ComboBox, DateTimePicker Application in DataGrid (C #) ...

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  35

To use ComboBox, DateTimePicker in DataGrid, I can rewrite System.Windows.Forms.DataGridColumnStyle to do ....

(Please click on the VB.NET section)

First, bind ComboBox with DataGridColumnStyle, then rewrite DataGridColumnStyle ... Code and Under:

Using system;


Using system.drawing;

Namespace Xuicontrols



/// Summary Description for DataGridComboBoxColumnStyle.


Public Class DataGridComboBoxColumnStyle: System.Windows.Forms.DataGridColumnStyle


Private ComboBox X_ComboBox = New ComboBox ();

Private bool iSEDITING;

Public DataGridcomboBoxColumnStyle (): base ()



// Todo: add constructor logic here


X_comboBox.visible = false;


Protected Override Void Abort (int Rownum)


ISEDITING = FALSE; = New EventHandler (this.comboBoxValueChanged);

Invalidate ();


Protected Override Bool Commit (CurrencyManager DataSource, int Rownum)


X_comboBox.bounds = Rectangle.empty; = New EventHandler (this.comboBoxValueChanged);

IF (! iSediting)

Return True;




String value = x_comboBox.Text;

SetColumnValueatrow (DataSource, Rownum, Value);


Catch (Exception)


Abort (rownum);

Return False;


Invalidate ();

Return True;


Protected Override Void Edit (CurrencyManager Source, Int Rownum, Rectangle Bounds, Bool Readonly, String InstantText, Bool Cellisvisible)


String value = (string) getColumnValueatrow (Source, Rownum);

IF (CellisVisible)


X_comboBox.bounds = New Rectangle

(Bounds.x 2, Bounds.y 2, Bounds.Width-4, Bounds.Height-4);

X_comboBox.text = value;

X_comboBox.visible = true; = new eventhandler (this.comboBoxValueChanged);




X_comboBox.text = value;

X_comboBox.visible = false;

IF (x_comboBox.visible)

DataGridtablesTyle.DataGrid.invalidate (Bounds);


Protected Override Void Paint (Graphics G, Rectangle Bounds, CurrencyManager Source, Int Rownum)


Paint (g, bounds, source, rownum, false);


Protected Override Void Paint

Graphics g,

Rectangle Bounds,

CurrencyManager Source,

Int rownum,

Bool aligntoright)



g, bounds,





Protected Override Void Paint

Graphics g,

Rectangle Bounds,

CurrencyManager Source,

Int rownum,

Brush backbrush,

Brush forebrush,

Bool aligntoright)


String Date = (String)

GetColumnValueatrow (Source, Rownum);

Rectangle Rect = Bounds;

g.fillRectangle (Backbrush, Rect);

Rect.offset (0, 2);

Rect.height- = 2;

g.drawstring (date, this.datagridtablestyle.DataGrid.font, forebrush, rect);

//g.drawstring(date ,this.DataGridtablestyle.datagrid.font ,stract.y); // ok


Protected Override Size GetPreferRedsize (Graphics G, Object Value)


Return New Size (100, 24);


Protected Override Int getminimumHeight ()


Return 24;


Protected Override int GETPREFERREDHEIGHT (Graphics G, Object Value)


Return 24;


Protected Override Void SetDataGridIncolumn (DataGrid Value)


Base.setDataGridincolumn (value);

IF (x_comboBox.parent! = null)


X_comboBox.parent.controls.remove (x_comboBox);


IF (value! = null)


Value.controls.add (x_comboBox);



Private Void ComboBoxValueChanged (Object Sender, Eventargs E)


this.iseditation = true;

Base.columnStartedEditing (x_comboBox);


Public void additem (String strItemname)


X_comboBox.Items.Add (stritemname);




Second, bind DateTimePicker with DataGridColumnStyle, then rewrite the DataGridColumnStyle ... Code and below: USING SYSTEM;


Using system.drawing;

Namespace Xuicontrols



/// Summary Description for DataGriddateTimePickerColumnStyle.


