IBM WebSphere Portal5.1 Development Guide (1)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  39

First, installation articles

1, IBM WebSphere Portal5.1 Introduction:

WebSphere Portal Overview

WebSphere Portal consists of enterprises (B2B), businesses (B2C), and businesses for employees (B2C), and businesses for constructing and managing secure, consisting of clients (B2C) and businesses to employees (B2E). The portal is to provide users with a Web site-based Web site, which is to gather them in a place and only require the user to log in to the portal itself, rather than logging in to each portlet they use. WebSphere Portal can send Web content to enable WAP-enabled devices and i-mode phones, and a variety of web browsers.

As an administrator, you can customize WebSphere Portal to meet the needs of organizations, users, and user groups. You can modify the appearance and feelings of the portal to meet your organization standards and make the user and set the page to match the business rules and user profiles. Users (such as business partners, customers or employees) can further customize their own portal view. Users can add portlets to the page and arrange them with their own will, and control the portlet color scheme. Customize its own desktop by gathering portlets and grants user permissions, WebSphere Portal can effectively and satisfy their business.

Portlets are the center of WebSphere Portal. As a special access to the area defined on the portal page, portlet provides access to many different applications, services, and web content. WebSphere Portal provides a large number of standard portlet sets, including portlets for displaying Cindida content, converting XML, and accessing the search engine and web page. Also included with portlets that access Lotus Notes, Microsoft Exchange, and instant messaging. You can also use several third-party portlets. Examples include Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) portlet. WebSphere Portal also provides portlet developers to create custom portlets API.

WebSphere platform overview

WebSphere (R) is an infrastructure software for dynamic e-commerce, passes verified, secure, and reliable software portfolios.

If there is a wide range of e-commerce leadership, WebSphere can develop to meet the needs of the company in the face of challenging business environments, such as increasing operational efficiency, enhancing customer loyalty, and integrating different systems.

Guiding customers to steering dynamic e-commerce means WebSphere provides an answer to these challenging business environments. WebSphere is the only e-commerce platform that provides each of the things required to build, deploy and integrate e-commerce, including: foundation and tools, business portal, business integration, and transaction server and tools. 2. Main Features (1) Multi-Purpose Framework WebSphere Portal provides a consistent view of the portal application and allows the user to define a specific application set that appears in a single context. Depending on the requesting device, the presentation of this application set must be changed to meet the needs of the device. The task of repeated gathering for each request from the device is:

Collect information about users, devices, and selected languages. Select the active portlet from the user with access to access. The aggregated active portlet is output to the consistent, available display.

WebSphere Portal also provides the ability to create custom navigation models, including the following features:

Multi-level navigation custom topics and appearance custom navigation - Navigation tree can provide another feature of the multi-purpose framework of portlet (and content) on the portlet itself to personalize the user's portal experience, which is based on users and portal users The role uses "content points" presenting subscription content (from WebSphere Portal Content Publishing). (2) Customization

Custom users' portal experience is one of the main purposes of WebSphere Portal. To achieve this goal, WebSphere Portal provides users and managing portlets for custom page content, appearance, and layout. In addition, some tools are provided to enable the subject experts to personalize content to meet the needs and interests of each site visitor.

This topic is divided into the following seeds:

Customize your portal page Personalization -Personalization universal access information

Custom portal page page

The user can have one or more custom pages and can access each custom page through different portal pages. The page can be included as a set of pages for specific destination organizations. Each page can have a different portlet set. If permissions allow, users can use appearances and page layout to change their appearance and feelings. Moreover, the page navigation hierarchy is a tree structure, which allows the nested page to have any depth.

The content of each page can be set via a user or administrator. Administrators can specify some portlets, so that users cannot move or remove them from the page. Each page can have its own color schemes and column layout.

Now users can use the Display Tools option to rearrange the Portlet on the page on the page. Click this option to display the control around each portlet, enable the user to adjust the location of the Portlet on the page and add portlets to the page or remove the portlet from the page.

Class-level authority

The portal administrator can delegate a grant (or cancel) to customize a page (or some page) to other portal administrators or users. Modifying the permissions of the page can be determined by the administrator. Administrators can control other administrators to edit permissions on the page and their content. This can be well explained by an example.

The first administrator can determine that one page will have two columns and is not allowed to modify this column layout by any other administrator.

Another administrator with less visits cannot modify the column layout, but add portlets to these columns. This administrator adds company news portlets to column 1 and adds stock portlets to column 2. This administrator wants everyone to use these portlets, but they cannot remove them. However, you can add other portlets to columns. Therefore, these portlets are locked and cannot be removed by other administrators with less access.

