WAP development notes (2)

zhaozj2021-02-12  163

Making pictures, I am afraid the most headache is the problem of the picture, and the ringtone is relatively simple. The author has spent a lot of time in this regard, especially Unicom's headquarters, requires very strict business online (Unicom regulations) must be paved throughout the mobile phone screen, but some mobile phones will be made to make pictures in accordance with the UA parameters, often is dissatisfied with the entire screen, At this time you need you to go to the test, find the best size of the picture). Initially CDMA mobile phone, as long as the 4 mobile phones designated by Unicom (LG8080, Moto730, ZTE G218, Samsung X199, Sanyo 550) and other brands of 7, 8 mobile phone adaptation, the business can basically go online, and The mobile phone that must be adapted now has reached 24. The ringtone includes three formats of MIDI, PMD, MMF. The specific RB download procedure is actually very simple, as long as you write according to the DownLfun specification in the WAP Forum, it is easy to get it. The following is an example of ASP code:

Get a mobile phone wallpaper size:

SIZE = Request ("http_x_up_devcap_screenpixels") 'Height Width

Get the model of your phone:

Str = Request.serverVariables ("all_http") T = INSTR (1, Str, "http_user_agent") 16 E = INSTR (T, Str, "/") - t mobile_type = mid (Str, T, E)

Get real mobile phone numbers (requires Unicom to open permissions, in general, Unicom will not open the permissions of the mobile phone number, can be replaced with device_id, this parameter is 256)

Mobile = request.serverVariables ("http_x_up_calling_line_id") Mobile = MID (Mobile, 3,11)

Download some code: (need to go to Unicom application download permissions, the picture format is PNG)


Source: Provide absolute path to download images;

Object: Download object

STATUS: Download Status Parameter Receive Page

There are three values ​​passing over

Status = Request ("status")

Select Case Statuscase "OK" MSG = "Download Success" Case "Timeout" MSG = "timeout, please re-download!" Case "out_of_memoty" msg = "Your mobile phone is not enough!" Case Else Msg = "Download Failed!" END SELECT <%

The preview size provided before downloading cannot exceed 8,000 bytes, otherwise it will not be downloaded.

to be continued. . .


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