In SQL's SP development, the cursor is an indispensable role. However, some improper use cursors will cause serious system performance, all, many people want to find a way, that is, to achieve the function of the cursor, and have little effect on performance. This is a loop instead of a cycle in this article.
Under normal circumstances, the purpose of using the cursor is to reach a loop, but if we do it in a loop, how to control the current variable value is the key.
The table used in the following code
Create Table TbluserDetail
Username nvarchar (30) Not null, / * User name * /
Userage int, / * user age * /
UserDepartment NVARCHAR (30) / * User Division * /
In the above table, there are several data.
Now, we must take out the top 5 sentences of each department, and you will be from the old to the small row.
It can be used by the game.
code show as below
Declare CurdePartment Cursor for Select Distinct UserDepartment from TbluserDetail
Open CurDepartment
Fetch next from curdePartment Into @DEPARTMENT
While @@ fetch_status = 0
SELECT TOP 5 Username
From tbluserdetail
Where userDepartment = @ departmentment
Order by Userage DESC
Fetch next from curdePartment Into @DEPARTMENT
Close CurDepartment
Deallocate CurDepartment
Use cycles to use a temporary table
Uid Int Identity (1, 1),
Department NVARCHAR (30))
Declare @ncount as int
Declare @allcount as int
SELECT @ ncount = 1
Select Distinct UserDepartment from TbluserDetail
SELECT @allcount = @@ rowcount
While @ncount <= @ allcount
SELECT TOP 5 Username
From tbluserdetail
WHERE userDepartment = (Select Department from @TBLDEPARTMENT WHERE UID = @ ncount)
Order by Userage DESC
SELECT @ ncount = @ ncount 1
In this way, the function is the same. When using a cycle, it is not easy to cause a deadlock caused by improper use of the cursor, which is obvious when operating a large amount of data.
Of course, there are some cases that cannot be used instead of cursors. For example: there are many exactly the same records in a table, and the first one is updated, the second is not changed.
There is no way to cycle at this time.