Import java.util.calendar;
Import java.text. *;
Public class datetime {
Public datetime () {
/ **
* Take the current time of the system
* @Return String YYYY-MM-DD
* /
Public String getcurrentdate () {
Calendar rightnow = calendar.getinstance ();
INT year = rightnow.get (rightnow.year);
INT MONTH = RightNow.get (rightnow.mont) 1;
Int day = rightnow.get (;
Return Year "-" MONTH "-" DAY;
/ **
* Take the current time of the system
* @Return String YYYY MM Moon DD Day
* /
Public string getcurrentdate1 () {
Calendar rightnow = calendar.getinstance ();
INT year = rightnow.get (rightnow.year);
INT MONTH = RightNow.get (rightnow.mont) 1;
Int day = rightnow.get (;
Return Year "Year" Month "Month" Day "Day";
/ **
* Take the current time of the system
* @Return string YYYYMMDD
* /
Public string getcurrentdate22 () {
Calendar rightnow = calendar.getinstance ();
INT year = rightnow.get (rightnow.year);
INT MONTH = RightNow.get (rightnow.mont) 1;
Int day = rightnow.get (;
Return Year " Month " DAY;
/ **
* Take the current time of the system
* @Return String YYYY-MM
* /
Public string getcurrentdate3 () {
Calendar rightnow = calendar.getinstance ();
INT year = rightnow.get (rightnow.year);
INT MONTH = RightNow.get (rightnow.mont) 1;
// int Day = rightnow.get (;
/ **
* Take the current time of the system
* @Return String YYYYMMDDHMMSS
* /
Public string getcurrentdate4 () {
SimpleDateFormat SimpleDateFormat = New SimpleDateFormat ("YYYYMMDDHMMMS"); Date = new (); string time = simpledateformat.format (date);
Return Time;
/ **
* Take the current time of the system
* @Return String YYYY-MM-DD HH: MM: SS
* /
Public string getcurrentdate5 () {
SimpleDateFormat SimpleDateFormat = New SimpleDateFormat ("YYYY-MM-DD HH: MM: SS"); Date = new ();
String Time = SimpleDateFormat.Format (date);
Return Time;
/ **
* A one-day day before the current time of the system
* @Param n int
* @Return String YYYY-MM-DD
* /
Public string getnmonthbeforecurrentday (int N) {
Calendar c = calendar.getInstance ();
Return "" C. Get (C.Year) "-" (C.Get (C.MONTH) 1) "-" C.Get (C.DATE);
/ **
* A day after the current time of the system is obtained.
* @Param n int
* @Return String YYYY-MM-DD
* /
Public String getnmonthaftercurrentday (int N) {
Calendar c = calendar.getInstance ();
Return "" C. Get (C.Year) "-" (C.Get (C.MONTH) 1) "-" C.Get (C.DATE);
/ **
* N days before the system is current time
* @Param n int
* @Return String YYYY-MM-DD
* /
Public string getndaybeforecurrentdate (int N) {
Calendar c = calendar.getInstance ();
C.ADD (c.day_of_month, -n);
Return "" C. Get (C.Year) "-" (C.Get (C.MONTH) 1) "-" C.Get (C.DATE);
/ **
* N days after the system is current time
* @Param n int
* @Return String YYYY-MM-DD
* /
Public String getndayAftercurrentDate (int N) {
Calendar c = calendar.getInstance ();
Return "" C. Get (C.Year) "-" (C.Get (C.MONTH) 1) "-" C.Get (C.DATE);
/ / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- // Take a day of the system that the system is corresponding to the day.