Outlook and theme

WebSphere Portal uses Java Server Page (JSP) templates, cascaded style sheets, and images to define the appearance of the page. Modify these elements to control the appearance of the portal, or add the company's specific brand elements or complete different color schemes and visual styles. Define the system of color themes and portals to support multiple appearances by topics, other branded elements, navigation styles and dynamics, with the browser unrelated cassette style sheet.

Outlooks and topics are not only applicable to the entire portal, but also to a page. Various appearances can also be applied to the portlet, respectively, to fine adjust the appearance of the portal to satisfy any users. By using different topics for each page, a single portal installation can give the appearance that supports many "virtual" portals.

Brand element

You can change the visual elements of all WebSphere Portal, including the header, navigation area, graphics, portlet header area, and style table to produce a custom portal appearance. Standard file formats, for example, JPEG, GIF, CSS, and JSP files can be used to define the appearance and layout of the portal.

The structure of the installation folder of the WebSphere Portal component contains a folder named "Skin" and "Theme", and "HTML", "WML", and "chtml" folder. These folders contain files for defining the basic structure of the portal home page, its color scheme, and portlet decoration. Portal designers can copy these folders and modify their content to create custom appearance and feel. The subject management portlet registration new file. personalise

WebSphere Portal Content Publishing Personalized Components Select content for users according to the information and business logic in the user profile. WebSphere Portal Content Publishing provides amenities to enable the subject experts to choose from the needs and interests of each site visitor. These web-based tools help companies quickly and easily use the content created by business experts and theme experts. WebSphere Portal Content Publishing involves three basic personalized components:

User profile: Information about site users, including user attribute content model: Define properties related to content, such as product description, various products, and other information matching technology: Engine that matches the user with the appropriate content; including filtration, rules , Suggest a combination of the three three engines.

WebSphere Portal Content Publishing and WebSphere Portal components share public user profiles and content models. The model is based on a WebSphere resource frame interface class. This means that you can easily add personalized rules to the portlet to select a portal content and position the content to the registered user of WebSphere Portal.

The basic steps involved in personalization include classifying site accessers into individual segments and then associating the content with each segment. Business experts use web-based tools to create rules for classified users and selection content.

WebSphere Portal Content Publishing also includes a suggested engine that provides cooperative filtering capabilities. Cooperative filtration uses statistical techniques to identify groups of users with similar interest or behavior. According to the interest of other members in the group, you can infer possible interest in specific users.

There is also a new intended management tool with WebSphere Portal Content Publishing. The competitive is a business rule set that combines a business goal. For example, the Human Resources Manager may have to run a competitive to encourage employee to register stock purchase plan. The Human Resource Manager will define a set of rules that indicate the completion of the business. Compese with launching and stop dates and time, and can be based on email and web pages. Several contributions can be run synchronously or can be rushed.

Implicit Summary Analysis Services can collect real-time information about site accessers and then use this data to construct personalized business rules. To analyze the validity of the site and its personalized strategy, the server provides a report for the business owner of the site. This helps the company measure the effectiveness of business rules and contributions in completing the company's goals.

The WebSphere Personalization component selects content for users based on user profiles and information in business logic. WebSphere Personalization provides a number of facilities that enable the subject experts to choose from the needs of the needs and interests of each site visitor. These web-based tools help companies quickly and easily use the content created by business experts and theme experts. WebSphere Personalization involves three basic personalized components:

User profile: Information about site users, including user attribute content model: Define properties related to content, such as product description, various products, and other information matching technology: Engine that matches the user with the appropriate content; including filtration, rules , Suggest a combination of the three three engines.

WebSphere Personalization and WebSphere Portal components share public user profiles and content models. The model is based on a WebSphere resource frame interface class. This means that you can easily add personalized rules to the portlet to select a portal content and position the content to the registered user of WebSphere Portal. The basic steps involved in personalization include classifying site accessers into individual segments and then associating the content with each segment. Business experts use web-based tools to create rules for classified users and selection content.

WebSphere Personalization also includes a suggested engine that provides cooperative filtering capabilities. Cooperative filtration uses statistical techniques to identify groups of users with similar interest or behavior. According to the interest of other members in the group, you can infer possible interest in specific users.

