Windows message Daquan

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  34

WM_NULL = 0000; WM_CREATE = $ 0001; application creates a window WM_DESTROY = $ 0002; one window is destroyed WM_MOVE = $ 0003; moving a window WM_SIZE = $ 0005; change a window of the size WM_ACTIVATE = $ 0006; one window is activated or lost activation state; WM_SETFOCUS = $ 0007; WM_KILLFOCUS = $ 0008 after getting focus; lost focus WM_ENABLE = $ 000A; change Enable Status WM_SETREDRAW = $ 000B; Settings Window can redraw WM_SETTEXT = $ 000c; the application sends this message to set the text WM_Gettext = $ 000d; application sends this message to copy the text to the buffer wm_gettextLength = $ 000E for the corresponding window; get the length of the text related to a window (not including empty characters) WM_Paint = $ 000F; ask one window to call yourself WM_CLOSE = $ 0010; send a signal WM_QUERYENDSESSION = $ 0011 when a window or application is to be turned off; when the user selects the end dialog or the program you call the exitwindows function wm_quit = $ 0012; used to end the program to run or when the program calls PostquitMessage function wm_quitMessage function wm_quitMessage function WM_QUERYOPEN = $ 0013; When the user window restores the previous size position, send this message to an icon WM_ERASEBKGND = $ 0014; when the window background must be erased (case change the size of the window) WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE = 0015; send this message when the system color changes, send this message Give all top windows WM_ENDSESSION = $ 0016; After the system process issues a WM_QueryEndSession message, this message is sent to the application, informs it to end WM_SYSTEMERROR = $ 0017; WM_SHOWINDOW = 0018; when the hidden or display window is sent to this message to this message to this message to this message WM_ACTIVATEAPP = $ 001c; Send this message which window to the application is activated, which is non-activated; WM_FONTCHANGE = 001D; When the font resource library changes, this message is sent to all top windows WM_TIMECHANGE = $ 001E; send this message when the system changes to all top-level windows WM_CANCELMODE = $ 001f; send this message to cancel some of the ongoing touch state (operation) WM_SETCURSOR = 0020; if the mouse causes the cursor to move in a window and when the mouse input is not captured, send a message to a window WM_MouseActivate = $ 0021; when the cursor is in a non-activated window and the user is pressing the mouse A key sends this message to the current window wm_childactivate = $ 0022; send this message to the MDI sub-window When the user clicks on this window, or when the window is activated, move, change the size WM_QUEUESYNC = $ 0023; this message is trained by computer The program is sent, and the user input message wm_getminMaxInfo = $ 0024 is separated by WH_Journalpalyback's hook program; this message is sent to the window When it will change the size or position; WM_PaintICON = $ 0026;

Send to the minimization window When it is an icon, it will be to be redrawed with WM_ICONERaseBkGnd = $ 0027; this message is sent to a minimized window, only when it is drawing the icon, its background must be saved WM_NEXTDLGCTL = $ 0028; send this message to a conversation Box program to change the focus position wm_spoolerstatus = $ 002a; Whenever the print management column is added or decreases this message WM_DRAWITEM = 002B; when Button, ComboBox, ListBox, the visual appearance change of the Menu Send this message to these empty Owner wm_measureItem = $ 002c; when Button, Combo Box, List Box, List View Control, or Menu Item is created, this message is sent to the control owner wm_deleteItem = $ 002d; when the list box or Combo Box is destroyed or when certain items are deleted by LB_DELETESTRING, LB_RESETCONTENT, CB_DELETESTRING, or CB_RESETCONTENT message WM_VKEYTOITEM = $ 002E; this message is sent to a style LBS_WANTKEYBOARDINPUT its owner in response to WM_KEYDOWN message WM_CHARTOITEM = $ 002F; this message is used by a style LBS_WANTKEYBOARDINPUT The list box sends to his owner to respond to the WM_CHAR message WM_SETFONT = $ 0030; when the program is drawn, the program is sent to the color wm_getfont = $ 0031; the application sends this message to get the current control to draw the text WM_SETHOTKEY = $ 0032 Application Send this message to let a window associate with a hotkey WM_GETHOTKEY = $ 0033; the application sends this message to determine if the hotkey is associated with the associated wm_querydragicon = $ 0037; this message is sent to the minimum window, when this window The icon is to be dragged and dropped and the icon can be defined in its class. The application can return a handle of an icon or cursor. When the user drags and drop icons, the system displays this icon or cursor WM_CompareItem = $ 0039; send this message to determine ComboBox or Lis The relative position of TBOX is wm_getobject = $ 003d; wm_compacting = $ 0041; Show memory has rare WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING = $ 0046; send this message to the size and location of the window to call the SETWINDOWPOS function or other window management Function WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED = $ 0047; Send this message to the size and location of the window have been changed, call the SETWINDOWPOS function or other window management function WM_POWER = $ 0048; (for 16-bit Windows) When the system will send this Message WM_COPYDATA = $ 004A; send this message when an application is transmitted to another application WM_CANCELJournall = $ 004B; when a user cancels the program log activation status, submit this message to the program WM_NOTIFY = 004E; when a control An event has occurred or this control needs to get some information, send this message to its parent window WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST = $ 0050; when the user selects a certain input language, or the hotkey of the language changes WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE = $ 0051;

