General paging display query stored procedure (dedicated to friends)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  41


Function Description: General Package Display Query

Condition: There is no indicator increment field in the table

Input parameters:

@TBLNAME: Table name

@StrGetfields: Returned column '*': Return to list information

@fldname: Sort field name

@ORDERTYPE: Setting the sort type, descending in a non-0 value

@PageSize: page size

@PageIndex: page number

@docount: Return to the total number of records, non-0 values ​​return

@strorderby: Default Sort Field Information (Note: Don't add ORDER BY)

Format: Field1 DESC, Field2 ASC,

@Strwhere: Query Conditions (Note: Don't add where)

Output parameter: @Recordcount: Total number of records

Author: Ningfeiyang

Creation time: 2005-01-19

Change record:

* /

Alter Procedure Paging2


@tblname varchar (255),

@StrGetfields VARCHAR (1000) = '*',

@fldname varchar (255) = '',

@PageSize Int = 10,

@PageIndex INT = 1,

@docount bit = 0,


@strorderby varchar (500) = '',

@Strwhere Varchar (1500) = '',

@Recordcount Int Output



Declare @strsql varchar (5000) - main statement

Declare @strtmp varchar (200) - Temporary variable

Declare @strorder varchar (400) - Sort variable

- If @docount passed is not 0, execute the total number of statistics if (@docount! = 0) Begin Declare @Swhere Varchar (2000) set @Swhere = '' IF (@strwhere! = ') Set @Swhere = 'Where' @Strwhere set @strsql = 'if exists (select * from dbo.sysObjects where id = Object_id (' '[dbo]. [Tmptable]') And ObjectProperty (id, '' isusertable ') = 1 ) 'Set @strsql = @strsql ' update tmptable set total = (select count (*) from [' @TBLNAME '] ' @Swhere ') 'set @strsql = @strsql ' Else Select Count ( *) As Total InTo Tmptable from [' @TBLNAME '] ' @Swhere Exec (@STRSQL) Select @ recordcount = Total from TMPTABLE - Delete Total Statistics Temporary Table EXEC (' DROP TABLE TMPTABLE ') End --Print @RecordCount - If @RDertype is not 0, execute descending IF (@ordertype! = 0) begin set @strtmp = '<(select min' set @strorder = 'order by' @strorderby '[' @fldname '] Desc' end else begin set @strtmp = '> (select max' set @strorder = 'order by' @strorderby '[' @fldname '] ASC' END

- If you are the first page, you will implement the above code, which will speed up the speed if @pageIndex = 1 begin if @Strwhere! = 'Set @strsql =' select top ' str (@pagesize) ' ' @StrGetfields 'From [' @TBLNAME '] Where' @Strwhere ' @strorder else set @strsql =' SELECT TOP ' STR (@Pagesize) ' ' @StrGetfields ' from [' @ TBLNAME ']' @strorder END ELSE BEGIN - Save the Auto Number for Search Table Save to Temporary Table Set @strsql = 'SELECT TOP' STR (@ pageindex * @ Pagesize) 'Identity (int, 1, 1 ) AS IID, ' @StrGetfields ' Into #tmptable from [' @TBLNAME '] 'IF @Strwhere! =' 'Set @strsql = @STRSQL ' WHERE ' @Strword Else Set @strsql = @strsql @strorder - The following code gives @STRSQL to real execution SQL code set @strsql = @strsql 'select top' str (@Pagesize) '' @StrGetfields 'from # # # TMPTABLE ' ' WHERE IID ' @strtmp ' (IID) from (SELECT TOP ' STR ((@ PageIndex-1) * @ PageSize) ' Iid from #tmptable) AS TBLTMP) DROP TABLE #TMPTABLE 'END - -Print @ strsql - Execute a paging query exec (@strsql) check article: http: // 5 / 45356. SHTM friends have any good opinions can be improved, thank you!


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