There is also a new intended management tool with WebSphere Personalization. The competitive is a business rule set that combines a business goal. For example, the Human Resources Manager may have to run a competitive to encourage employee to register stock purchase plan. The Human Resource Manager will define a set of rules that indicate the completion of the business. Compese with launching and stop dates and time, and can be based on email and web pages. Several contributions can be run synchronously or can be rushed.

Implicit Summary Analysis Services can collect real-time information about site accessers and then use this data to construct personalized business rules. To analyze the validity of the site and its personalized strategy, the server provides a report for the business owner of the site. This helps the company measure the effectiveness of business rules and contributions in completing the company's goals.

Universal access

The page template, the subject, the topic, and the portlet presented system fully supports internationalization, and people with disabilities can be used. For global accessible portals, WebSphere Portal searches for search and its language settings in the target browser and its language settings and select the correct JSP page. (3) Portlet

Portlets are the central part of WebSphere Portal. Portlets are small portal applications, usually described as a small box in the web page. Portlets are independently developed, deployed, managed, and displayed. Administrators and users generate custom web pages by selecting and arranging portlets page.

WebSphere Portal provides a large number of standard portlet sets. See "Using Portlet" "Installed portlet" below to get the Portlet list. Then, you have to get the latest information about portlets (including the latest portlets available for download), access to Portal Catalog located in the WebSphere Portal Web site.

This topic is divided into the following seeds:

Portlet application portlet API portlet communication can be discovered service related information

Portlet application

Portlets are not just a simple view of existing web content. Portlet is a complete application, followed by standard model - view - controller design. Portlets have multiple status and viewing methods and events and messaging capabilities.

Portlets are run in the portlet container of the WebSphere Portal component, similar to the method of running a servlet on the application server. The portlet container provides a runtime environment that instantiates, uses, and finally destroyed portlets in this environment. Portlet relies on the WebSphere Portal infrastructure to access user profile information, participate in window and operational events, communicate with other portlets, access remote content, find credentials, and store continuous data.

In short, more dynamically manage the portlet than servlet. For example, when running a WebSphere Portal component, you can install or remove portlet applications consisting of several portlets. Even in the production environment, the portlet settings and access rights can be changed by administrator when running WebSphere Portal. Portlets allow portlets to display different user interfaces, depending on the tasks required for the portlet. Portlets have several display methods that can be called via the portlet title bar: "View", Help, and Edit "icon.

Portlets are first displayed in its view. When the user interacts with the portlet, the portlet may display a sequence of view status, such as format and responses, error messages, and other applications specific states. Help way provides user assistance. "Edit" means providing users to change the page settings of the portlet. For example, the weather portlet may provide the user with the Edit page to specify a location. The user must log in to WebSphere Portal to access the "Edit" mode.

Each portlet can be displayed in normal, maximized or minimized state. When maximizing portlets, it is displayed in the entire body of the page, replaces the view of other portlets. When minimizing the portlet, only the portlet title bar is displayed on the page.

Portlet API

Portlets are special subclasses for httpservlets, which makes them easily inserted into WebSphere Portal and runs in it. Portlets are assembled into the large page with multiple identical portlet instances that display different data for each user. Portlet relies on the WebSphere Portal infrastructure to access user profile information, participate in window and operational events, communicate with other portlets, access remote content, find credentials, and store continuous data. Portlet API provides standard interfaces for these features.

The Portlet API defines a public base class and interface for the portlet to clearly divide the portlet from the WebSphere Portal infrastructure. In most cases, the Portlet API is an extension of the Servlet API. In addition to it limits some functions to the subset, there is a sense of portlets running in the context of the portal. For example, different from servlets, portlets may not send errors or as response redirections. This is only completed by WebSphere Portal itself, which controls the entire response page.

Typically, many portlets are called during processing a single request, each attached to the entire page. Some portlets can be presented in parallel to assemble all taggers when WebSphere Portal is completed or timeouts all portlets. Portlets do not consider the thread safety that is presented one by one.

The flag clip generated by the portlet can contain links, operations, and other content. Portlet API defines the URL rewriting method, allowing portlets to be significantly created, without portlets need to know how the URL is composed of a special portal.

Portlet communication

WebSphere Portal provides a way to communicate with portlets. In the production portal, Portlet communicates can be used to copy public data between portlets. This saves the user to save redundant inputs and make WebSphere Portal easier to use. For example, a portlet may display information about the account, and the second portlet displays information about the transaction that occurs in one of the accounts within the past 30 days. To do this, the transaction portlet needs to get the corresponding account information when it displays transaction details. This is done by using the portlet operation and the portlet message, the communication between the two portlets is done. In this example, the account portlet creates a portlet operation and encodes it into a URL that is displayed. When you click on a link, an operation listener is called, and then the portlet message is sent to send the necessary data.

