Received the notification, report the report database reported:
ORA-00600: Internal Error Code, Arguments: [15851], [3], [2], [1], [1], [], [], []
Current SQL Statement for this session:
INSERT INTO ACTIVE_USER_WAP_H (Mobileenum, LocationID, Subscat, StartTime, Counts)
Select Mobilenum, LocationID, Subscat, Trunc (StartTime, 'HH24'), Count (*)
From Active_user_wap
GROUP BY Mobileenum, LocationID, Subscat, Trunc (StartTime, 'HH24')
----- PL / SQL CALL Stack -----
Object Line Object
Handle Number Name
C000000085626108 51 Function report.wap_Active_user_stat
C00000008B7733D8 3 Anonymous Block
----- Call Stack TRACE ------
After verification, this error is caused by a responsible statement. The Group by the group triggered this bug. For details, please refer: bug 2012482
Solution is to set the parameter "_GBY_ONEKEY_ENABED" for false
SQL> ALTER System Set "_GBY_ONEKEY_ENABED" = false scope = SPFILE;
SYSTEM altered.