Uikon includes Uikon Core and Uikon Core Control. Uikon core provides a high-level framework for applications, as well as different user interface tool classes, this framework is the foundation of the GUI application. It includes two frameworks, the application of structural frame processing applications (Application Baseclass is Provided by Ceikapplication, Document Baseclass Is Provided by CeikDocument, Utilities), and another frame is the UIKon Core Control Framework. the painting and screen input process control (appUI baseclass is provided by CEikAppUi, UI Environment is provided by CEikonEnv.Uikon core control in the class inherited from UI control (CCoeControl), including base class (eg: listboxes, buttons, and editors), Fundamental Controls (EG: images, Menus, Labels, And Scroll Bars), Container Controls (Button Groups and Status Panes).
Avkon is built on UIKON, UIKON is provided with the core user interface, and AVKON is a user interface that provides 60 Series. Therefore, Avkon is an extension of Uikon, and UIKON is suitable for all Symbian OS phones.