* When the DELETE is disclosed, the father and child relationship (here the case where the CACADE setting contains "* CACADE settings, the following instructions are established in the following description: ITXMGR TX = null; tx = hibernatetxmgr.begintrans (" delete a rellationships ... "); session = (session) TX.GetSession (); Parent.getChildren (). Remove (0); session.flush (); tx.endtrans (); remove Example 2: * No matter whether you set inverse = "True" will not remove children from your father! Parent.getChildren (). Remove (0); this is nothing to do! ITXMGR TX = null; tx = hibernatetxmgr.begintrans ("delete a rateships ..."); session = (session) TX.GetSession (); list childlist = parent.getChildren (); childpo child = (childpo) childlist.get (0); Child.SetParent (NULL); session.update (PARENT); session.flush (); tx.endtrans (); * Whether it is set inVerse = "True" will remove children from my father! Therefore, pay attention to changing the father and son relationship, it is still changed by the child, and the son deletes it will not affect the father! REMOVE Example 3: ITXMGR TX = NULL; TX = HibernatetXMgr.Begintrans ("Delete a rateships ..."); session = (session) tx.getations (); session.delete (parent); session.flush (); TX .endTrans (); * Father deleted all son was also removed * Let's talk about the modification of ITXMGR TX = Null; tx = hibernatetxmgr.begintrans ("delete a rateships ..."); session = (session) TX.GetSession (); List childlist = parent.getchildren (); childpo child = (childpo) childlist.get (0); child.setname ("null"); session.update (PARENT); session.flush (); tx.endtrans ().