When the platform has been changed, then send this message to the affected top window WM_TCARD = $ 0052; send this message when the program has initialized the Windows Help routine; this message is sent to the application WM_HELP = 0053; this message shows that the user presses F1, if A menu is activated, send this message, this message is associated with the menu, otherwise send it to the focus window, if there is no focus, you will send this message to the current activation window WM_UserChanged = $ 0054; After login or exit, send this message to all windows, when the user logs in or exits, the system updates the user's specific setup information, and the system will send this message immediately when the user update settings; WM_NOTIFORMAT = $ 0055; public control, custom controls and their The parent window uses this message to determine whether the control is using ansi or a Unicode structure in the WM_NOTIFY message, using this control to communicate with its parent control WM_CONTEXTMENU = 007b; when the user is clicked in a window Right click on this message to this message to this window WM_StyleChanging = 007c; send this message when the calling setWindowlong function will change the style of one or more windows to the window WM_Stylechanged = $ 007d; Send this message to that window WM_DISPLAYCHANGE = $ 007E; send this message to all windows WM_GETICON = $ 007f after the resolution change changes; this message is sent to a window to return to a large icon or small Icon handle; wm_seticon = 0080; program sends this message to let a new big icon or small icon associate with a window; WM_NCCREATE = $ 0081; When a window is created first, this message is sent before the WM_CREATE message WM_NCDESTROY = $ 0082; This message notifies a window, the non-client area is destroying WM_NCCALCSIZE = $ 0083; when a window customer area must be asked to send this message WM_NCHITTEST = 0084; // Move the mouse, press and hold or release the mouse WM_NCPAINT = $ 0085; the program sends this message to a window when it (window) must be drawn; wm_ncactivate = $ 0086; this The message is sent to a window only when its non-client needs to be changed to display is activated or inactive; WM_GETDLGCODE = $ 0087; send this message to a control associated with the dialog program, Widdows control orientation key, and Tab keys Entering the input into this control by responding to the WM_GETDLGCODE message, the application can treat him as a special input control and can handle it WM_ncmouseMove = $ 00A0; send this message when the cursor is moving in a window's non-customer area to this window // Non-client is: the edge of the form of the form and the edge of the window WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN = $ 00a1; when the cursor is pressed at the non-client area of ​​a window, submit this message WM_NCLBUTTONUP = $ 00A2; when the user releases the left mouse button At the same time, a window sends this message in a non-client zone; WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK = $ 00A3; When the user doubles the left mouse button, the cursor is sent in the non-client zone 10 to send this message WM_ncrButtondown = $ 00A4; when the user right click The cursor is sent to this message when the window is non-customer district, WM_NCRBUTTONUP = $ 00A5;

