ViewCVS is a web interface for CVS developed with Python.
Although I have seen VIEWCVS very early. for
Windows project
Http://, but to be honest,
Configuring viewcvs on Windows is still very complicated. But now it is good. Bo Berglund made a installation package, specific access: Plug Python, Wowo .... Fully automatic installation. OK. Browse your viewcvs.
And viewcvs ratio
Http:// is a good point is that its output is template for your modification. In addition, viewcvs can not rely on Web Server, they own itself a web. access.
In fact, CVS's Web Interface does not have too many mysterious places, and the principle of implementation is mainly due to the execution of the command line. In that installation, it will help you install a gnuwin32 (
Http:// is a GNU
Windows's Port covers most GNU applications.