Public Class DataGriddateTimePickerColumnStyle: DataGridColumnStyle


Private datepicker x_datetimepicker = new datetimepicker ();

Private bool iSEDITING;

Public DataGridDateTimePickerColumnStyle (): base ()



// Todo: add constructor logic here


X_datetimePicker.visible = false;


Protected Override Void Abort (int Rownum)



X_datetimePicker.ValueChanged- = New EventHandler (this.timePickerValueChanged);

Invalidate ();


Protected Override Bool Commit (CurrencyManager DataSource, int Rownum)


X_DatetimePicker.bounds = Rectangle.empty;

X_datetimePicker.ValueChanged- = New EventHandler (this.timePickerValueChanged);

IF (! iSediting)


Return True;





System.datetime value. = X_datetimepicker.value;

SetColumnValueatrow (Datasource, Rownum, Values);


Catch (Exception)


Abort (rownum);

Return False;


Invalidate ();

Return True;


Protected Override Void Edit (CurrencyManager Source, Int Rownum, Rectangle Bounds, Bool Readonly, String InstantText, Bool Cellisvisible)


System.Datetime value = (datetime) getColumnValueatrow (Source, Rownum);

IF (CellisVisible)


X_DatetimePicker.bounds = New Rectangle

(Bounds.x 2, Bounds.y 2, Bounds.Width-4, Bounds.Height-4);

X_DatetimePicker.Value = Value;

X_DatetimePicker.visible = true;

X_DatetimePicker.ValueChanged = New EventHandler (this.timePickerValueChanged);




X_datetimePicker.Value = value; x_datetimepicker.visible = false;


IF (x_datetimepicker.visible)

DataGridtablesTyle.DataGrid.invalidate (Bounds);


Protected Override Void Paint (Graphics G, Rectangle Bounds, CurrencyManager Source, Int Rownum)


Paint (g, bounds, source, rownum, false);


Protected Override Void Paint (Graphics G, Rectangle Bounds, CurrencyManager Source, Int Rownum, Bool Aligntoright)


Paint (G, Bounds, Source, Rownum, Brushes.Red,, Aligntoright);


Protected Override Void Paint (Graphics G, Rectangle Bounds, Currencymanager Source, Int Rownum, Brush Backbrush, Brush Forebrush, Bool Aligntoright)


System.datetime Date = (datetime)

GetColumnValueatrow (Source, Rownum);

Rectangle Rect = Bounds;

g.fillRectangle (Backbrush, Rect);

Rect.offset (0, 2);

Rect.height- = 2;

g.drawstring (Date.Tostring ("D"), this.dataGridtablestyle.DataGrid.Font, Forebrush, Rect);


Protected Override Size GetPreferRedsize (Graphics G, Object Value)


Return New Size (100, 24);


Protected Override Int getminimumHeight ()


Return 24;


Protected Override int GETPREFERREDHEIGHT (Graphics G, Object Value)


Return 24;


Protected Override Void SetDataGridIncolumn (DataGrid Value)


Base.setDataGridincolumn (value);

IF (x_datetimepicker.parent! = null)


X_DatetimePicker.parent.controls.remove (x_datetimepicker);


IF (value! = null)


Value.controls.add (x_datetimepicker);



Private Void TimePickerValueChanged (Object Sender, Eventargs E)


this.iseditation = true;

Base.columnStartedEditing (x_datetimepicker);




● At this point, the two rewritten UiControl has been completed, and now create a new form, put a DataGird in the Form, we will implement the use of ComboBox, DateTimePicker, CheckBox ....

Code section:

Using system;

Using system.drawing; using system.collections;

Using system.componentmodel;



Namespace XForms



/// Summary description for form_diary.


Public class form_diary:


Private my_diarys.userControls.userControl_Header UserControl_Header1;

Private DataGrid1;

Private DataTable namesDataTable;

Private Xuicontrols.xButton Button1;


/// Required Designer Variable.


Private system.componentmodel.Container Components = NULL;

Public form_diary ()



// Required for Windows Form Designer Support


InitializationComponent ();


// Todo: Add Any Constructionor Code After InitializationComponent Call




/// Clean Up Any Resources Being Used.


Protected Override Void Dispose (Bool Disposing)


IF (Disposing)


IF (Components! = NULL)


Components.dispose ();



Base.dispose (Disposing);


#Region Windows Form Designer Generated Code


/// Required Method for Designer Support - Do Not Modify

/// The contents of this method with the code editor.


