HTML has been increasing, but it has never become small, because the new version must maintain backward compatibility. This situation will be changed. The first draft of XHTML 2.0 was released on August 5, 2002. A large news is to cancel backward compatibility; the language is finally developed. So what will you get as a developer? How is the robust form and incident? They are research that does not require a large number of JavaScript frameworks and even a better way to hierarchical menu. This article outlines new features in XHTML 2.0 and how might use it in the future. Readers should be familiar with HTML and / or XHTML 1.0. Cascading style Sheet (CSS) is helpful, but it is not required. Say goodbye to rear compatibility, introducing the structure section navigation list and menu link, the link is ubiquitous as the XFormsxml Events XFrames image as the object subsequent steps farewell to backward compatibility, the introduction structure When the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)) in 2002 When I released the first working draft of XHTML 2.0 on August 5th, it was most surprisingly: Unlike their previous versions, it is not backward compatible. For the previous release, if you go from HTML 4.01 to XHTML 1.0 and later from XHTML 1.0 to Xthml 1.1, the change is added; you can read the browser of the XHTML 1.0 (transition) document can also understand the HTML 4.01 document. And XHTML 2.0 is not that. If you announce the HTML version that we will study today without an IMG tag or bold tag, most web developers will look at you with doubt. However, this is now. In addition to thorough replacement forms and frames, XHTML 2.0 removes B, I and IMG tags (and BIG, SMALL and TT), and even disapprove of using BR to remove it from future releases. But this is why? The reason is that most markers are expressed. The only purpose of their is to give the browser instruction, which specifies how the content should be displayed, but it does not provide information about what is the content. For example, consider the following two sentences:
Presentational Elements Are, for the MOST PART i>, gone b>.
Presentational Elements Are, for the MOST PART em>, gone strong>.
In the absence of a style sheet, these two sentences look like in the browser, but only the second sentence provides information about the reason. In fact, from the beginning of EM (emphasis) and Strong markers, it appears in HTML, but the authors have basically ignored them for many years, but focus on performance form, which is expected at the expense of content. But this does not mean that as long as you want to make some content into bold or slope, you should hard to step into these two markers. Conversely, the entire object of removing the representative element is to try the original intention of the inventors of the CSS, that is, according to what the content is indicated, the style sheet should be used to beautify the content. For example, a list 1 uses a category (Class) to point out the content type. Listing 1. Use the category to specify the content type