VC common data type use conversion detailed explanation

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  42

Let's first define some common type variables to explain

INT i = 100;

LONG L = 2001;

Float f = 300.2;

Double D = 12345.119;

CHAR Username [] = "Cheng Peijun";

CHAR TEMP [200];


CString Str;



First, other data types are converted to strings


ITOA (I, TEMP, 10); /// converts I to a string into the TEMP, the last number represents decimal

ITOA (I, TEMP, 2); // Press binary conversion

Long integer (long)

LTOA (L, TEMP, 10);

Float (Float, Double)

Use FCVT to complete the conversion, this is an example in MSDN:

INT Decimal, SIGN;

Char * buffer;

Double Source = 3.1415926535;

Buffer = _fcvt (Source, 7, & Decimal, & Sign);

Run results: Source: 3.1415926535 BUFFER: '31415927' Decimal: 1 Sign: 0

Decimal represents the position of the decimal point, SIGN represents the symbol: 0 is positive, 1 is negative

CSTRING variable

Str = "2008 Beijing Olympics";


BSTR variable

BSTR BSTRVALUE = :: sysallocstring (l "programmer");

Char * buf = _com_util :: ConvertBSTRTSTRING (BSTRVALUE);

Sysfreeestring (BStrValue);

AfxMessageBox (BUF);


CCOMBSTR variable


Char * buf = _com_util :: convertBSTRTSTRING (BSTRVAR.M_STR);

AfxMessageBox (BUF);


_BSTR_T variable

_BSTR_T type is package to BSTR, because it has been overloaded = operator, so it is easy to use


Const char * buf = bstrvar; // / Do not modify the content in BUF

AfxMessageBox (BUF);

General method (for non-COM data type)

Complete conversion with Sprintf

Char buffer [200];

CHAR C = '1';

INT i = 35;

Long J = 1000;

Float f = 1.7320534F;

Sprintf (buffer, "% c", c);

Sprintf (buffer, "% d", i);

Sprintf (buffer, "% d", j);

Sprintf (buffer, "% f", f);

Second, the string is converted to other data types

STRCPY (TEMP, "123");



Long integer (long)

l = atol (TEMP);



CSTRING variable

CString name = TEMP;

BSTR variable

BSTR BSTRVALUE = :: sysallocstring (l "programmer");

... // Complete using sysfreestring (BStrValue) for BSTRVALUE;

CCOMBSTR variable

CCOMBSTR type variable can be directly assigned



_BSTR_T variable

_BSTR_T type variable can be directly assigned



Third, other data types are converted to cstring

Use the cstring member function Format to convert, for example:

Integer (Int)

Str.Format ("% d", i);

Floating point number (float)

Str.Format ("% f", i);

String pointer (char *), etc., has been supported by the CSTRING constructor can be assigned

Str = username;

For data types that Format are not supported, you can transfer to Char * by transformation of other data types to the char *, and then assign the CString variable.


CCOMBSTR is the package of ATL to BSTR, _BSTR_T is C to BSTR package, BSTR is a 32-bit pointer, but does not directly point to buffers of strings.

CHAR * Convert to BSTR can be like this:

BSTR B = _COM_UTIL :: ConvertStringTobstr ("Data"); /// Before using Comutil.h and ComSupp.lib

Sysfreeestring (BStrValue);


Char * p = _com_util :: ConvertBSTRTRTSTRING (B);

Delete P;

Specifically, refer to the specific description of the second paragraph.

CCOMBSTR is overloaded with _BSTR_t, which can be done directly =,! =, ==, etc., so it is very convenient to use.

Especially _bstr_t, it is recommended to use it.

Five, Variant, _variant_t and Colevariant

Variant's structure can refer to the definition of struct tagvariant in the header file VC98 / include / OAIDL.H.

For the assignment of Variant variables: First assign a value to the VT member, indicate the data type, and then assign a value to the same data type in the joint structure, and give an example:

Variant VA;

INT A = 2001;

va.vt = vt_i4; // indicates integer data

va.lval = a; // / assignment

For Variant that doesn't assign values, it is best to use Void Variantinit (Variantarg Far * Pvarg); in initialization, the essence is set to vt_empty, the following table, the following table, the following table, the following table, the corresponding relationship of VT and common data:

BYTE BVAL; // vt_ui1.

Short ival; // vt_i2.

Long lval; // vt_i4.

Float fltval; // vt_r4.

Double dblval; // vt_r8.

Variant_bool boolval; // vt_bool.

Scode scode; // vt_error.

Cy cyval; // vt_cy.

Date Date; // vt_date.

BSTR BSTRVAL; // vt_bstr.

Decimal Far * pdecval // vt_byref | vt_decimal.

IUNKNOWN FAR * PUNKVAL; // vt_unknown.

Idispatch far * pdispval; // vt_dispatch.

Safearray Far * Parray; // vt_Array | * .bete far * pbval; // vt_byref | vt_ui1.

Short far * pival; // vt_byref | vt_i2.

Long far * plval; // vt_byref | vt_i4.

