
xiaoxiao2021-03-06  41

Temperature of Temperature - Time </ Title> <script language = javascript> var cellwidth = 10; // EACH "cell" width in pixelsvar cellheight = 10; // EACH "Cell" Height in Pixelsvar Fontsize = 11; // . FONT SIZE OF THE NUMBERS SETTING THIS TOO BIG CAUSES UNDESIRED EFFECTS.var fontcolor = "080080"; // ENTER ANY HTML OR RGB COLOR CODEvar fontstyle = "bold"; // ENTER EITHER BOLD, ITALICS, NONEvar oncolor = "red" ; // COLOR OF ACTIVE CELLSvar offcolor = "lightgrey"; // COLOR OF INACTIVE CELLSvar NS4 = (navigator.appName.indexOf ( "Netscape")> = 0 && parseFloat (navigator.appVersion)> = 4 && parseFloat (navigator. Appversion) <5)? True: false; var IE4 = (Document.all)? True: false; var ns6 = (Parsefloat (Navigator.Appversion)> = 5 && navigator.Appname.indexof ("Netscape") > = 0)? 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