Software version: CVSNT-
, TortoiseCVS (Chinese)
There is nothing special in installation, just like the usual windows program. Restart after installing.
I want to do G: / mycvs as my CVS warehouse.
Configuration: First open CVSNT Service Control Panel, first stop the CVS Service with CVS Lock Service to select Repository Pre: Send Repositoty Pre: Select. Directory option g: /, click the add option to the list of the ADD option to select the directory G: /MYCVS.OK prompt installation. After success, as shown below: (It is best to turn the firewall)
All options are selected in the Advanced option. Start the service after the application.
an examination:
Enter the CMD (DOS window): set cvsroot =: SSPI: / mycvs
The machine name or IP can be set. The following / mycvs is the roots directory defined above.
Then enter: CVS Passwd -a
Good luck!
Settings in Eclipse 3:
You can now create or open a project to share your code.
Other files can also be CVS:
TortoiseCVS (Chinese version) This file is installed after installation. There are more than one in the right mumula.