World 500 strong test (classic)

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The problem in this book is that the software industry is often asked in the interview, most of which come from Microsoft, and some of them from the world's 500 companies. In fact, the truth is the communication, earnestly collapsed, and it will be changed. When you read the whole book, you will find that you have found a knocking brick that enters foreign companies. Author Blair Watson has been doing the interviewer of the world's 500 company in 25 years, all the questions and successful subjects of the first reveals the answer.

Chapter 1 Microsoft Test

The interviewer asked the problem - and how to deal with them

You may have read the books of job hunting and repeatedly warm the answers to the interview standards. But if the interview is the other questions, some of you didn't think of the problem, what should I do? Such problems may be the most difficult because they will show your mindset. They may be very tempting, let you have a hot heart, thus the circle of the interviewer, showing your own aspects, including certain individuals you have not intended to expose.

1. "What book did you read?" When the position of the secretary of the court, there were three federal judges asked me this question. I tell them the name of the novel I am reading. One judge said that he had never heard of this book, and another says that he only read the book of Men's writer, the third statement knows the author of this book and has the same interest in the news. - Anne Mary, April 23, 1999

Our recommendations: It is best to consider what is the relationship between this issue and this work. Talking about some popular and legal journals or books to talk about their novels they are reading. Although you may find that the interviewer has the same literary interest, the interviewer asks the purpose of this question is to know if you understand the latest developments in the professional field.

2. When I heard the problem after "XX year, what is your situation", I tried to answer this question in a humorous way (for example, I hope to go to the tropical area after the lottery), but I want to know why the professionals will ask this question. Susan, April 29, 1999

Our advice: Your intuition is correct! What do they want to know? "After five years, I hope that I am still working hard, and I can do my best." The answer will make the interviewer feel that you work hard, and give yourself a high standard. You can also expressed greater value for the field that I want to continue learning and create greater value for this area you are engaged.

3. What I always want to know is that when those bosses ask "What are your shortcomings, what they want to hear. Tell them that you have the shortcomings of love to eat chocolate? Or tells them that your shortcomings are not to tell others their own shortcomings? Do you know how to answer this question? - Barbara, April 30, 1999

Our advice: This is a very common problem. If you say that you have no shortcomings, it will look proud. If you answer this question in a humor, it will look too much. This is a problem that is a bad answer, the interviewer wants to see how you handle this problem. Talking about the shortcomings from other perspectives. Don't fall into the interviewer's circle, regard the other party as a mother, father, and confession, say that some relationships are important to get this job! A good answer is: "I am hard to work with people who don't have to worry. I have a high standard for my work. I hope that others will also set up high standards for themselves. I am studying for unfairness. Before you get angular, you will clearly ask others to treat your own work more put into place. "I also point out how to overcome this shortcomings.

4. In the past few years, I have encountered three problems of the drill. It is a pity that I have not given satisfactory reply because there is no psychological preparation.

(1) Do you have a lot of dating? (Ask this question is a female interviewer of a defense company in the United States.

(2) Why are you here today? (The interviewer of an investment bank walked into his office and saw the question I was asked when he was sitting there.) If there is a spaceship landing outside, will you go in? If it can go to any place, you will ask if it takes you? (The question of an interviewer of an investment bank.) - Kelly, May 3, 1999

Our recommendations: These problems are challenging. Although the first question seems to be a bit unusual, it is a problem that a woman is proposed to another, but you still need to pay carefully and let the other person feel satisfied. The better answer is: "If you worry that my focus on private life is greater than the level of attention to work, then I want to guarantee you, I am very investing in the work. Similarly, I am trying to maintain a balanced life, in various Various ways to enrich my amateur life. "This answered both the question raised by the interviewer and did not infringe his privacy.

"You come here today" this question gives you a chance to elaborate your enthusiasm for this job. If you don't look at the surface of this sentence, then this is a problem with a drill. When receiving the interview, it is very important to make yourself easier, don't analyze what every problem does. If you want to find your answer to bring your relationship with your interviewer and indicate that you have your own advantage as this position. "I am here to discuss with you. I will give me a job. Would you like to tell me about my own situation?" (If the interviewer is more than the interview, it is a person who should hire this post, then he may also Take this problem.)

The problem of the spacecraft is what you have in adventure. To answer this question, you need to organize your own language based on your job you have appointed. If this work requires you to have innovative spirit, then you can say: "Yes, I will go, go see those most innovative people who have passed on this planet, and ask what way they do your favorite Let me keep creativity as much as possible. "

5. Are you willing to be a small fish in a big pond, or is it willing to be a big fish in a small pond? A big fish in a small pond - then the pond belongs to me, but there is nothing to make me conquer. A small fish in a big pond - I have a lot of successful opportunities! ! ! - Scott, May 6, 1999

Our suggestion: I have a good answer, but you have to strartain. If you want to have a position in a large wealth 500 company, then this answer is very suitable. But if you are an interview in a large-scale business, then this answer will make people feel that you do this. There is no best answer in this question - the most appropriate answer is only for the work being applied and the situation at the time.