Public string getcurrentdateAfterpastdate (String spastdate) {
IF (SpastDate! = Null &&! Spastdate.equals (")) {
Date Date = SwitchStringTodate (Spastdate);
Calendar c = calendar.getInstance ();
C.SetTime (date);
INT ipastyear = c.get (c.year);
Calendar C1 = Calendar.getInstance ();
Int icrrentyear = c1.get (c1.year);
C.ADD (C.Year, Icurrentyear - iPastyEar);
Return "" C.Get (C.Year) "-" (C.Get (C.MONTH) 1) "-"
C. Get (C.DATE);
Else {
Return NULL;
/ **
* Transform a date string into date
* @Return Date YYYY-MM-DD
* /
Public Date SwitchStringTodate (String SDATE) {
Date Date = NULL;
Try {
SimpleDateFormat DF = New SimpleDateFormat ("YYYY-MM-DD");
Catch (Exception E) {
System.out.println ("Date Transition Failed:" E.GetMessage ());
Return Date;
/ **
* Enter the date of two string types, compare the size of both
* @Param fromDate String
* @Param Todate String
* @Return Boolean Before True
* /
Public Boolean ComparetWodateBigorsmall (String fromDate, String Todate) {
Date DateFrom = this.switchStringTodate (fromDate);
Date DateTo = this.switchStringTodate (TODATE);
IF (DateFrom.Before (Dateto)) {
Return True;
Else {
Return False;
/ **
* Transform a date string into Calendar
* @Return Calendar
* /
Public Calendar SwitchStringTocalendar (String SDATE) {
Date Date = SwitchStringTodate (SDATE);
Calendar c = calendar.getInstance ();
C.SetTime (date);
Return C;
/ **
* Translate a date into Calendar
* @Param Date Date
* @Return Calendar
* /
Public Calendar SwitchStringTocalendar (Date Date) {
Calendar c = calendar.getInstance ();
C.SetTime (date);
Return C;
Public string string2date (String DateString)
Throws java.lang.exception {
/ * DateFormat DateFormat;
DateFormat = New SimpleDateFormat ("YYYY-MM-DD KK: MM: SS");
DateFormat.Setlenient (false); TIMEDATE = DATEFORMAT.PARSE (DATESTRING); // Util Type
// datetime = new (TIMEDATE.GETTIME ()); // SQL type
Java.sql.timestamp datetime = new java.sql.timestamp (TIMEDATE.GETTIME ()); // TimeStamp type
* /
SimpleDateFormat Newk = new SimpleDateFormat ("YYYY.MM.DD HH: MM: SS");
SimpleDateFormat Old = New SimpleDateFormat ("MMM DD HH: MM: SS YYYY");
String strdate = "Mar 22 00:42:00 2002";
Date D = Old.Parse (strdate);
System.out.println (Newk.Format (D));
Return newk.format (d);
/ **
* Before getting a certain day before N month
* @Param n int
* @Return String YYYY-MM-DD
* /
Public String getnmonthbeforeOnEDay (string sdate, int N) {
Calendar C = SwitchStringTocalendar (SDATE);
Return "" C. Get (C.Year) "-" (C.Get (C.MONTH) 1) "-" C.Get (C.DATE);
/ / Get a certain day after a certain time N month
Public string getnmonthafteroneday (string sdate, int N) {
Calendar C = SwitchStringTocalendar (SDATE);
Return "" C. Get (C.Year) "-" (C.Get (C.MONTH) 1) "-" C.Get (C.DATE);
/ / Get a certain time n days, format YYYY-MM-DD
Public String getndaybeforeOnEDate (string sdate, int n) {
Calendar C = SwitchStringTocalendar (SDATE);
C.ADD (c.day_of_month, -n);
Return "" C.Get (C.Year) "-" (C.Get (C.MONTH) 1) "-" C.Get (C.DATE);
// N days after getting a certain time, format YYYY-MM-DD
Public string getndayAfterONEDATE (String sdate, int N) {
Calendar C = SwitchStringTocalendar (SDATE);
Return "" C. Get (C.Year) "-" (C.Get (C.MONTH) 1) "-" C.Get (C.DATE);
// Judgment the current time is not annihilation
Public boolean isrunnian () {
Java.util.calendar RightNow = java.util.calendar.GetInstance ();
INT year = rightnow.get (rightnow.year);
IF (0 == Year% 4 && (Year% 100! = 0 || Year% 400 == 0)) {
Return True;
Else {
Return False;
Public static void main (string args []) {
DateTime a = new datetime ();
Try {
//System.out.print (a.string2date(a.string2date)));
} catch (exception e) {system.err.println ();