1. Let VI automatically support formatted / * vim: set expandtab tabstop = 4 shiftWidth = 4 foldMethod = marker: * / The last 'foldMethod = marker' Sets the flags that are folded with a specific tag, for example: "{{{ "Test Some Code Here" "}}}" "The code will be folded automatically when displayed. :) 2004-8-23 10:12 ----- 2. Modify the color of the directory when the LS is modified The original black bottom is too uncomfortable, it is unclear, set an environment variable LS_COLORS, for example: export ls_colors = "$ ls_colors: di = 04; 32: FI = 01; 33" Where "Di" represents a directory, "FI" means that the directory will be displayed in the directory after the normal file is changed, and the ordinary document is displayed in the black-colored yellow word. You don't have to worry, you don't know the directory :) 2004-09- 02 15:41 ---- 3. How to decompress a file from a large TGZ package with $ gunzip -dc file.tar.gz | tar tf - can read the file inside the package and use $ Gunzip -dc file. TAR.GZ | TAR XF - File1 file2 where file1 file2 is the file you want to solve. This method is not required to take up much temporary disk space because of stdout and pipes. Which day is written? How to forget the date ---- 4. Repair RPM packages list CD / var / lib / rpm / rm -f __db. * Rpm --Rebuild -vv is OK .. 2004 -09-21 ----- 5. Order line delivery mail mail -s "title of the email" someone@someplace.com