---- VB.NET multi-pane user interface ----
What to do is to think of ACDSEE, in VB.NET, I use
Three richtextbox, two splitter, a panel
No code does not need during the production process, just insert the sequence of the control! !
Put the control in Form in order
RichtextBox1 (left side)
Splitter1 (vertical)
Put the control in Panel according to the order
RichtextBox2 (upper right)
Splitter2 (horizontal)
RichtextBox3 (right below)
Everything is prepared, and next is the properties of the control. Let's go!
Splitter2.dock = TOP
Panel1.dock = Fill
Richtextbox1.dock = left
RichtextBox2.dock = TOP
RichtextBox3.dock = Fill
Master! !
Finally reminding is the order of mind
---- End ------