Use this event and message feature to help merge the portlet application that accesses a completely different backend application. WebSphere Portal provides a feature called collaboration portlet that dynamically binds the portlet on the page for data exchange. See Collaboration Portlets for more details.

Discoverable service

The Portlet API provides a dynamically discovered interface that enables the available service. Each service is registered in the portal configuration file and can access it from the portletContext.getService () method, which is a service finding the factory, creating a service and returns it to the portlet. This allows services to all portlets without having to use portlet package service code.

WebSphere Portal provides discoverable services for its credentials, managed TCP / IP connections and managing content libraries for WebSphere Portal. New services can be implemented through portal developers, such as search, location, notifications, content access, or mail services.

Portlets can also group in the portlet application. Portlet applications are distributed and deployed using a web archive (WAR). The standard web application deployment descriptor has portlet specific extensions.

WebSphere Studio Site Developer provides excellent development, testing, and debugging environments for Portlet applications. You can implement Java classes for the portlet class and test and debug Java code. WebSphere Studio Site Developer also provides tools for creating Java Server Page, HTML pages, images, and other related portal resources. In WebSphere Studio Site Developer, portlets can be packaged to the WAR file and are easily deployed to the runtime server. (4) Content management

Content management is an important part of WebSphere Portal. When the company deploys a portal, they are mainly concentrated on content aggregation, fast and large-scale deployment, search, and personalized content. WebSphere Portal meets the needs of content transmission by integrating Cindida content, integrating with Web content management systems, and providing built-in content organization portlets.

This topic is divided into the following seeds:

Send Cindida's Web Content Management Web Content Document Manager

WebSphere Portal Content Publishing Search Joint Search

Send Cindida's web content

Cindida content is about sending fresh, personalized and filtered content from multiple content sources to the user. Usually, this content is news, finance and entertainment. WebSphere Portal works with many popular content providers. Content Cindyga has helps this information for the publication of electronic catalogs and other internal information and through enterprise portals.

The popularity and useful formats of Xindijia's news and entertainment are rich Site Summary (RSS). The content can be issued directly from the content management system to the rich site summary and open content Cindida (OCS) channel. Example portlet org.apache.jetspeed.ports.rsSportlet Display how to complete this. The Sindi defines the process of editing, managing, and publishing content sources. Manage web content

Managing Web content means creating, approved, and publishing web content from the content creator. The procedure proceeds to define content types, roles, publish options, destination specifications, and workflow processes. Although today's content management products have their own different work, all of them are designed for creation, maintenance, and publishing documents, which can be used by users through WebSphere Portal.

To clarify how to complete this, WebSphere Portal includes an integrated toolbox that clarifies the steps that publish RSS content from several web content management products. The content providing and approved operation of the web content management system can also be accessed by portlets provided by Portlets. These portlets provide user interfaces to all aspects of access content management, for example, content submission, workflow management, content approval, and presentation or release.

Document Manager

WebSphere Portal includes document manager portlet applications for providing and sharing documents between users. Document Manager provides a simple way to store, browse, view, and search documents and other content.

Document Manager helps users organize their already viewed, to read or share the content. Document Organizes a folder hierarchy. Document Manager maintains the characteristics and properties of the document, and process the document into other formats and an organizational library for documents as any format. Documents maintained in the Document Manager can be searched by using the built-in search service of the Document Manager. Authorized users can control document modifications through workflow trip.

WebSphere Portal Content Publishing

The user can provide content involving regular or accidental factors to the Web site. This includes business users to create template-driven content, for example, press releases or product information and graphic artists create and edit graphics with their favorite tools. WebSphere Portal Content Publishing provides content by template (form). It also supports the provision of files, for example, images, HTML, or JSPs created and edited using many editing tools.

WebSphere Portal Content Publishing provides a web browser interface that allows you to provide content to your site in a way for use, fast, and controlled. This allows large teams to work together and works if necessary, but there is enough independence so that they will not always be trapped due to mutual changes. WebSphere Portal Content Publishing tools are available for management content, which is served by other portlets in the portal content organization or WebSphere Portal. It is also possible to classify the content and dispatched to the contents of Cindida.

WebSphere Portal Content Publishing Manages the task list of each user, maintains access control for each user to view or change content, and coordinate the approval and release process when the content is ready. Lotus Workflow Architect is provided for a graphic design one or more processes. Each step in the process is specified as a specific User role. When instantiation processes, the work item is placed in the designated role in everyone's work queue. One of the users requires activities, and then placed in the next work queue as defined in the workflow after the user completes this step.

search for

WebSphere Portal provides integrated text search capabilities, including search portlets, online searcher, and document indexers. Search services can search for portal document libraries and Internet content. WebSphere Portal's built-in search engine is optimized for a full text search for small and medium set, and its accuracy is required. It effectively applies current development level search algorithms to produce high quality search results. Search engines support free text queries with query assistance and query words. Search query uses advanced query operators ( or -) to indicate that keywords must have in the document or keywords that must be in the document. The search engine can search for documents in any language and support synonyms and stop word lists. Search results include document summary and search results.

To prepare to search, the search engine builds a complete text index to store the index document in the local file system. The indexer supports prefix index in order to expound clear and improve accuracy. It can compress the index and allow damage to compression without limiting the size of the index. Managing portlets is provided for creating, updating, and managing indexes.

Joint search

Portlets use IBM Lotus Extended Search and IBM Enterprise Information Portal to access and aggregate other search engines and indexes in a distributed manner. Customers look for support or search for large-scale documentation and data sources should consider using Lotus Extended Search or EIP. (5) Application integration

The portal provides access to content, data, and services located throughout the company. These services include not only predefined connectors and portlets, but also tools for creating other connectors and portlets.

The Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is an excellent candidate for portlets, because these functions are valid, personalized access provides measurable return in the portal investment.

IBM provides a connector for enterprise applications using Java Connector Architecture (JCA). In addition, the application portlet builder is provided to build a portlet interact with other enterprise applications.

This topic is divided into the following seeds:

Standard Java Connector Application Portlet Builder

Standard Java Connector

JCA is a standard architecture that integrates the Java 2 Enterprise Edition application with enterprise information systems that is not a relational database. Each of these systems provides a native API, thereby identifying a function to call, specifying its input data and processing its output data. The purpose of JCA is to provide independent APIs for encoding these functions.

JCA also defines a standard service provider interface for transactions, security, and connection management tools for integrated application servers. In this way, JCA is a standard-based approach to enterprise application system management connection, transaction, and secure access. The IBM JCA connector provides access to the system, such as SAP, PeopleSoft, J.D. Edwards, Oracle, CICS, IMS, and Host-On-Demand. With its crossworlds purchase, IBM planning is developed and integrated with many other systems.

WebSphere Studio Site Developer provides a complete development and unit test environment for applications using JCA connectors, Web services, and microfire. The WebSphere Studio Site Developer tool contains support for web service definition language (WSDL), developers' connector versions, Web Services Call Framers (WSIF), and microfluid engine.

Application Portlet builder

The application portlet builder allows users to create portlets, which can access and manipulate data in the enterprise application without system programming knowledge. By selecting the business objects available in the enterprise application, users can specify which data fields should be displayed in the portlet. When you create a portlet, the portlet can be a portal user available. Two builders are included with this WebSphere Portal: Domino Builder and SQL Builder. (6) Mobile portal

The next generation portal can also be accessed through desktop browsers, but also access to other devices. Access to mobile device will be increasingly important. WebSphere Portal supports mobile devices by generating a page of any tag language. There are three officially supported devices: desktop computers with HTML and some personal digital assistants; use WML's WAP devices (usually mobile phones); and mobile devices in the NTT Docomo Imode network using CHTML. Supporting equipment using other markers is also easy to add.

By selecting the most useful content and applications on the device, the user can customize the unique home page for each device. When requesting the home page, the device type of the request is detected, then assemble the portlet (each of which presents them in the corresponding tag language) to generate a page.

When the user customizes the device home page, the portlet selection list only shows the portlet that can generate the corresponding tag on that device. In this way, the available portlet list of each device depends on what the portlet can actually do.

Some portlets may be available for all supported devices, while other portlets may only be available to a single device. The user interface design of each portlet varies from the device, which optimizes the user experience on each device. Thus, the user home page displayed on the mobile phone and each portlet will be very different from the desktop browser.

Support new equipment: content conversion

With code conversion technology embedded in this WebSphere Portal version, you can automatically present WML and ChTML content. By defining the PORTLET's code conversion portletfilter, convert the portlet's HTML output into WML or ChTML based on the device type of the request. See the Code Conversion Technical section for more details.

