There are two things worth doing you. You seek you love when you take a road for you seek, IF YOUR, IF There Is Something You Are Unhappy About You Must Change It. In fact, only you can decide your own destiny, don't envy the people, they grow up from their own efforts, as long as you believe in yourself, as long as you work, you are like a cattle. The road is very bitter, at least I think it is very lonely, very desperate. But in loneliness and despair, I will have to find a rare passion, so I would rather be alone. Don't care about someone Always Believe in YourSelf for your Happiness depend on NoBody but you. If you love, it is very good, the two will go with the other side of the ocean, and they will fight hard for hope and pursue, too Well, do not say if you do that fellow Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some people move our souls to dance. They awaken us to new understanding with the passing whisper of their wisdom. Some people make the sky more beautiful To Gaze Upon. The day in our lives for awhat, leave footprints on our hearts, And we are never success, every time I saw this passage, in fact, a lot of things just have a cloud smoke, and then look back, just people make Make The Sky More Beautiful To Gaze Uponif You Love Somene.let The is Mean to Be.if The you don't begin with. Actually, what you have to do is - Run to make the world more beautiful to Gaze Upon only like this to remember you. Finally, make up NEVER, Never, Never, Never Give Up. - Winston Churchill