED ON 2005/01/24
* Introduce XPath
* /
Package org.brunt.xml.xpath;
Import java.io.stringbufferinputstream;
Import javax.xml.parsers.documentBuilderFactory;
Import org.apache.xpath.xpathapi;
Import org.w3c.dom.document;
Import Org.w3c.dom.Node;
Import org.w3c.dom.traversal.nodeiterator;
Import org.xml.sax.inputsource;
/ **
@Author HT
* Test XPath
* /
Public class testxpath {
Public Static Final String Description =
http://www.zvon.org/xxl/xpathtutorial/general_chi/examples.html ";
Public static firm string xpath [] = {
// eXample1: start with '/' Express a absoulte path
"/ Aaa", "/ aaa / xxx / ddd", "/ aaa / xxx / dddno",
// eXample2: start with '//' Express All ELEMENT
"// bbb", "// bbb / bbb", "// bbb / bbbno",
// eXample3: '*' Express All
"/ AAA / XXX / DDD / *", "// DDD / *",
// eXample4: '[]' Descript position
"/ AAA / XXX / DDD / BBB [1]",
"/ AAA / XXX / DDD / BBB [2]",
"/ AAA / XXX / DDD / BBB [Last ()]", // last ()
'@' Descript Attribute
"@ Name",
// "@ id",
"/ Aaa / @ id",
"// DDD / @ Name",
"// ddd / @ color",
"// bbb [
@ *] ",
"// bbb [NOT
@ *)] ", // NOT ()
"// bbb [
@ color = 'Yellow'] ",
"// bbb [
@ color = 'red'] ",
"// bbb [Normalize-Space
@color) = 'red'] ", // Normalize-Space ()
// eXample7: count ()
"// * [count (bbb) = 3]", // count ()
"// * [count (*) = 1]", // *
// Example8: name () starts-with () Contains ()
"// * [Name () = 'bbb']", // name ()
"// * [starts-with (name (), 'd')]", // starts-with () "// * [contains (name (), 'e')], //com ()
// eXample9:
"// * [String-length (name ()) = 5]", // string-length ()
"// * [string-length (name ()) <5]",
// eXample10: Connect with some path by '|'
"// bbb [
@ ID = 'b1'] | // eee | // fff ",
// eXample11:
"/ Child :: aaa", // child ::
"/ Aaa", // / child :: aaa == aaa
// eXample12:
"/ AAA / XXX / DDD / DESCENDANT :: *", // Descendant ::
"// ddd / descendant :: *",
// eXample13:
"// bbb / parent :: *", // parent ::
// eXample14:
"/ AAA / XXX / DDD / BBB / ANCESTOR :: *", // Ancestor ::
// eXample15:
// eXample16:
"/ AAA / CCC / Preceding-Sibling :: *", // Preceding-Sibling ::
// eXample17:
// eXample18:
"/ Aaa / xxx / preceding :: *", // preceding ::
// eXample19:
"/ AAA / XXX / Descendant-OR-Self :: *", // Descendant-OR-Self ::
// eXample20:
"/ AAA / XXX / DDD / EEE / Ancestor-OR-Self :: *", ///iantestor-or-self ::
// eXample21:
"// bb / self :: *",
"// eee / networkster :: * | // eee / descendant :: * | // eee / preceding :: * | // eee / self :: *",
// eXample22:
"// bbb [position () MOD 2 = 0]", // position () MOD
"// bbb [position () = floor (Last () Div 2 0.5) or position () = ceiling (last () DIV 2 0.5)]",
Public static final string default_xml_string =
" Ddd> / n"
" Dee> / n"
" Xxx> / n"
" Ddd> / n"
" Ccc> / n"
" Bbb> / n"
" Bbb> / n"
" Ccc> / n"
" Aaa> / n";
Public static void printDefaultxml () {
System.out.println (Default_Xml_string);
Public static infutsource getDefaultinputsource () {
Return New InputSource (New StringBufferInputStream (default_xml_string);
Public Static Document GetDocument (InputSource IS) THROWS Exception {
DocumentBuilderFactory DFActory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newinstance ();
DFActory.setNamespaceaware (TRUE);
Return DFActory.NewDocumentBuilder (). Parse (IS);
Private static void printnodeiterator (nodeiterator ni) {
Node node = NULL;
While ((node = ni.nextNode ())! = null) {
IF (node.getnodetype () == node.ement_node) {
System.out.print ("/ t [nodename]:" node.getnodename ());
System.out.print ("/ T [NodeValue]:" node.getnodevalue ());
PrintNodeAttrid (Node);
} else if (node.getnodetype () == node.attribute_node) {
System.out.println (
"/ t / t [attr]:"
node.getnodename ()
node.getnodeValue ());
Private static void printnodettrid (node node) {
String id = "null";
IF (node.hasettributes ()) {
Node AttrNode = node.getattributes (). GetnamedItem ("ID");
IF (attrnode! = NULL)
ID = attrnode.getnodeValue ();
System.out.println ("/ T / T [NodeID]:" ID);
Public void run () throws exception {
Run (NULL);
Public void run (inputsource is) throws exception {
Document doc = getDocument (is == null? GetDefaultinputsource (): IS);
For (int i = 0; i Run (XPath [I], DOC); } Public void run (string xpath, document doc) throws exception { System.out.println ("[XPath]:" XPath); Nodeiterator nl = xpathapi.selectNodeiterator (DOC, XPATH); PrintNodeItrator (NL); System.out.println ("/ n");} Public static void main (string [] args) throws exception { PrintDefaultXML (); TestXPath TXPATH = New Testxpath (); TXPATH.Run (); } }