FLOAT FAR * pfltval; // vt_byref | VT_R4.

Double Far * pdblval; // vt_byref | vt_r8.

Variant_bool far * pboolval; // vt_byref | vt_bool.

Scode FAR * pscode; // vt_byref | vt_error.

CY FAR * PCYVAL; // vt_byref | vt_cy.

Date Far * pdate; // vt_byref | vt_date.

BSTR FAR * PBSTRVAL; // vt_byref | VT_BSTR.


Idispatch Far * Far * ppdispval; // vt_byref | vt_dispatch.

SafeArray Far * Far * PPARRAY; // vt_Array | *.

Variant Far * pvarval; // vt_byref | vt_variant.

Void Far * byref; // generic byref.

CHAR CVAL; // vt_i1.

Unsigned short uival; // vt_ui2.

Unsigned long ulval; // vt_ui4.

INT INTVAL; // vt_int.

Unsigned int uintval; // vt_uint.

Char far * pcval; // vt_byref | vt_i1.

UNSIGNED SHORT FAR * PUIVAL; // vt_byref | vt_ui2.

Unsigned long far * pulval; // vt_byref | vt_ui4.

INT FAR * PINTVAL; // vt_byref | vt_int.

Unsigned int far * puintval; // vt_byref | vt_uint.

_Variant_t is a Variant's package class whose assignment can use forced type conversion, and its constructor automatically processes these data types.

Plus #include


Long L = 222;

ING I = 100;


LVAL = (long) i;

The use of Colevariant is basically the same as _variant_t, please refer to the following example:

Colevariant V3 = "String", V4 = (long) 1999;

CString str = (bstr) v3.pbstrval;

Long i = v4.lval;

Sixth, some other COM data type

Get CLSID according to Progid



CLSIDFROMPROGID (L "Mapi.Folder", & clsid;

Get Progid according to CLSID


For example, we have defined a CLSID_IAPPLICATION, the following code gets progid

LPolestr pprogid = 0; progidFromclsid (CLSID_IApplication, & PProgID);

... // / Can use PPROGID

CotaskMemfree (PPROGID); / / Don't forget to release

Seven, ANSI and Unicode

Unicode is called a wide character string, and it is all Unicode strings in COM.

Convert ANSI to Unicode

(1) Implementing this macro, for example: CLSIDFROMPROGID (L "Mapi.Folder", & clsid;

(2) Implement conversions through the multibytetowideChar function, for example:

Char * szprogid = "mapi.folder";

Wchar szwideprogid [128];


Long Llen = MultibyToWideChar (CP_ACP, 0, SZProgid, StrogID), SzwideProgid, SizeOf (SzwideProgid);

SzwideProgid [llen] = '/ 0';

(3) Implementation through A2W macro, for example:


CLSIDFROMPROGID (A2W (SZProgid), & clsid;

Convert Unicode to ANSI

(1) Use WideChartomultibyte, for example:

/ / Suppose already has a Unicode string wszsomeString ...

Char szanstruing [max_path];

WideChartomultibyte (CP_ACP, WC_CompositeCheck, Wszsomestring, -1, Szanstructed, Sizeof (Szanstructed), NULL, NULL;

(2) Use W2a macro to achieve, for example:


PTEMP = W2A (WSZSomstring);

Eight, other

In the processing of the message, we often need 32-bit data (DWORD) such as WPARAM or LPARAM to be decomposed into two 16-bit data (Word), for example:

LParam Lparam;

Word Lovalue = loword (lparam); /// Take 16 bits

Word HiValue = HiWord (LPARAM); /// Take 16

For 16-bit data (Word) we can decompose to two 8-bit data (byte) with the same method, for example:

Word wvalue;

Byte Lovalue = LobyTe (WVALUE); /// Take 8 digits

BYTE HIVALUE = Hibyte (Wvalue); /// Take 8 digits

Two 16-bit data (Word) synthesis 32-bit data (DWORD, LRESULT, LPARAM, or WPARAM)

Long Makelong (Word Wlow, Word WHIGH);

WParam MakewParam (Word Wlow, Word WHIGH);

LParam MakelParam (Word Wlow, Word WHIGH);

LResult MakelResult (Word Wlow, Word WHIGH);

Two 8-bit data (Byte) synthesized 16-bit data (Word)

Word Makeword (Byte Blow, Byte Bhigh);

From R (RED), G (Green), B (Blue) three colors get color value of ColorRef types

ColorRef RGB (byte Byred, Byte Byte Byblue);

For example, ColorRef Bkcolor = RGB (0x22, 0x98, 0x34);

From the color type color value to RGB three color values ​​byte red = getRvalue (bkcolor); // Nest red color

Byte green = getGvalue (bkcolor); // get green color

Byte blue = getbvalue (bkcolor); // gets the blue color

Nine, precautions

If you need to use the CONVERTBSTRTSTRING such function, you need to add the header file Comutil.h and add comsupp.lib or directly below #pragma Comment (Lib, "COMSUPPP.LIB").


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