asp: checkbox:
ASP: Radiobutton:
ASP: HYPERLINK: Runat = "server" /> Note: 1 This control is differentUGATEURL and TARGATEURL differences ??? 2 can also add a name attribute example: Set and modify: myanchor.attributes ("name") = strnewname; 'Access: strnewname = myanchor.attributes ("name"); therefore, even if there is no NAME attribute, you can use this method to add a Name property. When you want to This kind of party when an element adds non-standard properties Law is useful. 4 can also apply imageURL attributes to implement using images as superconnections. ASP: LinkedButton: Reason for LinkButton! Similar to Button) In addition, you cannot use the image and can only use text. asp: image: (for displaying the image in the page, and accessing the control in the server code) ASP: Panel: (Create a way to format ASP: Label: asp: imageButton: ASP: TextBox: ASP: table: For (IntrowCount = 0; Introwcount <= Introws - 1; Introwcount ) {Objrow = New TableRow (); For (intcolcount = 0; intColcount <= INTCOLS - 1; INTCOLCOUNT) {Objcell = New Tablecell (); Objcell.controls.Add (New Litralcontrol ("R" Introwcount.toString () "C" INTCOLCOUNT.TOSTRING ()); objrow.cells.add (Objcell);} myControl.Rows.add (objrow);} // This ASP: Table and HTMLTABLE are: ASP: Table: Objcell.controls.add (New LiteralControl ("R" Introwcount.toString () "C" INTCOLCOUNT.TOSTRING ())); htmltable: objcell.innerhtml = "r" Introwcount "C" intColcount; reason is that the HTMLTable control is an HTMLTableCell object, and the ASP: Table Objcell is TableCell object ASP: LITERAL: (Configuring function: new literalcontrol ("string");) It is useful when putting it in the page. Example: