A module that is very useful to debug, it improves the functionality of Dumper.
Take a look at the code below.
Use Data :: Dumper;
MY $ S = "scalar";
My @a = ("red", ["green", {Yellow => "Blue"}]);
MY% h = (name => "wti", lovecolor => "blue");
Print stderr Dumper ($ S, /% H, / @ a);
Print stderr Dumper ($ S,% h, @A);
# ------------------------------------------------- -----
# The Output Are:
# $ Var1 = 'scalar';
# $ Var2 = {
# 'name' => 'wti',
# 'LoveColor' => 'Blue'
# $ Var3 = [
# 'red',
# [
# 'Green',
# {
# 'YELLOW' => 'Blue'
# $ Var1 = 'scalar';
# $ Var2 = 'name';
# $ Var3 = 'wti';
# $ Var4 = 'lovecolor';
# $ Var5 = 'blue';
# $ Var6 = 'red';
# $ Var7 = [
# 'Green',
# {
# 'YELLOW' => 'Blue'
# ------------------------------------------------- -----
Use Data :: Dumper :: Simple;
Print stderr Dumper ($ S, /% H, / @ a);
# ------------------------------------------------- -----
# The Output Are:
# $ s = 'scalar';
# $ h = {
# 'name' => 'wti',
# 'LoveColor' => 'Blue'
# $ a = [
# 'red',
# [
# 'Green',
# {
# 'YELLOW' => 'Blue'
# ------------------------------------------------- ----- Print stderr Dumper ($ S,% h, @A);
# ------------------------------------------------- -----
# Outputs Are Same As Dumper ($ S, /% H, / @ a)
# ------------------------------------------------- -----