***** Production Management Project (JSP Javabean) SQLServer2000 Tomcat4.1. *
1. Implement Tomcat (4.1. *) Is always inexplicable, finding the reason: Viewing the log of the recorded connection pool has been used, found that the number of connections has risen steadily until it is exhausted, and the connection is exhausted and the Tomcat is dead. The time is similar (? There is no actual test, leaving the root), so a large number of modification of the code may not be corrected with the suspected code of the connection release (even the Code looks better).
After "waste", after a lot of manpower and energy, I was happy to release it (I felt that there was a sunlight on the occasion, and the time at 12 noon, there was no test, failed)! ! !
After 2 pm, the feedback information is Tomcat every 10 minutes,: ((want to cry without tears). I remembered that there is no testing negligence, so XDM quickly made a simple pressure test (stupid), found ratio The customer is still serious! Discover two doubts: Tomcat console sometimes outputs the output is not timely, the server does not respond to customer requests; the memory usage increases.
Colleagues have reminded that our logs have been using a file. Take the customer's log, found that there have been more than 188M, unable to browse, and find that the code is found, the processing of the log is not closed after opening the file. Hey, I canceled our own log program; I remember that someone said that when the abnormality is too many, I will hang Tomcat when the console is displayed (have you said? I don't know, I don't understand: (), So changed the log4j configuration, not allowing it to output to the console, and it feels slightly stable in the test after the modification is completed.
Since the strike again, Server will still hic fart, and it is too long to respond to the page. There is no way, and finally, many people have found that many people say that Microsoft's JDBC driver is not good. I haven't experienced it, and we use it, the disease is investing in the doctor, first, a new version (2.2 2004) driver, try it, The speed is not only improved, the system is also more stable, finally see a line of life, last Say Biby to Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQLServer2000, set to JTDS, now the system is really stable!
I would like to teach Microsoft this JDBCDRIVER. (Unfortunately, the reason is still not understood)