Support new equipment: clients and tags

The WebSphere Portal page aggregation subsystem supports some tag language and identifies some browsers and mobile device user agent signatures (all are ready-made). The frame can be easily expanded to support other tags or new devices. To support new browsers and devices, just use the appropriate management portlet to add new tags and clients. (7) Safety

This topic highlights certain security features developed by the application and portal administrators to better protect the valuable information of the portal assets.

Member Service Management Certification Identification User Third Party Certified Server Single Login Voucher Insurance Continuous Connection Java Security Authorization Entrust Management Related Information

Member service

Centralized management of user ID, credentials, and permissions in many environments. The portal server includes a facility that defines a portal user and managing user access. User and group subsystems include user registration and managing the web page of their own account information, managing user accounts and group information management portlets and repositories that store all information about portal users. It provides services to create, read, update, and delete users or groups in the repository. User profile information includes general information (such as the user's name and user ID) and preference information (eg, interested news theme, preferred language, etc.). The user can be a member of one or more groups, and the group can contain other groups. The default user profile property set is based on the inetorgperson mode supported by most LDAP directory. User repository can be composed of multiple data sources. By default, the resource library consists of two data sources: it is a combination of databases and directory servers. The database can be any database supported by WebSphere Portal. Supports several LDAP directory products (including Netscape (Iplanet Directory Server), Microsoft Active Directory, Novell EDIRECTORY, NOVIRECTORY, LOTIS DOMINO, and IBM Directory Server).

The mapping of the user profile attribute to the LDAP object class is defined using the file WMS.xml. This file specifies the name of various data repository, and how to browse them to retrieve user and group information. For each supported LDAP directory, these settings are also different; if you want to try to use an unsupported directory, you need to set these values ​​for this directory server.

File AttributeMap.xml Specifies how to map each property to the LDAP directory or database details. This mapping file also includes metadata for each attribute (eg, it is required if it is required, it can have multiple values, etc.).


The management of users and groups can be executed by the user ("self-point") or executed by the portal administrator. The portal server includes a form for registering a new user and a management portlet for updating the user and group information.

The registration and the self-console form can be easily modified to accommodate new properties. You can add a new data input field to the form to match the field identity with the new attribute name. Registration Servlet will automatically store new data in the appropriate user properties. The WebSphere Portal Information Center includes more information on custom user repository, registration, and self-supporting page, and data verification class.


Certification is the process of establishing a user's identity. Typically, the portal server uses authentication services provided by WebSphere Application Server. Another option is to use third-party authentication servers (such as Tivoli Access Manager, WebSEAL, or NEGRITY SITEMINDER), which has trusted association with the application server.

Identify user

WebSphere Portal uses a form-based authentication. Form-based authentication means that when the user tries to access the portal, it is prompted that the user provides the user ID and password for authentication via the HTML form. Portal Server Request Application Server Verified authentication information based on Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) user registry.

WebSphere Application Server uses a lightweight third-party authentication (LTPA) as an authentication mechanism. General Object Request Agent Architecture (CORBA) Document is used to represent the authenticated user and its group membership. When the user tries to access the protected resource, the application server intercepts the request and redirects the request to the login form. This form records the user ID and password into the portal requesting the application server authentication user. If the user can be authenticated, a valid CORBA credential is created and the LTPA cookie is stored on the user's machine. Third-party certification server

If your system uses another Third-party authentication server, you will need to create trust between agent and WebSphere Application Server. This is done using the Trust Association Interceptor (TAI) module, which converts the security information specific to the authentication agent into the format that can be processed by the application server. The supported authentication mechanism depends on the ability of third-party products.

When the user tries to access the portal, the third party authentication agent intercepts the request and ask the user to verify. After successful login, the original user requests the additional security information in the request header to the application server. The format and content of this information are vendor specific. WebSphere Application Server uses TAI modules (specific to third-party products) to extract the necessary security information from the request header.

The TAI module of IBM Tivoli Access Manager and Netegrity Siteminder is packaged with the portal server (all versions). The WebSphere Application Server Information Center includes information about creating custom TAI modules for other third-party reverse proxy servers.

sign in

The portal server provides comprehensive single sign-on (SSO) support. The user hopes to be only logged in and is identified by different portal server components with the same consistent user credentials. Users should not be required to be required only because of accessing different portal applications.

The portal server uses the WebSphere Application Server and the certification agent to support a single signature domain. This means that users only need to log in to access access to all enterprise applications installed in a single point login area.

