click here to view
Common Toolbar Tool Name
ParagraphMenu, FontFacesMenu, FontSizesMenu, FontForeColorsMenu, FontForeColorPicker, FontBackColorsMenu, FontBackColorPicker, Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough, Superscript, Subscript, InsertImageFromGallery, CreateLink, Unlink, RemoveFormat, JustifyLeft, JustifyRight, JustifyCenter, JustifyFull, BulletedList, NumberedList, Indent, Outdent, Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, Undo, Redo, Print, Save, ieSpellCheck, StyleMenu, SymbolsMenu, InsertHtmlMenu, insertRule, insertDate, InsertTime, WordClean, InsertImage, InsertTable, EditTable, InsertTableRowBefore, InsertTableRowAfter, DeleteTableRow, InsertTableColumnBefore, InsertTableColumnAfter, DeleteTableColumn, insertForm, insertForm, InsertTextBox, InsertTextArea, InsertRadioButton, InsertCheckBox, InsertDropDownList, InsertButton, InsertDiv, InsertImageFromGallery, Preview, SelectAll, EditStyle
Simple usage method second method
Ftb: Toolbar>
the first method
Add Properties toBarlayout in FreetextBox
ToolbarLayout = "Paragraphmenu, Fontsizesmenu; Bold, Italic, Underline |
BulletedList, NumberedList "
The name is ",", "," | "separately, use"; "Add a TOOLBAR
Third method
Add code in the Page_Load event
Toolbar Toolbar1 = New Toolbar (); Toolbar1.Items.Add (New ParagraphMenu ()); Toolbar1.Items.Add (New FontSizesmenu ()); FreeTextBox1.toolbars.Add (Toolbar1);
Toolbar Toolbar2 = New Toolbar ();
Toolbar2.Items.Add (new bold ());
Toolbar2.Items.add (new italic ());
Toolbar2.Items.add (new underline ());
Toolbar2.Items.Add (New Toolbarseparator ());
Toolbar2.Items.Add (New BulletedList ());
Toolbar2.Items.Add (new number);
FretextBox1.toolbars.add (Toolbar2);
Toolbar Toolbar3 = New Toolbar (); StyleMenu StyleMenu = New StyleMenu ();
StyleMenu.Items.Add (New ToolbarlistItem ("Highlight", "Highlight"));
StyleMenu.Items.Add (New ToolbarlistItem ("SmallCaps", "SmallCaps"));
Toolbar3.Items.Add (Stylemenu);
FretextBox1.toolbars.add (Toolbar3);