Once once, it is necessary to implement the application to call EJB service, but consider that other applications may be different languages, first consider using COBAR, later because they are not responsible for this project, they have not continued to study, recently due to project needs, Considering the drawback of COBAR, you see some other solutions, and then collect information, and recently use servlet to implement communication with application. (Extended, you can use serveet to quit EJB's stuff).
First of all: Establish an application, limited to technical reasons, using J2SE to write a relatively simple application, the application is responsible for the data to be processed, (if it is for Java, it can be an object, using the object stream) Send to the web server The corresponding URL / servlet, after processing, returns the data of the response.
The understanding of this communication in the page is to use the HTTP protocol, by establishing an application on the servlet's httpurlconnection:
//establish connection
URL URL = New URL ("http: // localhost / datareceptiveservlet? Userid = lhz & tel = 1111111111 & type = 0 & length = 8");
UrlConnection urlconn = (urlConnection) URL.OpenConnection ();
/ / Set the connection attribute
Urlconn.setdoOutput (TRUE);
Urlconn.setusecaches (false);
UrlConn.seueStproperty ("Content-Type", "Application / Octest-Stream");
Urlconn.setrEquestProperty ("Content-Length", "" buf.length ());
/ / Generate data stream
String buf = "aaaaaaaa";
DataOutputStream DataOut = New DataOutputStream (UrlConn GetoutputStream ());
DataOut.writeutf (buf);
Dataout.flush ();
Dataout.close ();
/ / Accept the response data of the servlet
DataInputStream in = New DataInputStream (urlconn.getinputStream ());
String response = in.readutf ();
System.out.println ("Read from Server:" Response);
In.Close ();
Establish DataReceiveServlet
Public void dopost (httpservletRequest Request, httpservletResponse response) throws servletexception, ioException
Perform (Request, Response);
Public Void Perform (HttpservletRequest Request, HttpservletResponse Response) Throws ServletException, IOException
INT TYPE = Integer.Parseint (Request.GetParameter ("Type"). Trim ());
String userid = Request.getParameter ("userid"). Trim ();
String Tel = Request.getParameter ("tel"). Trim ();
INT TYPEINDEX = Request.getQueryString (). Trim (). Indexof ("Type"); DataInputStream IN = New DataInputStream ());
Response.setContentType ("Application / Octest-Stream");
// Type = 2
IF (Type == 2)
String queryString = Request.getQueryString (). Trim (). Substring (TypeIndex 7);
Action1 Action1 = New Action1 (DS);
Action1.createmms (QueryString, IN, UserID, Tel, Type);
} else if (Type == 0 || Type == 1) // SMS data or EMS
// Quick Action
Action Action = New Action (DS);
Action.create (In, UserID, Tel, Type);
/ / Return to the client
ByteArrayoutputstream byteout = new byteArrayoutputStream ();
DataOutputStream out = new dataoutputstream (byteout);
Out.writeUTF ("Accept Data");
Out.flush ();
BYTE BUF [] = byteout.tobytearray ();
Response.setContentLength; BUF.LENGTH;
ServletOutputStream servletout = response.getOutputStream ();
ServletOut.write (buf);
servletOut.close ();
In.Close ();
Return; files that can be sent are not just text
Can be a picture
And other documents
, You must generate the desired file array
Generate data streams and transfer