Because of the copyright, the content of the article is not directly posted here. I made a list of links. It is possible to read in order, a total of 7 articles (6 Chinese 1 English), and the Struts workflow is set forth in the shallow depth, and the Struts workflow is explained. It is rare that the article is a reader who is basically unknown to Struts. Of course To have a basic understanding of JSP / Servlet technology, and Model 1 and MODE 2 (MCV) framework, Struts is a relatively perfect implementation of Model 2. Ok, not much better, have any questions, can be raised here, more suggest you use it., basically nothing is can't find it.
First: [Chinese] Your first Struts application
Second: [Chinese] Struts application process control
Article 3: [Chinese] Optimize your Struts app with ActionForward
Article 4: [Chinese] Build a beautiful Struts application with ActionMapping
Article 5: [Chinese] HTML tag library provided using Struts
Article 6: [Chinese] Learn Struts and Form-related labels
Seventh: [English] Put Struts' HTML Tag Library to Work
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