WebSphere Application Server uses a lightweight third-party authentication (LTPA) token to provide single sign-on. When authenticating the user, the portal server creates a LTPA single point login cookie containing the authenticated user credentials. This encryption cookie is in line with the format used by WebSphere Application Server and can be decrypted by all application servers in the shared domain as long as they have the same password key. This cookie enables all servers in the cluster to access user credentials without additional tips, bringing seamless single sign-on experiences for users. To benefit from a single-point LTPA method, the user's browser must support cookies and enable it to support the session cookie.

Voucher insurance

Many portlets need to access remote applications requiring certain user authentication forms. To access applications outside the portal domain, the portal server provides credentials, and the portlet can be used to store the user ID and password (or other credentials) used by the user to log in to the application. Portlets can use users to access remote systems. The voucher is supported by their local data sets or IBM Tivoli Access Manager for secure storage and credential retrieval. The portlet obtains the credential by getting the CredentialVaultportletLetService object and calls its getCredential method. There are two options for the returned voucher:

Use the password or key from the passive credentials and deliver them in the application-specific call. Portlets using passive credentials need to extract confidential information from the credentials and perform all authentication communications with the backend application. Call the authentication method of active credentials. Active voucher object to hide the confidential information of the document, and cannot draw confidential information from the credentials. Active voucher provides an additional approach to performing an authentication. The latter case allows portlets to use basic authorization, SSL client authentication, summary authentication or LTPA trigger authentication for the remote server without knowing the credential value. Using active credentials means that the portal represents the portlet, and the portlet can simply use open connections. Although this is not possible to all situations, it is the preferred method. To secure data, the portlet requests a security session (HTTPS) for accessing the web application.

Continuous connection

The portlet depending on the remote connection requires some way to maintain the connection when the user browsses the portal. The portal provides a step-by-page change to maintain the continuous backend connection service of the TCP / IP connection. Some remote applications use form-based logins and store cookies during login form processing. HTTPFORMBASEDCREDENTIAL can be used to process these form-based logins and all cookies returned to the results. For subsequent calls, the portlet can then require credentials for authenticated connections. This gives the HTTP connection with these cookies that has been set in the head. In this way, portlets can be maintained continuously, safe backend connections.

Java security

The portal server implements the Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) architecture. JAAS provides methods for authenticating topics and providing fine-grained access control. JaaS is part of a standard Java security model; it enables applications independently of the underlying authentication and authorization mechanisms used. JAAS performs login and logout operations using the modular service provider interface. The credentials established by the portal server JAAS login module include CORBA credentials, users, and group special name, user ID and password, and LTPA token. In a distributed J2EE environment, portlets can use the JaaS API to access backend applications that enable JaaS.


After determining the user's identity, the portal server queries the local cache access control table to determine which pages and portlets have access permissions.

The portal server implements access control to the portal asset (including portlet, page, and user group). The access control table is stored in the portal management database. Access controls for specific resources can also be managed in an external security manager (such as IBM Tivoli Access Manager or NetEgrity SiteMinder).

Access permissions are to manage portlets using Access Control. Use this portlet to specify a role for individual users or user groups of a particular portlet, page, or document. The role is a license set (eg, the ability to view and update the corresponding item). Users can also authorize their permissions to other users. This role is inherited by hierarchy by a hierarchy, unless the hierarchy is inherited by a hierarchy, unless clearly obstructing it. This makes it easy to manage access in the management library or portal area.

Grant viewing access to the page or location means they will see the pages and locations when other users are logged in. Grant viewing access to portlet means adding the portlet to their page when a user customizes their portal experience. Granting Edit Access means that the user can set the content of the portlet setting or change the page. Management access means that users can perform viewing and editing operations and delete portlets or pages.

Entrustment management

Grant viewing access to managing portlets is an effective way to delegate some administrative tasks to other portal users. Those users can add management portlets to their personal page, and then perform any task to design this portlet. This way, you don't have to grant all manage privileges or add him to the portal administrator group. Their management capability is limited to those tasks involved only by the authorized portlet. (8) Collaboration Collaboration Functions Help your organization works online and sharing information to complete their business goals. Collaborative portals can improve your organization's response performance, innovative consciousness, competitiveness and efficiency. WebSphere Portal provides features from IBM Lotus Software, which enhances the collaboration of portal users:

Lotus Collaboration Portlet Lotus Sister Products Lotus Collaborative Parts Collaboration Center

Lotus Collaboration Portlet

Collaboration portlets from IBM Lotus Software provide access to various collaborative applications, which use Lotus Notes databases managed on the Domino server: Notes and Domino portlets provide emails, to do, Notes view, team studio and discussion, and Domino Web Access (INOTES) portlet provides emails, calendars, to do, contacts and notebooks. Other portlets from IBM Lotus Software include Quick Appointment, Quick E-Mail, and web pages. And when you choose to integrate Lotus sister products to your portal environment, additional features such as Inline QuickPlace et al.