When the user releases the mouse button while the cursor is sent to the window's non-client district when the window is sent to the non-client district, this message is sent to this message; when the user doubles the mouse button, the spectrum is sent in the non-client zone 10 to send this message wm_ncmbuttondown = $ 00A7; when the user presses The mouse button also sends this message when the cursor is in the non-client district of the window, WM_NCMBUTTONUP = $ 00A8; when the user releases the mouse button while the cursor is sent to the window WM_NCMBUTTONDBLCLK = $ 00A9; when the user doubles the mouse The key simultaneously transmits this message when the cursor is in the non-client district of the window; wm_keydown = $ 0100; // Press a key WM_KEYUP = $ 0101; // Release a key WM_CHAR = $ 0102; // Press a key, and have already Send WM_KEYDOWN, WM_KEYUP message WM_DEADCHAR = $ 0103; send this message to the window WM_SYSKEYDOWN = $ 0104 when using the translateMessage function to the focus; when the user holds down the Alt button, submit this message to the window of the focus. WM_SYSKEYUP = $ 0105; while the ALT key is also submitted when the user releases a key pressing when the message to the window WM_SYSCHAR has focus = $ 0106; submitted message to the window WM_SYSDEADCHAR has focus = $ 0107 when WM_SYSKEYDOWN message after being TRANSLATEMESSAGE function translated; when WM_SYSKEYDOWN The message was sent to the translateMessage function to send this message to the window WM_KEYLAST = $ 0108; WM_INITDIALOG = $ 0110; send this message before a dialog program is displayed, usually use this message to initialize the control and perform other tasks WM_COMMAND = $ 0111; When the user selects a menu command item or when a control sends a message to its parent window, a shortcut is translated WM_SYSCOMMAND = $ 012; when the user selects a command to select the window menu or when the user selects maximizes or minimizes the window WM_TIMER = $ 0113; //, a timer event WM_HSCROLL = $ 0114; when a window standard level The scroll bar generates a scrolling event to send this message to that window, also sent to the control WM_VSCROLL = $ 0115 that has its control; when a window standard vertical scroll bar generates a scrolling event to send this message to that window, send it to own it Control WM_INITMENU = $ 0116; When a menu will send this message when a menu will be activated, it happens to a menu button in the user menu bar, which allows the program to change the menu wm_initmenupopupup = $ 0117; when a drop-down menu Or the submenu will send this message when it is activated, which allows the program to change the menu before it display, not to change all WM_MENUSELECT = 011f; send this message to the menu when the user selects a menu item (generally the window) WM_MenuChar = $ 0120; When the menu has been activated by the user (different from the acceleration button), send this message to the owner of the menu; WM_EnterIdle = $ 0121; send it when a modal dialog or menu enters an on-load state This message gives it to the owner, a modal dialog or menu into the no-load status is to wait for a series after a previous message, there is no message to wait for WM_MenurButtonUp = $ 0122; wm_menudrag =

$ 0123; WM_MENUGETOBJECT = $ 0124; WM_UNINITMENUPOPUP = $ 0125; WM_MENUCOMMAND = $ 0126; WM_CHANGEUISTATE = $ 0127; WM_UPDATEUISTATE = $ 0128; WM_QUERYUISTATE = $ 0129; WM_CTLCOLORMSGBOX = $ 0132; This message is sent before the windows drawn message box to the owner window message frame, in response to which Bar message, the owner window can set the text and background color wm_ctlcoloredit = $ 0133 of the message box with the handle of the given related display device; send this message to its parent window when an edit control will be drawn; This message, the owner window can set the edit box for text and background color wm_ctlcolorListbox = $ 0134 by using a given relevant display device; when a list box control will be drawn before sending this message to its parent window; pass In response to this message, the owner window can set the list box for text and background color wm_ctlcolorbtn = $ 0135 by using a given related display device; send this message to its parent window when a button control will be drawn; In response to this message, the owner window can set the text and background color WM_CTLCOLORDLG = $ 0136 by using a given related display device; when a dialog control will be drawn before you send this message to its parent window; By responding to this message, the owner window can set the text background color WM_CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR = $ 0137 by using the given related display device; when a scroll bar control will be drawn, send this message to its parent window; By responding to this message, the owner window can set the background color WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC = $ 0138 by using a given related display device; when a static control will be drawn, send this message to its parent window; This message, the owner window can set the text and background color wm_mousefirst = $ 0200; WM_MOUSEMOVE = $ 0200; // mobile mouse WM_LBUTTONDOWN = $ 0201; // Press the left mouse button WM_LBUTTONUP = $ 0202; // Release mice Standard Left WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK = $ 0203; // double-click the left mouse button WM_RBUTTONDOWN = $ 0204; // press the right mouse button WM_RBUTTONUP = $ 0205; // release the right mouse button WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK = $ 0206; // Double-click the right mouse button WM_MBUTTONDOWN = $ 0207; // press the mouse Zhongkey WM_MBUTTONUP = $ 0208; // Release Mouse button WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK = $ 0209; // Double click on the mouse button WM_MOUSEWHEEL = $ 020A; send this message when the mouse wheel is rotated, the current focus control WM_MouseLast = $ 020210; When the MDI sub-window is created or destroyed, or the user presses the mouse button and the cursor will send this message to the parent window WM_EnterMenuloop = $ 0211; send this message to notify the application's main window That already entered the menu Cycle mode WM_EXITMENULOOP = $ 0212;

