Transfer from:
Windows Messager, which is self-contained with XP
Quote content:
Start -> Run -> Rundll32 AdvPack.dll, launchinfsection% Windir% / INF / MSMSGS.INF, BLC.Remove
Accelerate the startup speed of Nero Burning ROM under Windows XP
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Control panel-> performance and mantenance-> administrative tools-> services-> imapi cd-burning COM service-> double click-> general-> startup type-> change from Manual to Disabled
Control Panel -> Performance and Maintenance -> Management Tools -> Services -> Imapi CD-Burning COM Service-> Double click Open -> General -> Start Type -> From manual change to disable
Note: If you still use Windows XP your own burning system, please don't modify it.
How to prohibit Adobe Acrobat Reader Generate MY EBOOKS directory each time
Quote content:
Move ebook.api, ebook.chs, moved out of the plugin directory.
Improve FlashFXP upload speed
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Set-> Advanced -> Upload Packet Size, Default is 4096, I am set to 10240, the speed is significantly improved, everyone can test the most appropriate size
Close the default drive Hide Sharing (2000, XP, 2003Server)
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Workstation / Professional: hkey_local_machine / system / currentcontrolset / service / lantserver / parameters / autosharewks
Set the above key value to 0
Description: After modifying the registry, restart the Server service (Command: Net Start Server) or restart the operating system.
McAfee VirusScan Enterprise Remove the startup screen
Quote content:
Modify the registry, change the value of [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / NETWORK Associates / TVD / VirusScan Enterprise / CurrentVersion / Bskipsplash] to "1"
Thoroughly close the startup item in RealonePlayer in the taskbar
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REALSCHED.EXE name under C: / Program files / common files / real / update_ob
Solution After installing Applocale, other software or installer has garbled issues
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1. Use Notepad to open C: /Windows/appatch/Apploc.tmp, then delete all the content inside, set the file attribute to read-only, that is, the file size is always 0, get it, huh, huh
Let IIS server support Chinese file name
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Modify the registry, change the value of [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CURRENTCONTROLSET / SERVICES / INETINFO / Parameters / FavordBCS] to "0"
Upload file size limit 200k in IIS6
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MS modify the hidden switch of the XP boot screen
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/ bootlogo
1. Be a boot drawing: 640x480 (arbitrary 16 colors), save to the Windows directory, name Boot.BMP.
2, add "/ bootlogo / noguiboot" in Boot.ini.
How to rebuild "Show Desktop" in the Quick Start field
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Copy the following content into a text file, the file name is show desktop.scf, then drag to the fast boot bar
Command = 2
IConfile = Explorer.exe, 3
Command = Toggledesktop
Win2003 plugs in a USB mobile hard disk does not display the drive letter, the status bar icon is correct
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Distributing a disk in "Disk Management" in Computer Management
Verify that the serial number of Nero is valid
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Go to Nero's directory, execute NeroCMD -ListDrives, if the serial number is valid, list all CD devices of the current machine
Close XPSP2 to run a local HTML file installation warning
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Modify Registry: [HKCU / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Main / FeatureControl / Feature_LocalMachine_Lockdown] Set the key value of IExplorer.exe on the right to 0, if this item does not exist, the newly created one, the type is REG_DWORD