Implement the 3D View Window in a Dialog with OpenCascade
[Source Code]
In my application about simulation on the Real Structure Elements in a construction, the calculation of some parameters is the mainly task which will be solved by the 3D graphic boolean method with Opencascade SDK. However, the white-box test unit should be established before the Main Module.
First, I Think That The Visual Tools Like The a Dialog OR a Window Will Be Helpful To Check The Boolean Arithmetic in My Application. Second, A WINDOW OCX OR LIGHT-Weight Visual Tool Is Mascara for The Future.
[Design Item]
A window class "C3DWnd" is designed for displaying the Simulated Elements using in the main module. And a instance of the C3DWnd is aggregated in a Dialog class. Based the Idea of the Component, C3DWnd is nested in a DLL module which can be encapsulated AS An Ocx. on The Other Hand The "Dialog Class" is Nested in anony module as an "exe file".
[Code Background]
SYSTEM: Window XP, SP1;
Compiler: Visual C 6.0, SP6;
1, c3dwnd class
// 3dwnd.h: Header File
#ifndef __afxwin_h__
#error include 'stdafx.h' Before Including this file for pch
#undef dllimpexp
#ifdef _3dviewDLL_
#define dllimpexp __declspec (dllexport)
#define dllimpexp
// c3dwnd window
ENUM View3D_CurrentAction {
Curaction3d_windowzooming, curaction3d_dynamicpanning,
Class __declspec (dllexport) c3dwnd: Public CWnd
// construction
C3dWnd ();
// attributes
ENUM LINESTYLE {Solid, Dot, Shortdash, Longdash, Default};
// Operations
Virtual Void DrawRectangle (const standard_integer minx,
Const Standard_integer miny,
Const Standard_integer maxx,
Const Standard_integer MAXY,
Const Standard_Boolean Draw,
Const LinesTyle AlineStyle = Default);
// Overrides
// ClassWizard Generated Virtual Function Overrides
// Implementation
Void ShowFace (unsigned long nfaceid);
Void showSolid; Const Int Nid;
Void DispplayText ();
Void displayaxis ();
Void refresh ();
Void clear ();
Void Right ();
Void top ();
Void Left ();
Void Front ();
Void bottom ();
Void back ();
Void Axo ();
Void hideoff ();
Void hideon ();
void rotate ();
Void Panglobal ();
Void Pan ();
Void zoomprog ();
Void zoomwin ();
Void zooLall ();
Void showvolume ();
Virtual ~ c3dwnd ();
// generated message map functions
AFX_MSG Int Oncreate (LPCReatestruct LPCreateStruct);
AFX_MSG void onpaint ();
AFX_MSG Void OnMouseMove (uint nflags, cpoint point);
AFX_MSG Bool OnMousewheel (Uint Nflags, Short Zdelta, Cpoint Pt);
AFX_MSG Void ONLBUTTONUP (uint nflags, cpoint point);
AFX_MSG Void ONLBUTTONDOWN (Uint Nflags, Cpoint Point);
//}} AFX_MSG
Declare_message_map ()
// Pen for the frame:
// 3D view pointer:
Handle_v3d_view m_pview;
// View container class:
Handle_v3d_viewer m_pviewer;
// WINDOW window frame:
Handle_wnt_window m_pwntwindow;
// Select graphics and manage graphics behavior:
Handle_ais_interactiveContext M_PaisconText;
// Initialize Windows NT Graphic Device:
Handle_graphic3d_wntgraphicDevice m_pgraphicDevice;
// position light setting
Handle_v3d_positionallight m_pcurrent_positionall;
// Hidden logo:
Standard_boolean m_degenerateemodeison;
// Current command status:
View3d_currentaction m_currentmode;
// Current zoom ratio:
Quantity_factor m_curzoom;
// The width of the image view:
Standard_Real M_RWIDTH;
// The height of the image view:
Standard_real m_rheight;
// 3dwnd.cpp: importation file
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "3dwnd.h"
#include "../../../../gcl7/source/geocalc/exportfunc.h"