What changes do you change if your career is coming from the beginning?

Nothing ... I am very happy now, so I don't want to have any changes.

What is the occupation you can choose to choose?

"I have three people in the field of interest ..." Talk about specific positions and industry.

What is the essence of success? According to your definition of success, how much success so far?

Carefully consider how to answer and contact your achievements in your career.

How much do you know about our company?

Be sure to come up! Take some time in the online or library to check the situation about this company. Understand some information as much as possible, including its products, scale, income, reputation, image, management talents, employees, skills, history, and philosophy of believe. It shows interest to the company; let the interviewer tell you about this company.

Why do you want to work for us?

Don't talk about what you want. Let's talk about what they need: You want to get into a specific plan of the company; you want to solve a problem with the company; you can contribute to a specific goal of the company. What can you do for us? What do you can do for us?

Taking the past experience as an example, talking about what you have successfully solved for the former employers like problems with this company.

What places do you think is the most attractive you? What places don't you attract you?

The factors listed more than three attract you, only listing a factor that does not attract you.

Why do we hire you?

Because of your knowledge, experience, ability and skills.

What is your expectation for this job?

I hope to provide an opportunity to use your skills to show yourself and get others.

Tell me what is the definition of this position you want to apply?

It is necessary to concise - give a definition that is dominated by action and results.

How long do you have to make an important contribution to our company?

Don't take long - you expect to make contributions to the company after a short-term adaptation period.

How long will you do in us?

As long as we feel that I have contributed to the company, I will do it in progress. I will do it.

If I talk to your past boss, what do you think he will say that your strength and weakness are you?

Emphasize skills - don't deny your own weaknesses; whenever you say that yourself in a certain area still needs to improve, it is more secure than saying your shortcomings.

Can you work with pressure and final deadline?

Yes, the business is always coming.

How do you change your job?

Of course, it is more and more improved.

Do you prefer management work or production?

This depends on what work and the challenge it makes up.

Now, what is the problem you think that you have overlooked?

The answer should be concise, don't praise it.

Do you think you have a better performance in a size, type different companies?

This depends on what work - talks slightly more detailed.

How do you resolve a conflict within a team?

First talk about this issue in private.

What is the most difficult decision you have done?

Try to link your answer with the work of this work.

Before this, why didn't you find a new position?

It is very simple to find a job; it's hard to find a suitable job. (The words are meaningful to be very "picky".)

Have you ever wanted to quit the current job in the past? If you think about it, what do you think so that you didn't resign right away?

It is the challenge caused by this job, but this challenge is not.

What do you think of your boss?

Purchase as positive views as much as possible.

Can you describe what your work is criticized?

Purchase as positive views as much as possible.

What type of work and company are you thinking about?

The answer is to be associated with the industry engaged in this company.

Why do you want to quit the current job?

I want to answer this question in the case of making it feel comfortable, and be honest. If possible, give an objective reason, such as our department being merged or canceled.

What is your feelings for losing all those benefits?

A little worried, but not panic.

Describe your ideal working environment.

A fair work environment for each employee.

How do you evaluate the current company?

A good company brought me a lot of valuable experience.

The following is a problem that Microsoft's employees encountered during the interview. Microsoft's consultants sometimes get some special treatment, so ask their problems when interviewing is not true, so they are not listed below.

These issues often follow some of the following basic topics: problems, operations, applications, minds.


★ Why is the well cover of the sewer?

★ How many cars in the United States? (A common similar problem is: How many gas stations have there be?) ★ How many sewer holes cover?

★ You let some people have worked for seven days for you, and you have to use a gold bar as a remuneration. This gold bars are divided into seven. You must give them a piece after you have a daily life. If you can only cut this gold bars twice, how do you give these workers?

★ A train leaves Los Angeles at a speed of 15 miles per hour, and in New York. Another train leaves New York at 20 miles per hour, and in Los Angeles. If a 25 mile of birds flying per hour will leave Los Angeles, go to and from two trains, how far is the bird fly when two trains meet?

★ Assume that a disc is rotated like a player. This plate is half a black, half is white. Suppose you have some color sensors that are not limited. To determine the direction of the disc rotation, how many color sensors do you need to be around it? Where should they be placed?

★ Assume that the clock is 12 o'clock. Pay attention to the hour hand and the division overlapping together. How many times is it in a day? Do you know if they overlap?

★ You have two tins, twisting 50 red glass balls and 50 blue glass balls. I am free to pick up a jar and take out a glass ball from inside. How to maximize the opportunity to get yourself to the red ball? How much is the chance to get the red ball?