Lotus sister products

You can enhance WebSphere Portal's collaboration feature and add functions such as people's aware all awreness and information discovery to the Lotus Business Portlet by selecting any of the following products from IBM Lotus Software from Advanced Collaboration from IBM Lotus Software.

Lotus Sametime adds an online status indicator to the person link and adds actions to the Personal Link menu. Lotus QuickPlace provides access to the QuickPlace server and its hosted team workspace from the collaborative portlet. Lotus Discovery Server adds actions to the Personal Link menu and provides a dedicated knowledge of collaborative portletdiscovery Server. Provides a dedicated location feature from Discovery Server portlets and adders.

Lotus Sametime feature

When you enable Sametime in your portal configuration, the portal user can use the full personally perceived function set, which includes instant messaging and application sharing via an electronic conference. After the Sametime is enabled, the person is displayed with a dynamic online status indicator, and their names are displayed as hyperlinks. The People's Link menu includes the following options:

Chat added to the contact list

You can choose not to enable Sametime in your portal configuration. If Sametime is not enabled, the person's perceived function will be limited to the following functional components:

The name of the person appears in the form of hyperlink, but there is no person to perceive the icon next to each name When the user clicks the name of the hyperlink, the menus still appears, but the menu option is limited to the following, these operations For WebSphere Portal (or Lotus Discovery Server is this machine and is not a Sametime action:

Send an email display profile (if Lotus Discovery Server) is installed, then the author looks for document (if Lotus Discovery Server is installed)

The availability of the Lotus QuickPlace feature QuickPlace portlet will not be enabled by the portal to enable or disable the impact of the QUICKPLACE configuration option, because the portlet launches applications and services that are independent of the portal configuration. As long as the QuickPlace server is available, and you have installed and configured the QuickPlace portlet application, the portal user can add the QuickPlace portlet's instance to the portal page, or use QuickPlace portlets in their participating portals.

Lotus Discovery Server feature

When your portal configuration enables Discovery Server, the portal users have access to the Knowledge Map of your company's content repository and the profile of professionals in your business. Discovery Server extends the basic content and personnel perception of WebSphere Portal to include the following feature:

The Personal Link menu includes more information for obtaining more information about personnel and documents:

Display profile (Discovery Server Professional Locator and Kid Relationship Components) This action shows the operator's business card information, contact information, kinship, current position and experience. Find by the author Find documents (Discovery Server Knowledge MAP Function) This Operator's Knowledge MAP search for all documents written by the launcher. The WebSphere Portal navigation bar includes the Professional Summary Icon, which opens a profile of personality generated and maintained by Discovery Server. The following Discovery Server portlets are available, configured, and deployed:

Knowledge Map Portlet Search Results Portlet Mini-Search Portlet

Lotus collaboration component

The Lotus Collaboration component is a Java API that provides build blocks that integrate Domino, Lotus Sametime, Lotus QuickPlace, and Lotus Discovery Server to the portal and portlet build block. Using the Lotus collaboration component, application developers can design and implement user interface extensions for extending Lotus Software collaboration products in the portal and portlet.

The main goal of the Lotus collaboration component is to provide data for the portlet user interface and allow developers to perform operations on the installed Lotus product. The Lotus collaboration component includes non-platform-specific code that hides configuration details for the Lotus Software product installed in the enterprise and (except the PeopleService tag) is neutral in the user interface. Application developers don't have to know more information about the server configuration, you can add collaboration functions to the portlet, and fully control the design and implementation of the user interface. These benefits enable the Lotus collaboration component to effectively implement mobile applications.

Collaboration center

The collaborative center includes the following portlets that provide integrated features to increase productivity, except for the Lotus Collaboration Components and Lotus Collaboration Portlets, they can also be deployed to WebSphere Portal.

Personnel Find Procedures Portlet My Lotus Team Workplaces (Quickplace) Portlet Lotus Web Conferencing (Sametime) Portlet Sametime Contact List portlet Sametime Who is here portlet


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