Send this message to notify the application's main window That has exited menu loop mode WM_NEXTMENU = $ 0213; wm_sizing = 532; When the user is adjusting the window to send this message to the window; through this message application can monitor window size and location Modify them wm_capturechanged = 533; send this message to the window When it lost the captured mouse; WM_MOVING = 534; When the user sends this message when the window, this message application can monitor the window size and position can also modify them; WM_PowerBroadcast = 536; This message is sent to the application to inform it to notify the power management event; WM_DeviceChange = 537; send this message to the application or device driver WM_IME_STARTCOMPSITION = $ 010D; wm_ime_composition = $ 010E; WM_IME_Composition = $ 010E; WM_IME_Composition = $ 010E; wm_ime_composition = $ 010e; wm_ime_composition = $ 010E; wm_ime_composition = $ 010F; WM_IME_KEYLAST = $ 010F; WM_IME_SETCONTEXT = $ 0281; WM_IME_NOTIFY = $ 0282; WM_IME_CONTROL = $ 0283; WM_IME_COMPOSITIONFULL = $ 0284; WM_IME_SELECT = $ 0285; WM_IME_CHAR = $ 0286; WM_IME_REQUEST = $ 0288; WM_IME_KEYDOWN = $ 0290; WM_IME_KEYUP = $ 0291; WM_MDICREATE = $ 0220; application Send this message to a multi-document customer window to create a MDI sub-window WM_MDIDESTROY = $ 0221; the application sends this message to the multi-document client window to close a MDI sub-window WM_MDIACTIVATE = $ 0222; application sends this message to multi-document customers The window notifies the client window to activate another MDI sub-window. After the customer window receives this message, it issues a WM_MDIACTIVE message to activate it to the MDI sub-window (not activated); WM_MDIRESTORE = $ 0223; program sends this message to the MDI customer window to make sub-windows Restore from the maximum minimization to the original size WM_MDINEXT = $ 0224; the program sends this message to the MDI customer window Activate the next or the previous window WM_MDIMAXIMIZE = $ 0225; the program sends this message to maximize a MDI client window; WM_MDITILE = $ 0226; program sends this message to the MDI customer window to rearrange all MDI sub-window WM_MDICASCADE = $ 0227; Program Send this message to the MDI client window to rearrange all MDI sub-window WM_MDIICONARRANGE = $ 0228; program sends this message to rearrange all minimized MDI sub-window WM_MDiGetActive = $ 0229; program sends this message MDI client window to find the active sub-window handle WM_MDISETMENU = $ 0230; sends this message to the MDI client window instead of the menu WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE child window by MDI menu = $ 0231; WM_EXITSIZEMOVE = $ 0232; WM_DROPFILES = $ 0233; WM_MDIREFRESHMENU = $ 0234; WM_MOUSEHOVER = $ 02 A1; WM_MOUSELEAVE = $ 02A3; WM_CUT = $ 0300;

