Before answering the question, please pay attention to this problem (describing the so-called history and characteristics), please don't make yourself, check the information. Not necessarily need to go to the library now, remember if you can use the web, please use the encyclopedic book for This website has concentrated on the wisdom of many people, and the position is fair and objective, don't believe you! "Java is an object-oriented programming language that can be written across platform applications, developed by James Gosling et al. In Shengyang (Sun Micro, Sun Microstems). It was originally named Oak. As a programming language of a small household appliance, the control and communication problem such as TV, telephone, alarm clock, toaster and other household appliances is solved. Since these intelligent home appliances have no expectation, Sun gives SUN to give up the item. Plan. When OAK is getting aborted, with the development of the Internet, Sun saw the broad application prospect of Oak on the computer network, so Oak, in May 1995, "Java" is officially released. Java has developed with the rapid development of the Internet, and gradually became an important Internet programming language. The style of Java programming language is very close to C language. Java inherits the core of the C language-oriented technology, abandoned the pointer in the C language (with reference to replacement ), Operator overload, multiple inheritance (in interface substitution), etc., increasing the memory space occupied by the automatic garbage collection function to recover the objects occupied by the subject. Java in J2SE1.5 introduces generic programming, Language features such as type security, unordered parameters, and automatic / unpacking, and other languages. Java is different from the general compilation to execute computer language and interpret the execution computer language. It first compiles the source code into a zona code, then rely on various different The virtual machine on the platform interprets the execution bytecode, which enables "once compiled, executed" cross-platform characteristics. However, this also reduces the operational efficiency of the Java program to a certain extent. Shengyang company programming Java programming Language is: Java programming language is simple, object-oriented, distributed, interpretative, robust, security and system-independent, high-performance, multi-threaded, dynamic language. The Java platform is based on Java language. The platform is currently very popular, so Microsoft launched the .NET platform and imitation of Java's C # language. "
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