★ Two odd numbers only separated by a number are odd, such as 17 and 19. Certification odd pair between the total number of times is 6 (assuming these two odd numbers are greater than 6). It is now proved that there is no odd pair consisting of three odd numbers.

★ A house has a door (the door is closed) and 3 lights. There are 3 switches outside the house, which is connected to these 3 lights. You can manipulate these switches at will, and once you open the door, you can't change the switch. Determine which lights for each switch specific tube.

★ Suppose you have 8 balls, one of which is slightly slightly, but the only way to find this ball is to put two balls in the balance. How many times can you find this more heavy ball?

★ Suppose you stand in front of the mirror, lift your left hand, lift your right hand, look at yourself in the mirror. When you lift your left hand, you look up in your right hand. But when you look up, yourself in the mirror is on your back, not your head. Why is the image in the mirror seem to be reversed, but didn't reverse it?

★ You have 4 bottles of medicine. The weight of each pill is fixed, but a bottle of drug has been polluted, and the weight of the pill has changed, and each pill has increased weight. How do you measure which bottle drug is contaminated?

★ Play a split game below, the order of all letters is chaos. You have to judge what this word is. Assume that this watched word consists of 5 letters:

1. How many possible combination of possible combination?

2. If we know which 5 letters, what happens?

3. Find a way to solve this problem.

★ 4 women have to pass a bridge. They all stand on the bridge, let them pass this bridge within 17 minutes. That is at night. They only have one flashlight. You can only make two people over the bridge at the same time. No matter who has passed the bridge, no matter whether it is a person or two people, you must take a flashlight. The flashlight must be transmitted, and cannot throw it. Each woman has different speeds, and the speed of two people must pass the bridge at a slower person.

The first woman: It takes 1 minute to pass the bridge;

Second Woman: It takes 2 minutes by bridge;

Third Woman: It takes 5 minutes by bridge;

Fourth woman: 10 minutes of crossing the bridge.

For example, if the first woman has passed the bridge with the fourth woman, when they passed, they have passed 10 minutes. If the 4th woman will send the flashlight back, wait for her to reach the other end of the bridge, a total of 20 minutes, the action will fail. How to make these 4 women over the bridge within 17 minutes? Is there anything else? ★ If you have a 5 quart bucket and a 3 quart bucket, how to accurate 4 quart water?

★ You have a bag of sugar, with red, blue, green. Close your eyes, take out two color the same sugar, how many times you need to make sure there are two colors?

★ If you have two buckets, a red pigment is red, and the other is blue pigment. You pick a cup from the blue pigment barrel, pour in the red pigment barrel, and then pour a cup from the red pigment bucket and pour it into the blue piglet. Which is higher than the proportion of red blue pigments in the two buckets? This is proved by arithmetic way.


★ What is the difference between link tables and arrays?

★ Be a link table, why do you want to choose this method?

★ Select an algorithm to organize a link table. Why do you want to choose this method? Now use O (n) time.

★ Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of various stock classification algorithms.

★ Use an algorithm to reverse a link table. Now do it without having to be returned.

★ Insert a node with an algorithm in a loopful link table, but must not cross the link table.

★ Use an algorithm to organize an array. Why do you choose this way?

★ Use an algorithm to match the general string.

★ Upside down a string. Optimization speed. Optimize space.

★ Upside down a sentence of the words in a sentence, for example, "My name is Klis" is converted to "Krila's call me", the fastest speed, the least mobile.

★ Find a sub-string. Optimization speed. Optimize space.

★ Compare two strings, use O (n) time and constant space.

★ Suppose you have an array of 1001 intenses, these integers are arbitrarily arranged, but you know that all integers are between 1 and 1000 (including 1000). In addition, all other numbers appear once in addition to a number. Suppose you can only handle this array, use an algorithm to find the number of repetitions. If you use auxiliary storage mode in the calculation, can you find an algorithm that doesn't have this way?


★ How to apply computer technology to an elevator system of a 100-storey office building? How do you optimize this application? What is the impact of traffic, floor or time, etc. during working days?

★ How do you implement protective measures to an operating system that can always be copied or from the Internet to prevent illegal copying?

★ How do you re-design the ATM?

★ Suppose we want to operate a microwave over the computer, what kind of software will you develop to complete this task?

★ How do you design a coffee machine for a car?

★ If you want to add some content to Microsoft's Word system, what kind of content will you add?

★ What kind of keyboard will you design with only one hand?

★ What kind of alarm should you design?


★ If you have a number of components that can be disassembled, you open it, but not remember how it is removed. Then you reinage the parts, and finally I found that there are three important parts that don't put it. How do you re-assemble this clock?

★ What if you need to learn a new computer language?

★ Suppose it is responsible for designing the toilet of Bill Gates. Of course, money is not a problem, but you can't talk to Bill. what are you going to do?