The program sends this message to an edit box or ComboBox to delete the currently selected text wm_copy = $ 0301; the program sends this message to a edit box or ComboBox to copy the currently selected text to the clipboard WM_PASTE = $ 0302; the program sends this message to EditControl or combobox obtained from the clipboard data WM_CLEAR = $ 0303; program sends the message to editcontrol or combobox clear the currently selected content; WM_UNDO = $ 0304; program sends the message to editcontrol or combobox undo the last operation WM_RENDERFORMAT = $ 0305; WM_RENDERALLFORMATS = $ 0306; WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD = $ 0307; send this message to the owner of the clipboard to the clipboard to view the first window of the clipboard to observe the chain when the content changes the content change of the clipboard; it allows the window to observe the window with a clipboard display the new contents of the clipboard; WM_PAINTCLIPBOARD = $ 0309; when a clipboard format and contains data CF_OWNERDIPLAY clipboard viewing window client area needs to be redrawn; WM_VSCROLLCLIPBOARD = $ 030A; WM_SIZECLIPBOARD = $ 030B; when a clipboard format and contains data CF_OWNERDIPLAY The size of the client area of ​​the clipboard observation window has changed this message to send the owner of the clipboard by the clipboard observation window; WM_ASKCBFORMATNAME = $ 030c; send this message to the owner of the clipboard to request a cf_ownerdisplay by sending this message through the clipboard watch window The name of the clipboard of the format WM_CHANGECBCHAIN ​​= $ 030D; when a window is removed from the clipboard observation chain to send this message to the first window of the clipboard to observe the chain; WM_HScrollClipboard = $ 030E; this message passes a clipboard watch window The owner sent to the clipboard; it occurs in the clipboard contains data in the CFOWNERDispaly format and has an event on the horizontal scroll bar of the clipboard viewing window; the owner should scroll the clipboard image and update the value of the scroll bar; WM_QuerynewPalette = $ 030f; This message is sent to the window to receive the focus, this message can make the window receive At the same time, there is a chance to achieve his logical palette WM_PALETTEISCHANGING = $ 0310; when an application is going to implement its logical palette, you send this message to notify all applications WM_PALETTECHANGED = $ 0311; this message is in a window with focus After achieving its logical palette, send this message to all top-level and overlapping windows to change the system palette WM_HOTKEY = $ 0312; submit this message when the user presses the hotkey registered by the RegisterhotKey function. WM_PRINT = 791; application sends this message only if the WINDOWS or other application makes part of a request requires the drawing of an application; WM_PRINTCLIENT = 792; WM_HANDHELDFIRST = 856; WM_HANDHELDLAST = 863; WM_PENWINFIRST = $ 0380; WM_PENWINLAST = $ 038F; WM_COALESCE_FIRST = $ 0390; WM_COALESCE_LAST = $ 039f; WM_DDE_FIRST = $ 03E0; WM_DDE_INITIATE = WM_DDE_FIRST 0;

A DDE client submits this message to start a session of the server to respond to the specified program and theme name; WM_DDE_TERMINATE = WM_DDE_FIRST 1; a DDE application (whether a customer or server) submits this message to terminate a session; WM_DDE_ADVISE = WM_DDE_First 2; a DDE client submits this message to a DDE service program to request the server whenever the data item is changed when the data item changes it when the data item changes it, WM_DDE_UNADVISE = WM_DDE_FIRST 3; a DDE client notifies a DDE service to not update the specified a particular item or items clipboard format WM_DDE_ACK = WM_DDE_FIRST 4; this message informs a DDE (dynamic data exchange) program has been received and is being processed WM_DDE_POKE, WM_DDE_EXECUTE, WM_DDE_DATA, WM_DDE_ADVISE, WM_DDE_UNADVISE, or WM_DDE_INITIAT message WM_DDE_DATA = WM_DDE_FIRST 5; a DDE service program submits this message to the DDE client to deliver a data item to a customer or notifying a customer's available data item WM_DDE_REQUEST = WM_DDE_DDE_REQUEST = WM_DDE_FIRST 6; a DDE client submits this message to a DDE service program to request a DDE service The value of the data item; WM_DDE_POKE = WM_DDE_FIRST 7; a DDE client submits this message to a DDE service program, the customer uses this message to request the server to receive an unadcoming data item; the server passes the WM_DDE_ACK message prompt whether it receives this Data item; WM_DDE_EXECUTE = WM_DDE_EXECUTE = WM_DDE_FIRST 8; a DDE client submits this message to a DDE service program to send a string to let it be processed like a serial command, the server responds by submitting the WM_DDE_ACK message; WM_DDE_LAST = WM_DDE_FIRST 8; WM_APP = $ 8000; wm_user = $ 0400; ************************************************** ************** Notification Message refers to such a message, some of the child controls in one window, need to notify the parent window mouth. The notification message is only available for standard window controls such as buttons, list boxes, combo boxs, edit boxes, and Windows 95 public controls such as tree views, list views, etc. For example, click or double-click a control, select some text in the control, and the scroll bar of the operating control will generate a notification message.


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