Regreplacekey replaces the registry information with information saved by a disk file; and creates a backup in which the current registry information is included.
RegrestoreKey Restore Registry Information from a Disk File
ReggetKeySecurity Gets security information related to a registry key
RegloadKey loads registry information from a file created with the RegsaveKey function
The RegNOTIFYCHANGEKEYVALUE registry item is changed when any one of its children, provides a notification mechanism with this function.
Regopenkey Opens an existing registry key
RegcloseKey Close an item in the system registry (or key)
RegconnectRegistry access to some registry of the remote system
SetPrinterData Sets the printer's registry configuration information
GetprinterData Sets registry configuration information for printer
ExtractassociatedIndon determines whether an icon is present in an executable or DLL, or whether there is an icon and the file specified in the system registry and extract it.