11 Suppose you have 8 balls, one of them slightly, but the only way to find this ball is to put two balls in the balance. How many times can you find this more heavy ball?
12 Suppose you stand in front of the mirror, lift your left hand, lift your right hand, look at yourself in the mirror. When you lift your left hand, you look up in your right hand. But when you look up, yourself in the mirror is on your back, not your head. Why is the image in the mirror seem to be reversed, but didn't reverse it?
13 You have 4 bottles of medicine. The weight of each pill is fixed, but a bottle of drug has been polluted, and the weight of the pill has changed, and each pill has increased weight. How do you measure which bottle drug is contaminated?
14 Let's play with a split game, the order of all letters is chaos. You have to judge what this word is. Assume that this watched word consists of 5 letters:
1. How many possible combination of possible combination?
2. If we know which 5 letters, what happens?
3. Find a way to solve this problem.
15 There are 4 women to have a bridge. They all stand on the bridge, let them pass this bridge within 17 minutes. That is at night. They only have one flashlight. You can only make two people over the bridge at the same time. No matter who has passed the bridge, no matter whether it is a person or two people, you must take a flashlight. The flashlight must be transmitted, and cannot throw it. Each woman has different speeds, and the speed of two people must pass the bridge at a slower person.
The first woman: It takes 1 minute to pass the bridge;
Second Woman: It takes 2 minutes by bridge;
Third Woman: It takes 5 minutes by bridge;
Fourth woman: 10 minutes of crossing the bridge.
For example, if the first woman has passed the bridge with the fourth woman, when they passed, they have passed 10 minutes. If the 4th woman will send the flashlight back, wait for her to reach the other end of the bridge, a total of 20 minutes, the action will fail. How to make these 4 women over the bridge within 17 minutes? Is there anything else?
16 If you have a 5 quart bucket and a 3 quart bucket, how to accurate 4 quart water?
17 you have a bag of sugar, with red, blue, green. Close your eyes, take out two color the same sugar, how many times you need to make sure there are two colors?
18 If you have two buckets, a red pigment is red, and the other is blue pigment. You pick a cup from the blue pigment barrel, pour in the red pigment barrel, and then pour a cup from the red pigment bucket and pour it into the blue piglet. Which is higher than the proportion of red blue pigments in the two buckets? This is proved by arithmetic way.
19 What is the difference between link tables and arrays?
20 Do a link sheet, why do you choose this way?