#ifdef _Debug
// # Define new debug_new
#undef this_file
Static char this_file [] = __file__;
GP_PNT P1, P2, P3;
// c3dwnd
Standard_INTEGER CYMIN = 0;
Standard_integer Czmin = 0;
Standard_integer CZMAX = 200;
Standard_integer czoomstep = 20;
#define valzwmin 1
GP_PNT ConvertClicktopoint (Standard_Real X, Standard_real Y, Handle (V3D_View) Aview)
V3D_Coordinate Xeye, Yeye, Zeye, XAT, YAT, ZAT;
Aview-> Eye (Xeye, Yeye, ZEYE);
Aview-> At (XAT, YAT, ZAT);
GP_PNT Eyepoint (Xeye, Yeye, Zeye); GP_PNT ATPOINT (XAT, YAT, ZAT);
GP_VEC Eyevector (Eyepoint, Atpoint);
GP_DIR Eyedir (EyeVector);
GP_PLN PlaneOfTheView = GP_PLN (Atpoint, Eyedir);
Standard_real X, Y, Z;
Aview-> Convert (int (x), int (y), x, y, z);
GP_PNT2D ConvertedPointonPlane = Projlib :: Project (PlaneOfTheView, Converted);
GP_PNT Resultpoint = Elslib :: Value (ConvertedPointonPlane.x (),
ConvertedPointonPlane.y (),
Return Resultpoint;
C3dWnd :: C3dWnd ()
m_pview = null;
m_paiscontext = null;
m_pgraphicDevice = null;
m_pwntwindow = NULL;
m_currentmode = curaction3d_nothing;
m_curzoom = 0;
m_ppen = NULL;
m_degeneratemodeison = standard_true;
C3dWnd :: ~ c3dWnd ()
m_pview-> remove ();
IF (m_ppen! = null)
delete m_ppen;
Begin_Message_Map (C3DWnd, CWND)
// C3dWnd Message Handlers
Int c3dwnd :: oncreate (lpcreatestruct lpcreatestruct)
IF (cwnd :: oncreate (lpcreatestruct) == -1)
Return -1;
// Todo: Add Your Specialized Creation Code Here
m_pgraphicDevice = new graphic3d_wntgraphicDevice ();
Catch (Standard_Failure)
AfxMessageBox ("Fatal Error During Graphic Initialision);
M_PVIEWER = New V3D_Viewer (M_PgraphicDevice, (Short *) (""));
M_PViewer-> setdefaultlights ();
m_pviewer-> setLighton ();
// Create an interactive context based on the m_pviewer
m_paiscontext = new ais_interactivecontext (m_pviewer);
M_PView = m_pviewer-> creteView (); m_pview-> setdegeneratemodeon ();
// store for restore StateAfter rotation (Witch is in degenerated mode)
m_degeneratemodeison = standard_true;
// Creating new window and attaching it to view
M_PwntWindow = New Wnt_Window (M_PgraphicDevice, GetsafehWnd ());
m_pview-> setWindow;
IF (! m_pwntwindow-> ismapped ()) m_pwntwindow -> map ();
Displayaxis ();
Return 0;
Void C3dWnd :: OnSize (uint ntype, int Cx, int CY)
CWnd :: OnSize (NTYPE, CX, CY);
// Todo: Add your message Handler Code Here
IF (M_PView! = NULL) {
m_pview-> mustberesized ();
m_pview-> size (m_rwidth, m_rheight);
Void c3dwnd :: onpaint ()
CPAINTDC DC (this); // Device Context for Painting
GetWindowRect (all);
IF (m_rwidth! = all (fw () || m_rheight! = all.height ()) {
m_rwidth = all.width ();
m_rheight = all.height ();
:: PostMessage (GetSafehWnd (), WM_SIZE, SW_SHOW, M_RWIDTH M_RHEIGHT * 65536)
// Todo: Add your message Handler Code Here
m_pview-> redraw ();
// do not call cWnd :: onpaint () for Painting Messages
Void C3dWnd :: ShowVolume ()
Clear ();
Carrlong arrid;
GetSolidSID (Arrid);
For (int i = 0; I Topods_Solid Solid = GetSolidByid (Arrid.getat (i)); Handle (AIS_SHAPE) AIS = New AIS_SHAPE (SOLID); m_paiscontext-> setColor (AIS, Quantity_noc_green, Standard_false); m_paiscontext-> setmaterial (AIS, Graphic3D_Nom_GOLD, STANDARD_FALSE); m_paiscontext-> setDisplayMode (AIS, 1); m_paiscontext-> Display (AIS, STANDARD_FALSE); } GetFacesID (Arrid); For (i = 0; i Topods_face face; IF (! getfacebyid (arrid.getat (i), face) Break; handle (ais_shape) AIS = new AIS_SHAPE (FACE); m_paiscontext-> setColor (AIS, Quantity_noc_gray99, Standard_false); m_paiscontext-> setmaterial (AIS, Graphic3D_Nom_stone, Standard_false); m_paiscontext-> setDisplayMode (AIS, 1); m_paiscontext-> Display (AIS, STANDARD_FALSE); } m_pview-> fdoml (); M_PView-> ZfitAll (); / * Topods_shape s = Brepprimapi_makewedge (600., 100., 80., 20.); Handle (AIS_SHAPE) AIS1 = New AIS_SHAPE (S); m_paiscontext-> setColor (AIS1, Quantity_noc_green, standard_false); m_paiscontext-> setmaterial (AIS1, Graphic3D_Nom_Plastic, Standard_false); m_paiscontext-> Display (AIS1, STANDARD_FALSE); Brepprimapi_makesphere s2 (GP_PNT (0, 300, 0), 100.); Handle (AIS_SHAPE) Asphere = New AIS_SHAPE (S2.Shape ()); m_paiscontext-> setMaRial (Asphere, Graphic3D_Nom_SILVER); m_paiscontext-> setDisplaymode (asphere, 1); m_paiscontext-> display (asphere); m_pview-> fdoml (); M_PView-> ZfitAll (); AIS_LISTOFINTERACTIVE ALIST; m_paiscontext-> DisplayedObjects (aliST); AIS_ListiteratorOflistofinteractIVELISTITOTERATOR AliStiterator.initialize (alistiterator.more (); ()) { m_paiscontext-> remove (aliStiterator.value ()); } Tcolgp_Array1OFPNT POINTS1 (1, 4); Points1.SetValue (1, GP_PNT (0, 0)); Points1.setValue (2, GP_PNT (2, 1, 0)); Points1.setValue (3, GP_PNT (4, 0)); Points1.setValue (4, GP_PNT (6, 2, 0)); Geomapi_PointStobsPline PTBS1 (Points1); Handle (geom_bsplinecurve) BSC1 = PTBS1.CURVE (); Topods_edge s = brebuildrapi_makeedge (bsc1) .edge (); Handle (AIS_SHAPE) AIS1 = New AIS_SHAPE (S); m_paiscontext-> setColor (AIS1, Quantity_noc_green, standard_false); M_paiscontext-> setMaRial (AIS1, Graphic3D_Nom_Plastic, Standard_false); m_paiscontext-> Display (AIS1, STANDARD_FALSE); m_pview-> fdoml (); m_pview-> zfitall (); * / } Void C3dWnd :: OnMousemove (uint nflags, cpoint point) { // Todo: add your message handler code here and / or call default IF (NFLAGS & MK_LBUTTON) { IF (NFLAGS & MK_CONTROL) { // Move with MB1 and Control: on the dynamic zooming // do the zoom in function of mouse's coordinates M_PView-> Zoom (Cxmax, Cymax, Point.x, Point.y); // save the current mouse coordinate in min CXMAX = Point.x; CYMAX = Point.y; } ELSE // IF (Ctrl) { Switch (m_currentmode) { Case curaction3d_nothing: CXMAX = Point.x; cymax = point.y; DrawRectangle (Cxmin, Cymin, Cxmax, Cymax, Standard_FALSE); DrawRectangle (Cxmin, Cymin, Cxmax, Cymax, Standard_True); Break; Case curaction3d_dynamiczooming: M_PView-> Zoom (Cxmax, Cymax, Point.x, Point.y); // Save the current mouse coordinate in min / n "; CXMAX = Point.x; cymax = point.y; Break; Case curaction3d_windowzooming: CXMAX = Point.x; cymax = point.y; DrawRectangle (Cxmin, Cymin, Cxmax, Cymax, Standard_FALSE, LONGDASH); DrawRectangle (Cxmin, Cymin, Cxmax, Cymax, Standard_True, Longdash); Break; Case curaction3d_dynamicpanning: M_PView-> Pan (Point.x-Cxmax, Cymax-Point.y); // Realize The Panning CXMAX = Point.x; cymax = point.y; Break; Case curaction3d_globalpanning: // Nothing Break; Case Curaction3D_DynamicRotation: M_PView-> Rotation (Point.x, Point.y); m_pview-> redraw (); Break; DEFAULT: Standard_Failure :: Raise ("Incompatible Current Mode"); Break; } } } CWnd :: OnMousemove (NFLAGS, POINT); } Void c3dwnd :: DrawRectangle (const standard_integer miny, const standard_integer miny, Const Standard_integer maxx, Const Standard_integer MAXY, Const Standard_Boolean Draw, Const Linestyle AlineStyle { Static int m_drawmode; IF (! m_ppen && alinestyle == solid) {m_ppen = new CPEN (ps_solid, 1, rgb (0,0,0)); m_drawmode = r2_mergepennot;} Else if (! m_ppen&& aLineStyle == DOT) {m_ppen = new CPEN (PS_DOT, 1, RGB (0, 0, 0)); m_drawmode = r2_xorpen; Else if (! m_ppen& aLineStyle == shortdash) {m_ppen = new CPEN (ps_dash, 1, rgb (255, 0)); m_drawmode = r2_xorpen; Else if (! m_ppen& aLineStyle == longdash) {m_ppen = new CPEN (PS_Dash, 1, RGB (0, 0, 0)); m_drawmode = r2_notxorpen; Else IF (alinestyle == default) {m_ppen = null; m_drawmode = r2_mergepennot; CPEN * AOLDPEN; CClientDC ClientDC (this); IF (m_ppen) AOLDPEN = Clientdc.selectObject (m_ppen); Clientdc.setrop2 (M_DrawMode); Static Standard_integer Storedminx, StoredMaxx, StoredMiny, StoredMax; Static standard_boolean m_isvisible; IF (M_ISVisible &&! Draw) // Move or Up: Erase At the Old Position { Clientdc.moveto (StoredMinx, StoredMiny); Clientdc.Lineto (StoredMinx, StoredMax); Clientdc.Lineto (StoredMaxx, StoredMax); ClientDC.LineTo (StoredMaxx, StoredMiny); Clientdc.LineTo (StoredMinx, StoredMiny); m_isvisible = false; } StoredMinx = min (minx, maxx); StoredMiny = min (Miny, Maxy); StoredMaxx = Max (minx, maxx); StoredMaxy = Max (Miny, Maxy); IF (DRAW) // Move: DRAW { Clientdc.moveto (StoredMinx, StoredMiny); Clientdc.Lineto (StoredMinx, StoredMax); Clientdc.LineTo (StoredMaxx, StoredMax); Clientdc.Lineto (StoredMaxx, StoredMiny); Clientdc.Lineto (StoredMinx, StoredMiny); m_isvisible = true; } IF (m_ppen) clientdc.selectObject (alldpen); } Bool C3dWnd :: OnMousewheel (Uint Nflags, Short ZDELTA, CPOINT PT) { // Move with MB1 and Control: on the dynamic zooming // do the zoom in function of mouse's coordinates M_Curzoom = m_pview-> scale (); CXMAX = Pt.x ZDELTA / CZOOMSTEP; Cymax = pt.y zdelta / czoomstep; IF (Cymax <0) cymax = 0; IF (CXMAX <0) cxmax = 0; M_PView-> Zoom (Cxmax, Cymax, Pt.x, Pt.y); Return True; // Return CWnd :: OnMousewheel (NFLAGS, ZDELTA, PT); } Void C3dWnd :: ONLBUTTONUP (uint nflags, cpoint point) { IF (NFLAGS & MK_CONTROL) { Return; } ELSE // IF (Ctrl) { Switch (m_currentmode) { Case curaction3d_nothing: IF (Point.x == Cxmin && Point.y == CYMIN) {// no Offset Between Down and Up -> SELECTEVENT CXMAX = Point.x; CYMAX = Point.y; Else { DrawRectangle (Cxmin, Cymin, Cxmax, Cymax, Standard_FALSE); CXMAX = Point.x; CYMAX = Point.y; } Break; Case curaction3d_dynamiczooming: m_currentmode = curaction3d_nothing; Break; Case curaction3d_windowzooming: DrawRectangle (Cxmin, Cymin, Cxmax, Cymax, Standard_FALSE); CXMAX = Point.x; CYMAX = Point.y; IF ((Cxmin-Cxmax)> Valzwmin) || (ABS (Cymin-Cymax)> Valzwmin)) { // do the zoom window Between Pmin and PMAX M_PView-> WindowfitAll (Cxmin, Cymin, Cxmax, Cymax); } m_currentmode = curaction3d_nothing; Break; Case curaction3d_dynamicpanning: m_currentmode = curaction3d_nothing; Break; Case curaction3d_globalpanning: M_PView-> Place (Point.x, Point.y, M_Curzoom); m_currentmode = curaction3d_nothing; Break; Case Curaction3D_DynamicRotation: m_currentmode = curaction3d_nothing; Break; } } } Void C3dWnd :: ONLBUTTONDOWN (UINT NFLAGS, CPOINT) { // save the current mouse coordinate in min CXMIN = Point.x; cymin = point.y; CXMAX = Point.x; cymax = point.y; IF (NFLAGS & MK_CONTROL) { // Button MB1 Down Control: Start Zomming // setCursor (AFXGetApp () -> loadStandardCursor ()); } ELSE // IF (Ctrl) { Switch (m_currentmode) { Case curaction3d_nothing: // start a DRAG Break; Case curaction3d_dynamiczooming: Break; Case curaction3d_windowzooming: Break; Case curaction3d_dynamicpanning: Break; Case curaction3d_globalpanning: Break; Case Curaction3D_DynamicRotation: IF (! m_degenerateemodeison) M_PView-> setdegenerateModeon (); M_PView-> Startrotation (Point.x, Point.y); Break; Case Curaction3d_BeginPositionAllight: Break; Case curaction3d_beginspotlight: Break; Case curaction3d_targetspotlight: Break; Case Curaction3D_ENDSPOTLIGHT: Break; Case Curaction3D_BegindirectionAllight: Break; Case Curaction3D_ENDDIRECTIONALLIGHT: Break; } } CWnd :: ONLBUTTONDOWN (NFLAGS, POINT); } Void c3dwnd :: zooLall () { m_pview-> fdoml (); M_PView-> ZfitAll (); } Void C3dWnd :: zoomwin () { m_currentmode = curaction3d_windowzooming; } Void C3dWnd :: zoomprog () { m_currentmode = curaction3d_dynamiczooming; } Void C3dWnd :: Pan () { m_currentmode = curaction3d_dynamicpanning; } Void c3dwnd :: panglobal () { M_Curzoom = m_pview-> scale (); // Do a global zoom // myview-> fdoml (); m_currentmode = curaction3d_globalpanning; } Void C3dWnd :: Rotate () { m_currentmode = curaction3d_dynamicrotation;} Void c3dwnd :: hideon () { M_PView-> setdegenerateModeoff (); m_degenerateemodeison = standard_false; } Void C3dWnd :: Hideoff () { M_PView-> setdegenerateModeon (); m_degeneratemodeison = standard_true; } Void C3dWnd :: AXO () { m_pview-> setProj (v3d_xposynegzpos); } Void c3dwnd :: back () { m_pview-> setproj (v3d_xneg); } Void c3dwnd :: bottom () { m_pview-> setproj (v3d_zneg); } Void C3dWnd :: Front () { M_PView-> setProj (v3d_xpos); } Void c3dwnd :: left () { m_pview-> setproj (v3d_ypos); } Void c3dwnd :: top () { M_PView-> setProj (v3d_zpos); } Void C3dWnd :: Right () { m_pview-> setproj (v3d_yneg); } Void c3dwnd :: clear () { AIS_LISTOFINTERACTIVE ALIST; m_paiscontext-> DisplayedObjects (aliST); AIS_ListiteratorOflistofinteractIVELISTITOTERATOR AliStiterator.initialize (alistiterator.more (); ()) { m_paiscontext-> remove (aliStiterator.value ()); } } Void C3dWnd :: Refresh () { Clear (); Displayaxis (); } Void C3dWnd :: DisplayAxis () { Handle (AIS_TRIHEDRON) ATRIHEDRON Handle (geom_axis2placement) anaxis = new geom_axis2placement (gp :: xoy ()); Atrihedron = new AIS_TRIHEDRON (Anaxis); m_paiscontext-> Display (atrihedron); } Void C3dWnd :: DispplayText () { / * TCOLLECTION_EXTENDEDSTRING TEXT ("Test"); Handle (Sample2D_Text) ATEXT = New Sample2D_text (text, 140, 15 * (J-5), // ANX, Any Ask_tot_solid, // atype 0.0, // anangle 0.0, // aslant Color , // acolorindex 2, // afondex J / 10, // ascale Standard_false, // aisunderline Standard_true, // aiszoomable Graphic2d_toa_topleft; // atypeofalignmentMyaisinteractiveContext2D-> Display (atext, // Object Standard_false); // redraw IF (color == my2dviewer-> colorMap () -> size ()) color = 1; * / } Void C3dWnd :: ShowSolid (const Int Nid) { Clear (); Topods_Solid Solid = GetSolidByid (NID); Handle (AIS_SHAPE) AIS = New AIS_SHAPE (SOLID); m_paiscontext-> setColor (AIS, Quantity_noc_green, Standard_false); m_paiscontext-> setmaterial (AIS, Graphic3D_Nom_GOLD, STANDARD_FALSE); m_paiscontext-> setDisplayMode (AIS, 1); m_paiscontext-> Display (AIS, STANDARD_FALSE); m_pview-> fdoml (); M_PView-> ZfitAll (); } Void C3dWnd :: Showface (unsigned long nfaceid) { Clear (); Topods_face face; Getfacebyid (NfaceID, Face); Handle (AIS_SHAPE) AIS = New AIS_SHAPE (FACE); m_paiscontext-> setColor (AIS, Quantity_noc_gray99, Standard_false); m_paiscontext-> setmaterial (AIS, Graphic3D_Nom_stone, Standard_false); m_paiscontext-> setDisplayMode (AIS, 1); m_paiscontext-> Display (AIS, STANDARD_FALSE); m_pview-> fdoml (); M_PView-> ZfitAll (); } 2, ctest3dviewdlg class / // // Test3DViewDLG.H: Header File Class C3dWnd; Class Ctest3DViewdlg: Public CDialog { // construction PUBLIC: CTest3DViewDLG (CWND * PParent = NULL); // Standard Constructionor ~ Ctest3dviewdlg (); // Dialog Data // {{AFX_DATA (CTEST3DVIEWDLG) ENUM {IDD = IDD_TEST3DVIEW_DIALOG}; // Note: The Classwizard Will Add Data MEMBERS Here //}} AFX_DATA // ClassWizard Generated Virtual Function Overrides // {{AFX_VIRTUAL (CTEST3DVIEWDLG) protected: Virtual Void DodataExchange (CDataExchange * PDX); // DDX / DDV Support //}} AFX_VIRTUAL // Implementation protected: Hicon M_Hicon; // generated message map functions // {{AFX_MSG (ctest3dviewDLG) Virtual Bool OnInitdialog (); AFX_MSG Void OnSysCommand (Uint Nid, LParam Lparam); AFX_MSG void onpaint (); AFX_MSG HCURSOR ONQUERYDRAGICON (); Virtual void onok (); AFX_MSG Void OnbtnshowVolume (); AFX_MSG Void Onbtnzoomall (); AFX_MSG Bool OnMousewheel (Uint Nflags, Short Zdelta, Cpoint Pt); AFX_MSG void onbtnzoomwin (); AFX_MSG void onbtnzoomprog (); AFX_MSG void onbtnpan (); AFX_MSG Void OnbtnPanglobal (); AFX_MSG void onbtnrotate (); AFX_MSG void Onbtnhideon (); AFX_MSG Void OnbtnHideoff (); AFX_MSG void onbtnfront (); AFX_MSG void OnbtNTOP (); AFX_MSG void onbtnleft (); AFX_MSG Void OnbtnRight (); AFX_MSG void OnbtnBack (); AFX_MSG Void Onbtnbottom (); AFX_MSG void onbtnaxo (); AFX_MSG void onbtnloaddata (); AFX_MSG void OnbtnBoolean (); AFX_MSG Void OnbtndisPlay (); AFX_MSG void OnbtnBoolean2 (); //}} AFX_MSG Declare_message_map () Private: C3dWnd * m_p3dwnd; } // Test3DViewdlg.cpp: importation file // #include "stdafx.h" #include "test3dview.h" #include "test3dviewdlg.h" #include "../3dviewdll/3dwnd.h" #include "loading" loadDatadlg.h " #include "boildlg.h" #include "displaydlg.h" #include "boolfacecutdlg.h" #ifdef _Debug #define new debug_new #undef this_file Static char this_file [] = __file__; #ENDIF / // Caboutdlg Dialog Used for App About Class Caboutdlg: Public CDIALOG { PUBLIC: Caboutdlg (); // Dialog Data // {{AFX_DATA (Caboutdlg) Enum {IDD = IDD_ABOUTBOX}; //}} AFX_DATA // ClassWizard Generated Virtual Function Overrides // {{AFX_VIRTUAL (caboutdlg) protected: Virtual Void DodataExchange (CDataExchange * PDX); // DDX / DDV Support //}} AFX_VIRTUAL // Implementation protected: / {{AFX_MSG (caboutdlg) //}} AFX_MSG Declare_message_map () } Caboutdlg :: Caboutdlg (): cdialog (Caboutdlg :: IDD) { // {{AFX_DATA_INIT (Caboutdlg) //}} AFX_DATA_INIT } Void Caboutdlg :: DODATAEXCHANGE (CDataExchange * PDX) { CDIALOG :: DODATAEXCHANGE (PDX); // {{AFX_DATA_MAP (Caboutdlg) //}} AFX_DATA_MAP } Begin_MESSAGE_MAP (Caboutdlg, CDIALOG) // {{AFX_MSG_MAP (Caboutdlg) // no message Handlers //}} AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP () / // ctest3dviewdlg dialog CTest3DViewdlg :: ctest3dviewdlg (cWnd * pParent / * = null * /) : Cdialog (ctest3dviewdlg :: idd, pparent) { // {{AFX_DATA_INIT (CTEST3DVIEWDLG) // Note: The classwizard will add member initialization here //}} AFX_DATA_INIT // Note That Loadicon Does Not Require a Subsequent Destroyicon in Win32 m_hicon = AFXGetApp () -> loadicon (iDR_mainframe); m_p3dwnd = null; } CTest3DViewdlg :: ~ ctest3dviewdlg () { IF (m_p3dwnd! = null) DELETE M_P3DWND; } Void ctest3dviewdlg :: DODATAEXCHANGE (CDATAEXCHANGE * PDX) { CDIALOG :: DODATAEXCHANGE (PDX); // {{AFX_DATA_MAP (CTEST3DVIEWDLG) // Note: The Classwizard Will Add Ddx and DDV Calls Here //}} AFX_DATA_MAP } Begin_MESSAGE_MAP (CTEST3DVIEWDLG, CDIALOG) // {{AFX_MSG_MAP (ctest3dviewDLG) ON_WM_SYSCOMMAND () ON_WM_PAINT () ON_WM_QUERYDRAGICON () ON_BN_CLICKED (IDC_BTN_SHOWVOLUME, ONBTNSHOWVOLUME) ON_BN_CLICKED (IDC_BTN_ZoomAll, Onbtnzoomall) ON_WM_MOUSEWHEEL () ON_BN_CLICKED (IDC_BTN_Zoomwin, Onbtnzoomwin) ON_BN_CLICKED (IDC_BTN_ZoomProg, OnbtnZoomprog) ON_BN_CLICKED (IDC_BTN_PAN, ONBTNPAN) ON_BN_CLICKED (IDC_BTN_PANGLOBAL, ONBTNPANGLOBAL) ON_BN_CLICKED (IDC_BTN_ROTATE, ONBTNROTATE) ON_BN_CLICKED (IDC_BTN_HIDEON, ONBTNHIDEON) ON_BN_CLICKED (IDC_BTN_HIDEOFF, ONBTNHIDEOFF) ON_BN_CLICKED (IDC_BTN_FRONT, ONBTNFRONT) ON_BN_CLICKED (IDC_BTN_TOP, ONBTNTOP) ON_BN_CLICKED (IDC_BTN_LEFT, ONBTNLEFT) ON_BN_CLICKED (IDC_BTN_RIGHT, ONBTNRIGHT) ON_BN_CLICKED (IDC_BTN_BACK, ONBTNBACK) ON_BN_CLICKED (iDC_BTN_BOTTOM, ONBTNBOTTOM) ON_BN_CLICKED (IDC_BTN_AXO, ONBTNAXO) ON_BN_CLICKED (IDC_BTN_LOADDATA, ONBTNLOADDATA) ON_BN_CLICKED (IDC_BTN_BOOLEAN, ONBTNBOOLEAN) ON_BN_CLICKED (IDC_BTN_DISPLAY, ONBTNDISPLAY) ON_BN_CLICKED (IDC_BTN_BOOLEAN2, ONBTNBOOLEAN2) //}} AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP () / // ctest3dviewdlg message handlers Bool ctest3dviewdlg :: oninitdialog () { CDIALOG :: OnInitdialog (); // Add "About ..." Menu Item to System Menu. // IDM_AboutBox Must Be in The System Command Range. Assert (IDM_ABOUTBOX & 0xFFF0) == IDM_ABOUTBOX); Assert (IDM_AboutBox <0xF000); CMenu * psysmenu = getSystemMenu (false); IF (psysmenu! = NULL) { CSTRING STRABOUTMENU; STRABOUTMENU.LOADSTRING (IDS_ABOUTBOX); IF (! straboutmenu.isempty ()) { Psysmenu-> appendmenu (mf_separator); Psysmenu-> appendmenu (mf_string, idm_aboutbox, straboutmenu); } } // set the icon for this dialog. The framework does this AutomaticL // when the application's main window is not a dialog Seticon (M_Hicon, True); // set Big icon Seticon (M_Hicon, False); // set small icon // Todo: Add Extra Initialization Here m_p3dwnd = new c3dwnd; CRECT RECT; / * CWND * PWND = NULL; PWND = getdlgitem (IDC_3DWND); ASSERT (PWND); PWND-> getClientRect (Rect); * / M_p3dWnd-> Create (NULL, "TEST3D", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, RECT, this, ID_3DVIEWER); Return True; // Return True UnsS you set the focus to a control } Void ctest3dviewdlg :: oversyscommand (uint nid, lparam lparam) { IF ((NID & 0xFFF0) == IDM_ABOUTBOX) { Caboutdlg dlgabout; DLGAbout.domodal (); } Else { CDIALOG :: OnSysCommand (NID, LPARAM); } } // if you add a minimize button to your dialog, you will need the code below // to draw the icon. For mfc Applications Using The Document / View Model, // this is automatic or done for you by the framework. Void ctest3dviewdlg :: onpaint () { IF (Isiconic ()) { CPAINTDC DC (this); // Device Context for Painting SendMessage (WM_ICONERASEBKGND, (WPARAM) dc.getsafehdc (), 0); // Center icon in Client Rectangle INT CXCION = GetSystemMetrics; INT Cyicon = GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYICON); CRECT RECT; GetClientRect (& RECT); INT x = (Rect.width () - CXICON 1) / 2; INT Y = (Rect.height () - Cyicon 1) / 2; // Draw the icon Dc.drawicon (X, Y, M_HICON); } Else { CDIALOG :: onpaint (); } CRECT RECT; CWND * PWND = NULL; PWND = getdlgitem (IDC_3DWND); ASSERT (PWND); PWND-> getClientRect (RECT); IF (m_p3dwnd! = null) M_p3dWnd-> MoveWindow (RECT); } // the system calls this to obtain the cursor to display while the user DRAGS // the minimized window. Hcursor ctest3dviewdlg :: ONQUERYDRAGICON () { Return (hcursor) m_hicon; } Void ctest3dviewdlg :: onok () { // Todo: Add extra validation here CDIALOG :: Onok (); } Void ctest3dviewdlg :: OnbtnshowVolume () { // Todo: Add Your Control Notification Handler Code Here Assert (m_p3dwnd); m_p3dwnd-> showvolume (); } Void ctest3dviewdlg :: onbtnzoomall () { // Todo: Add Your Control Notification Handler Code Here Assert (m_p3dwnd); m_p3dwnd-> zooLAll (); } Bool ctest3dviewdlg :: onmousewheel (uint nflags, short zdelta, cpoint pt) { // Todo: add your message handler code here and / or call defaultwparam wparam; LParam Lparam; WPARAM = MakewParam (nflags, zdelta); // We can put whatver we LParam = makelparam (pt.x, pt.y); // Want In WPARAM & LPARAM IF (m_p3dwnd! = null) Return m_p3dWnd-> SendMessage (WM_Mousewheel, WPARAM, LPARAM); Return CDIALOG :: OnMousewheel (NFLAGS, ZDELTA, PT); } Void ctest3dviewdlg :: onbtnzoomwin () { // Todo: Add Your Control Notification Handler Code Here Assert (m_p3dwnd); m_p3dwnd-> zoomwin (); } Void ctest3dviewdlg :: OnbtnZoomprog () { // Todo: Add Your Control Notification Handler Code Here Assert (m_p3dwnd); M_p3dWnd-> zoomprog (); } Void ctest3dviewdlg :: onbtnpan () { // Todo: Add Your Control Notification Handler Code Here Assert (m_p3dwnd); m_p3dwnd-> PAN (); } Void ctest3dviewdlg :: OnbtNPANGLOBAL () { // Todo: Add Your Control Notification Handler Code Here Assert (m_p3dwnd); m_p3dwnd-> panglobal (); } Void ctest3dviewdlg :: onbtnrotate () { // Todo: Add Your Control Notification Handler Code Here Assert (m_p3dwnd); m_p3dwnd-> rotate (); } Void ctest3dviewdlg :: Onbtnhideon () { // Todo: Add Your Control Notification Handler Code Here Assert (m_p3dwnd); m_p3dwnd-> hideon (); } Void ctest3dviewdlg :: OnbTnHideoff () { // Todo: Add Your Control Notification Handler Code Here Assert (m_p3dwnd); m_p3dwnd-> hideoff (); } Void ctest3dviewdlg :: onbtnfront () { // Todo: Add Your Control Notification Handler Code Here Assert (m_p3dwnd); m_p3dwnd-> front (); } Void ctest3dviewdlg :: OnbtNTOP () { // Todo: Add Your Control Notification Handler Code Here Assert (m_p3dwnd); m_p3dWnd-> TOP (); } Void ctest3dviewdlg :: onbtnleft () { // Todo: Add Your Control Notification Handler Code Hered (m_p3dwnd); m_p3dwnd-> left (); } Void ctest3dviewdlg :: OnbtnRight () { // Todo: Add Your Control Notification Handler Code Here Assert (m_p3dwnd); m_p3dwnd-> right (); } Void ctest3dviewdlg :: Onbtnback () { // Todo: Add Your Control Notification Handler Code Here Assert (m_p3dwnd); m_p3dwnd-> back (); } Void ctest3dviewdlg :: onbtnbottom () { // Todo: Add Your Control Notification Handler Code Here Assert (m_p3dwnd); m_p3dwnd-> bottom (); } Void ctest3dviewdlg :: onbtnaxo () { // Todo: Add Your Control Notification Handler Code Here Assert (m_p3dwnd); m_p3dWnd-> AXO (); } Void ctest3dviewdlg :: onbtnloaddata () { // Todo: Add Your Control Notification Handler Code Here Cloaddatadlg DLG (this); Dlg.domodal (); } Void ctest3dviewdlg :: OnbtnBoolean () { // Todo: Add Your Control Notification Handler Code Here CBOOLDLG DLG; Dlg.domodal (); } Void ctest3dviewdlg :: onbtndisplay () { // Todo: Add Your Control Notification Handler Code Here CDisPlayDLG DLG; Dlg.domodal (); Assert (m_p3dwnd); IF (DLG.M_NID <0) Return; IF (DLG.M_BFACE) { m_p3dwnd-> showface (dlg.m_nid); } else { m_p3dWnd-> showSolid (DLG.M_NID); } } Void ctest3dviewdlg :: OnbtnBoolean2 () { // Todo: Add Your Control Notification Handler Code Here CBoolFacecutdlg DLG; Dlg.domodal (); } If You Want The Sourece Codes, Write Down Your Email As Below.