This is a I wrote for RH8, with RH8, use SIMSUN Chinese and put Simusn in / usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / fonts / trueType Friends can copy Code to text editor to save as Zh.Redhat can take effect directly to the LIB in the J2RE installation directory. (For other Linux users and RH8 set different friends's modifications, I will make the modification principle annotation in Code, please modify the friends of different settings, and save is saved as in the text editor .zh or to copy to the LIB of the J2RE installation directory to take effect)
Code: # @ (#) 1.4 02/10/13 # # Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Creation by Penpen # # 有 有 # -Misc-SIMSUN- Medium-r-normal - * -% d - * - * - c - * - GB2312.1980-0 # is where you can modify yourself, this is the designation of the font, which is SIMSUN. # You can replace all font settings at once with the replacement function of the text editor, pay attention to the value format. # 关于 字 设置 设置 的 "- * -% D - * - * - C - * -" Do not modify it.
# # Component font mappings # serif.0 = -b & h-lucidabright-medium-r-normal - * -% D - * - * - p - * - ISO8859-1 Serif.1 = -Misc-simsun-medium-r -NORMAL - * -% D - * - * - C - * - GB2312.1980-0 Serif.italic.0 = -b & h-lucidabright-medium-i-normal - * -% D - * - * - P - * - ISO8859-1 serif.italic.1 = -Misc-simsun-medium-r-NORMAL - * -% D - * - * - C - * - GB2312.1980-0 Serif.Bold.0 = -b & h -Lucidabright-Demibold-R-NORMAL - * -% D - * - * - P - * - ISO8859-1 Serif.Bold.1 = -Misc-SIMSUN-Medium-r-Normal - * -% D- * - * - C - * - GB2312.1980-0 Serif.Bolditalic.0 = -b & h-lucidabright-Demibold-i-Normal - * -% D - * - * - P - * - ISO8859-1 Serif.BoldiC. 1 = -Misc-simsun-medium-r-normal - * -% D - * - * - c - * - GB2312.1980-0 Sansserif.0 = -b & h-lucidasans-medium-r-normal-sans- * -% D - * - * - p - * - ISO8859-1 Sansserif.1 = -Misc-simsun-medium-r-NORMAL - * -% D - * - * - C - * - GB2312.1980-0 SanSserif .italic.0 = -b & h-lucidasans-medium-i-normal-sans - * -% d - * - * - p - * - ISO8859-1 sansserif.italic.1 = -Misc-simsun-medium-r-Normal - * -% D - * - * - C - * - GB2312.1980-0 Sansserif.Bold.0 = -b & h-lucidasans-bold-r-normal-sans - * -% D - * - * - P- * -ISO8859-1 sansserif.bold.1 = -MISC-SI Msun-Medium-R-Normal - * -% D - * - * - C - * - GB2312.1980-0 Sansserif.Bolditalic.0 = -b & h-lucidasans-bold-i-normal-sans - * -% d - * - * - p - * - ISO8859-1 Sansserif.Bolditalic.1 = -Misc-simsun-medium-r-NORMAL - * -% D - * - * - C - * - GB2312.1980-0 Monospaced. 0 = -b & h-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-normal-sans - * -% d - * - * - m - * - ISO8859-1 monospaced.1 = -Misc-simsun-medium-r-normal - * -% D - * - * - c - * - GB2312.1980-0 Monospaced.italic.0 = -b & h-lucidatypewriter-Medium-r-NORMAL-SANS - * -% D - * - * - M - * - ISO8859-1 Monospaced.italic.1 = -misc-simsun-medium-r-normal - * -% D - * - * - c - * - GB2312.1980-0 Monospaced.Bold.0 = -b &
H-lucidatypewriter-bold-r-normal-sans - * -% d - * - * - m - * - ISO8859-1 monospaced.bold.1 = -Misc-simsun-medium-r-normal - * -% D - * - * - C - * - GB2312.1980-0 Monospaced.bolditalic.0 = -b & h-lucidatypewriter-bold-r-normal-sans - * -% d - * - * - m - * - ISO8859-1 monospaced .bolditalic.1 = -Misc-simsun-medium-r-NORMAL - * -% D - * - * - - C - * - GB2312.1980-0 Dialog.0 = -b & h-lucidasans-medium-r-normal- SANS - * -% D - * - * - - P - * - ISO8859-1 Dialog.1 = -Misc-SIMSUN-Medium-R-NORMAL - * -% D - * - * - C - * - GB2312.1980 -0 Dialog.italic.0 = -b & h-lucidasans-medium-i-normal-sans - * -% d - * - * - p - * - ISO8859-1 Dialog.italic.1 = -Misc-simsun-medium- R-NORMAL - * -% D - * - * - C - * - GB2312.1980-0 Dialog.Bold.0 = -b & h-lucidasans-bold-r-NORMAL-SANS - * -% D - * - * -p - * - ISO8859-1 Dialog.Bold.1 = -Misc-SIMSUN-Medium-R-NORMAL - * -% D - * - * - C - * - GB2312.1980-0 Dialog.bolditalic.0 = -b & h-lucidasans-bold-i-normal-sans - * -% d - * - * - p - * - ISO8859-1 Dialog.Bolditalic.1 = -Misc-simsun-medium-r-normal - * -% D - * - * - c - * - GB2312.1980-0 Dialoginput.0 = -b & h-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-normal-sans - * -% d - * - * - m - * - ISO8859-1 Dialoginput. 1 = -Misc-SIMSUN-Medium -R-NORMAL - * -% D - * - * - C - * - GB2312.1980-0 Dialoginput.italic.0 = -b & h-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-normal-sans - * -% D - * - * -M - * - ISO8859-1 Dialoginput.italic.1 = -Misc-simsun-medium-r-normal - * -% D - * - * - C - * - GB2312.1980-0 Dialoginput.Bold.0 = -b & h-lucidatypewriter-bold-r-normal-sans - * -% D - * - * - m - * - ISO8859-1 Dialoginput.Bold.1 = -Misc-simsun-medium-r-normal - * - % D - * - * - C - * - GB2312.1980-0 Dialoginput.bolditalic.0 = -b & h-lucidatypewriter-bold-r-normal-sans - * -% d - * - * - m - * - ISO8859- 1 Dialoginput.Bolditalic.1 = -Misc-simsun-medium-r-normal - * -% d - * - * - c - * - GB2312.1980-0 # missing glyph character # default.char =
274f # Component Font Character Encodings # fontcharset.serif.0 = fontcharset.serif.1 = sun.awt.motif.CharToByteX11GBK fontcharset.sansserif.0 = fontcharset.sansserif.1 = sun. awt.motif.CharToByteX11GBK fontcharset.monospaced.0 = fontcharset.monospaced.1 = sun.awt.motif.CharToByteX11GBK fontcharset.dialog.0 = fontcharset.dialog.1 = sun.awt. motif.CharToByteX11GBK fontcharset.dialoginput.0 = fontcharset.dialoginput.1 = sun.awt.motif.CharToByteX11GBK # Exclusion Ranges # # XFontSet Information # fontset.serif.plain = -b & h-lucidabright-medium-r- Normal - * -% D - * - * - P - * - ISO8859-1, -MISC-SIMSUN-Medium-r-NORMAL - * -% D - * - * - C - * - GB2312.1980-0 FontSet.serif.italic = -b & h-lucidabright-medium-i-normal - * -% D - * - * - P - * - ISO8859-1, -MISC-SIMSUN-Medium-r-Normal - * -% D - * - * - c - * - GB2312.1980-0 FontSet.serif.Bold = -b & h-lucidabright-demibold-r-normal - * -% D - * - * - p - * - ISO8859-1, -misc-simsun-medium-r-normal - * - % D - * - * - C - * - GB2312.1980-0 fontset.serif.bolditalic = -b & h-lucidabright-demibold-i-normal - * -% D - * - * - p - * - ISO8859-1 ,-mormal - * -% D - * - * - c - * - GB2312.1980-0 fontset.sansserif.plain = -b & h-lucida-medium-r-normal-sans- * -% D - * - * - p - * - ISO8859-1, -MISC-SIMSUN-Medium-R-NORMAL - * -% D - * - * - C - * - GB2312.1980-0 FontSet.sansserif .italic = -b & h-lucida-medium-i-normal-sans - * -% d - * - * - p - * - ISO8859-1, -MISC-SIMSUN-Medium-r-NORMAL - * -% D- * - * - c - * - GB2312.1980-0 fontset.sansserif.bold = -b & h-lucida-bold-r-normal-sans - * -% D - * - * - p - * - ISO8859-1, MISC-SIMSUN-Medium-R-NORMAL - * -% D - * - * - C - * - GB2312.1980-0 FontSet.sansserif.bolditalic = -b &
