How to update your Fedora Core 2 ?? with yum

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  42

How to update your Fedora Core 2 in Yum 2 Fedora Core 2 Since the release of May 18, 2004, there has been a lot of updates, and Fedora Core 3 has appeared on November 8, 2004, followed by regulations, 6 to 8 months later. It is not supported by Fedora Core 2, but there is still a secure patch within 18 months, and the upgrade program provided by Fedora Core 2 itself is very low, so the download speed is very low, it needs to use Fedora Core 2 itself. The YUM program is provided to select a high-speed image website to download. First change the text in /etc/yum.conf as follows: [Base] name = fedora Core $ Releasever - $ basearch - base baseURL = http: //mirror.pacific.$Releasever/ * $barch/OS/ [Updates-release] name = fedora Core $ Releasever - $ basearch - release ketates baseURL =$Releasever/ * $$arch/ Here $ Releasever is a variable determined by the system, which is equal to 2 for Fedora Core 2, $ basearch is also P4 1.6G type CPU is equal to I386. You can discover the headers directory and installation files in the URL after BaseURL in [Base], then explain the URL settings correctly. In the URL in the [Updates-Released], you can find A large number of RPM packs and headers directories, that this URL is correct. The text in / etc / sysconfig / rhn / sources is as follows: Yum fedora-core-2 Redhat / Fedora / 2 / $ Arch / OS / Yum-mirror Fedora-Core-2 YUM Updates-released-fc2 Http:// - $ARCH/ Yum-mirror Updates-released-fc2 / Updates / 2 / $ ARCH / here $ ARCH to the P4 1.6G type CPU is equal to i386, replacing this parameter in Yum Fedora-Core-2 URL can discover the Header directory, after Yum Updates-released-fc2 URL can find a lot of RPM packages and headers directories, that URL can be used. The above URL is high! You can reach 200K. If you want to check more URLs, you can go to the following URL: http: // fedora. Note When writing to Yum.conf, use variables ($ basearch) to suit your CPU type! Haha! / etc / sysconfig / rhn / source is YUM's lack province Document, you can add a large string URL after Yum Fedora-Core-2, do not need to disconnect, others also pay attention to the variable ($ Arch) replacement to suit your CPU type! Save, choose A suitable time-discharge opening terminal: # yum check-update # yum update is about an hour. If you want to install a package: # yum install cvs Note: You must contain the CVS package if you provide this package If you put the kernel Updated, then reload the driver of the graphics card, if you haven't installed before, then don't drive after the update! This will see a lot of data in delivery, until the installation is complete! This website provides more support YUM has a copyright problem package URL: If you like Gui, then you have to install a gui package:


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