Private vidinitiRizeComponent ()


This.userControl_Header1 = new my_diarys.userControls.userControl_Header ();

This.DataGrid1 = new ();

THIS.BUTTON1 = New Xuicontrols.xbutton ();

(System.comPonentModel.isupportInitialize) (DataAgrid1)). Begininit ();



// UserControl_Header1


This.userControl_Header1.Location = new system.drawing.point (0, 0); = "UserControl_Header1";

This.userControl_Header1.size = new system.drawing.size (162, 28);

this.userControl_Header1.tabindex = 0;


// DataGrid1



This.DataGrid1.HeaderForeColor = system.drawing.systemcolors.ControlText;

This.DataGrid1.location = new system.drawing.point (10, 102); = "datagrid1";

This.DataGrid1.size = new system.drawing.size (528, 198);

this.DataGrid1.tabindex = 1;


// Button1


This.button1.location = new system.drawing.point (408, 378); = "button1";

this.button1.tabindex = 2;

This.Button1.Text = "Button1";


// form_diary


THIS.AUTOSCALEBASESIZE = New System.drawing.size (5, 13);

THIS.CLIENTSIZE = New System.drawing.size (792, 547);

This.Controls.add (this.button1);

This.Controls.add (this.DataGrid1);

This.Controls.add (this.userControl_Header1);

THIS.NAME = "form_diary";

this.righttoleft =;

This.Text = "form_dia";

THISLOAD = New System.EventHandler (this.form_diary_load);

(System.comPonentModel.isupportInitialize) (THISDATAGRID1)). Endinit ();

This.ResumeLayout (false);




Static void



{ (New XForms.form_Diary ());


Private void adddata ()


DataRow DROW = NamesDataTable.NewRow ();

DROW ["name"] = "name 1";

DROW ["state"] = "xxx";

DROW ["Date"] = New DateTime (2004, 11, 24);

NamesDataTable.Rows.Add (DROW);

DROW = NamesDataTable.newrow ();

DROW ["name"] = "name 2";

DROW ["Date"] = New DateTime (2004, 11, 24);

DROW ["state"] = "xxx"; namesDataTable.Rows.Add (drow);

DROW = NamesDataTable.newrow ();

DROW ["name"] = "name 3";

DROW ["state"] = "xxx";

DROW ["Date"] = New DateTime (2004, 11, 24);

NamesDataTable.Rows.Add (DROW);

DROW = NamesDataTable.newrow ();

DROW ["name"] = "name 4";

DROW ["state"] = "xxx";

DROW ["Date"] = New DateTime (2004, 11, 24);

NamesDataTable.Rows.Add (DROW);

DROW = NamesDataTable.newrow ();

DROW ["name"] = "name 5";

DROW ["state"] = "xxx";

DROW ["Date"] = New DateTime (2004, 11, 24);

NamesDataTable.Rows.Add (DROW);

NamesDataTable.acceptchanges ();


Private void addgridStyle ()


DataGridTableStyle MyGridStyle = New DataGridTableStyle ();

MyGridStyle.mappingName = "namestable";

DataGridTextBoxColumn NameColumnStyle =

New DataGridTextBoxColumn ();

NameColumnStyle.mappingname = "name";

NameColumnStyle.Headertext = "name";

MyGridStyle.GridColumnStyles.Add (NameColumnStyle);

Xuicontrols.DataGridDateTimePickerColumnStyle DateColumnStyle =

New Xuicontrols.DataGridDatetimePickerColumnStyle ();

DateColumnStyle.mappingName = "Date";

DatecolumnStyle.Headertext = "Date";

MyGridStyle.GridColumnStyles.Add (DateColumnStyle);

Xuicontrols.DataGridcomboBoxColumnStyle CMBStyle = New Xuicontrols.DataGridComboBoxColumnStyle ();

CMBStyle.mappingName = "state";

CMBStyle.Headertext = "state";

CMBStyle.Width = 100;

CMBStyle.Additem ("xxx");

CMBStyle.AddItem ("1111");

MyGridStyle.GridColumnStyles.Add (CMBStyle);

This.DataGrid1.tables.add (myGridStyle);

Private void form_diary_load (Object Sender, System.EventArgs E)


NamesDataTable = New DataTable ("nameSTable");

NamesDataTable.columns.add (New Datacolumn ("Name"));

NamesDataTable.columns.add (New Datacolumn ("State");

// NamesDataTable.Columns.Add (New Datacolumn ("Date"));

Datacolumn datecolumn = new datacolumn

("Date", TypeOf (System.DateTime));

NamesDataTable.columns.add (datecolumn);

DataSet nameDataSet = new dataset ();

NamesDataSet.tables.add (namesdataable);

This.DataGrid1.datasource = namesdata


AddgridStyle ();

Adddata ();





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