H-Lucida-bold-i-Normal-Snas - * -% D - * - * - P - * - ISO8859-1, -MISC-SIMSUN-Medium-R-NORMAL - * -% D - * - * - C - * - GB2312.1980-0 fontset.monospaced.plain = -b & h-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-normal-sans - * -% D - * - * - M - * - ISO8859-1, -MISC-SIMSUN- Medium-r-Normal - * -% D - * - * - C - * - GB2312.1980-0 fontset.monospaced.italic = -b & h-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-normal-sans - * -% D- * - * - M - * - ISO8859-1, -MISC-SIMSUN-Medium-R-NORMAL - * -% D - * - * - C - * - GB2312.1980-0 fontset.monospaced.bold = -b & h- Lucidatypewriter-bold-r-NORMAL-SANS - * -% D - * - * - M - * - ISO8859-, 1 -Misc-SIMSUN-Medium-R-NORMAL - * -% D - * - * - C- * -GB2312.1980-0 fontset.monospaced.boldital = -b & h-lucidatypewriter-bold-r-normal-sans - * -% d - * - * - m - * - ISO8859-1, -MISC-SIMSUN-medium- R-NORMAL - * -% D - * - * - C - * - GB2312.1980-0 FontSet.Dialog.italic = -b & h-lucida-medium-i-normal-sans - * -% D - * - * -p - * - ISO8859-1, -MISC-SIMSUN-Medium-R-NORMAL - * -% D - * - * - C - * - GB2312.1980-0 FontSet.Dialog.bold = -b & h-lucida- Bold-R-NORMAL-SANS - * -% D - * - * - P - * - ISO8859-1, -MISC-SIMSUN-Medium-R-NORMAL - * -% D - * - * - C - * - GB2312.1980-0 fontset.dialog.boldi Talic = -b & h-lucida-bold-i-normal-sans - * -% d - * - * - p - * - ISO8859-1, -MISC-SIMSUN-Medium-R-NORMAL - * -% D- * - * - C - * - GB2312.1980-0 FontSet.Dialog.Plain = -b & h-lucida-medium-r-NORMAL-SANS - * -% D - * - * --P - * - ISO8859-1, -MISC -Simsun-Medium-R-NORMAL - * -% D - * - * - C - * - GB2312.1980-0 FontSet.Dialoginput.italic = -b & h-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-normal-sans - * -% D - * - * - m - * - ISO8859-1, -MISC-SIMSUN-Medium-R-NORMAL - * -% D - * - * - C - * - GB2312.1980-0 FontSet.Dialoginput.Bold = -b & h-lucidatypewriter-bold-r-NORMAL-SANS - * -% D - * - * - M - * - ISO8859-1, -MISC-SIMSUN-Medium-R-NORMAL - * -% D - * - * -c - * - GB2312.1980-0 FontSet.Dialoginput.bolditalic = -b &
H-Lucidatypewriter-bold-r-NORMAL-SANS - * -% D - * - * - - M - * - ISO8859-1, -MISC-SIMSUN-Medium-R-NORMAL - * -% D - * - * - C - * - GB2312.1980-0 FontSet.dialoginput.plain = -b & h-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-normal-sans - * -% d - * - * - m - * - ISO8859-1, -MISC-SIMSUN- Medium-r-Normal - * -% D - * - * - C - * - GB2312.1980-0 FontSet.default = -b & h-lucida-medium-r-NORMAL-SANS - * -% D - * - * -p - * - ISO8859-1, -MISC-SIMSUN-Medium-R-NORMAL - * -% D - * - * - C - * - GB2312.1980-0 appendedFontPath = / usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / FONTS / TRUETYPE # "/ usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / fonts / trueType" I hope that Java is enjoying for the location of the font. "