Call Java class in PHP

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  35

Under Windows: Modify php.ini file: [java] extension = php_java.dlljava.class.path = d: /php/extensions/php_java.jarjava.home = c: /j2sdk1.4.2_01java.library = C: / J2SDK1. 4.2_01 / jre / bin / server / jvm.dll java.library.path = D: / php / extensions Note: D: / PHP is the installation directory of PHP, c: /j2sdk1.4.2_01 is the J2SDK1.4 installation directory Simple test

// DemonStrate Property Access Print 'java version ='. $ system-> getproperty ('java.version'). '
';> Complex test Linux under http: //bbs.chinaunix. Net / forum / viewtopic.php? t = 361156 & highlight = java

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