1. Compaq is changed to "pressing any key" to "press Enter". Because the company receives a call to countless customers every day, ask "any key" where it is in the computer.
The 2.ast Technical Services Department received a customer's complaint, saying that the mouse with dust cover is not available, and the so-called "dust cover" is the Mouse's plastic packaging bag.
3. A technical waiter of Compaq received a telephone number of a male customer, saying that Li's computer could not read the text handling file on his old disk, and did not find that the disk has been strong and the magnetic field is not overheated. . It turns out that this gentleman has posted a label for this disk, then puts a few words on the drum of the typewriter, thinking to do Label.
4. A Dell's customer said that his computer could not send Fax. The company's technicians took 40 minutes to check his computer, but did not find any problems, when asked how this customer sent FAX, he said: "The paper I have to send to the computer's Screen, and then press the 'Send' button on the keyboard."
5.Dell said that his computer's keyboard could not work. He turned out that he put the keyboard into soap water for a day, then fold all the keys, one was washed again. He is a mechanical repairman.
6. An angered woman calls Dell that the new computer cannot be started. The technical personnel department is inserted with a power supply and ask her to the computer when the power switch is switched. The customer replied: "I step on the pedal switch over and over again, I didn't respond!" She regards mouse as a foot switch.
(Source: 51job)