1. The terminal is displayed in the terminal. It is garbled to modify. Bashrc Add export lc_all = zh_cn export lang = zh_cn 2, By default VI and GEDIT do not correctly display several methods of the GB2312 encoded file 1). Run gconf-editor, put the gedit Automatic probe coding settings modified, add GB2312 2). Use ICONV -F GB2312 -T UTF8 FileName to turn code 3) before editing). Run VI, before opening the file: set encoding = GB2312 4). With GEDIT, KWRITE, Mozilla Composer or Eclipse editor supports GB2312 encoding 5). With Emacs 3, KDE is very unwaped, jump out of N-multi-HTT IM State System Settings - Server Settings - Services, disablelim service, HTT IM Status I won't come out, how to use Hami's May 1 to beautify the beauty of Fedora Core 2 1) Stop the FC2 comes with the input method # /etc/init.d/iiim stop 2) Download, install the five-day beautification package for Hami melon. http://download.linuxsir.org/fontconfig/linuxsir-fontconfig-3.2.1.run installation process (which can be completely detached from the keyboard operation): 1, check whether the file has the executable properties. It can be modified directly through the mouse or execute chmod 755 linuxsir-fontconfig-3.2.1.run 2 in the shell side, and the mouse double-click the file or executes at the shell side: ./linuxSir-fontconfig-3.2.1.run or sh linuxsir- FontConfig-3.2.1.Run If the specific process, please see the tips during the installation process. 3) Restart XWindows, everything OK 5, we also encountered trouble when conducting some websites, resolution is particularly slow, and the chance of failure is quite large. The problem is caused by a function called ECN (Clear Block Notification) in the Linux 2.6 core, and ECN allows the router to report network blocking to the user, but when the ECN function is turned on, this will also make some old firewalls to refuse to make a network connection. In order to close the ECN, we have to add "net.ipv4.tcp_ecn = 0" commands in /etc/sysctl.conf. File. 6, the display is not recognized in FC2. Turn /etc/x11/xorg.conf, if the failed to change / TEC/x11/xorg.conf.backup, you can start, re-adjust the display. 7. How can Konquer in FC2 not display the thumbnail of the image file? How to set up to display the image file directly as before? Select "Show file prompt" in the configuration "Show preview in the file prompt" 8, what is the FC2 RESCUE disk? It is a first aid disk, and the system can be started to start using this disk and then fix it. 9, FAT32 partition automatically loads MOUNT in FSTAB to GB2312 or CP936, and the Chinese folder is displayed as XXX invalid Unicode.