★ So far, what is the most difficult answer to you?

★ If Microsoft said, we are willing to invest $ 5 million to develop your proposed solution. So what will you do? why? ★ If you convene all the computer manufacturers in the world, tell them that you have to do something, what do you do?

★ If you get a bonus in five years, what do you think is because? Who will pay attention to your results?

★ How do you teach your grandmother to use Microsoft Excel Table System?

★ Why do the hot water will come out when we open the hot tap in any hotel?

★ Why do you want to work in Microsoft?

★ Suppose you return home, enter your own room, turn on the light switch, but a little reaction is not - the lamp is not bright. At this time, what kind of practice will you take in turn when it is judged?

Robert Scoabur participates in Microsoft's interview

Time is Wednesday, August 13, 2003, 10:23 am

Robert Scoabur answered a very common question: How is Microsoft's interview?

About the principle of dressing at the time of Microsoft to accept the interview. That's right, I wore a suit and hit the tie. This is not mandatory, but I think this dress reflects the respect of the business that intends to hire my company and the interview process. This makes me don't have to worry about wearing too casual, but Microsoft's employee may joking said that this dress is too grand. This makes people feel very bad. I even hopelessly, I don't even have it. But the job I have striied needs I often deal with people, so I think sometimes wear a suit and tie.

The interview process I have experienced is:

1. A supervisor asked me: "Do you think about it here?"

2. People in the Ministry of Human Resources are talking to me on the phone for an hour. They asked me some questions to make sure that my experience is consistent with the content described above, and it is also necessary to avoid things that are embarrassed in the next time.

3. I passed the telephone interview of the Human Resources Department, so they sent me to Microsoft to headquarters with the headquarters of Microsoft.

4. Start with my interview from 8:30 in the morning. The first is to talk to the human resources department. She explained me an interviewer and asked some questions to make sure I need to let me enter the next round.

5. She gave me a list, the top is the name of the three interviewers, they will interview me when using lunch. She is very clear, if these three people like me, I will get another list, which is the list of interviewers after lunch.

Each interviewer and I met in the lounge. Usually I will ask such a question: "What are you responsible here?" Is a mitigation atmosphere.

The question asked by the interviewer is different, but many problems are related to my past experience, some have a joke, such as "How do you let Google convert to a Windows operating system from the Linux operating system?" Some people Will be like this: "How do you sell ice to Eskimo or" How do you sell a pen to others? "

If you apply for program designers, they will mention some logical issues and ask you to think about coding on white writing boards.

Some people ask me to explain the Radio Userland on the writing board.

About the process of Microsoft interviews, a book is great, the book is called "moving Mount Fuji".

I also access the information about Microsoft Interviews.

Other suggestions: I went there an hour in advance to spread a while. Doing so help me to stabilize the emotions, meet everything you want to happen with your full spirit. In addition, I have time to consider "I want to work in Microsoft" such a question, and this is the first question that I have encountered during the interview.

I have a drinking water bottle yourself. This can let me don't have to experience the interviewer to take me to find the company's refrigerator. This also gives it to people that I don't want to accouminbrate the company. Don't drink too much water at the interview. I also regard everyone I have encountered as someone who may interview me. I don't know if everyone's response will be reported, but why don't you use this opportunity? And this time you often hear some good stories.

They did interview me at lunch, and I also took me to see the game of the Seattle "Survoice" team. I am sure, this is what I want to know that I am in social situations. Perform yourself! (We only saw five minutes of competition, because we have been busy talking about scientific topics.)

I learned that they usually let three to seven job seekers fly to the headquarters to compete for a job, and they don't mean work. Although some friends arrived at headquarters, they did not meet the requirements.

My wife has also tried it here, but I have not been hired. I think this is completely caused by passion. Most people working here are unclatted geeks, they also like to hire geeks. If you can show yourself is a geek, you like to ponder technical issues, then you have hope to be selected.

Later I found that this interview method mainly wants to see if the job seeker is both suitable for this work and can work with the project group. They think that you can live so much, indicating that you are basically qualified. They want to determine if you express it at that moment.

Tang Box also gave me some suggestions: "We want you to think, then think about it." Said that the other friend said "It is like thinking about every answer. How to spend a few seconds answer."

Want to know how I answer the question of Google? "Do this by trying to do this." Hey, this is feasible for Hotmail. (After clever answering this question, I gave another serious answer.) Fortunately, I have a few hours of the young man who created hotmail, so I know that I am really difficult for them. Place is to convert their operating systems from FreeBSD to Windows.

When did I know that I have got this job? At 6 o'clock in the afternoon, a person invited me to say that I got a job. Since I found that I didn't fit the post of my original, he arranged another job. Others don't know if I have got the job in one or two weeks. Finally, you can ask.

If you have to leave when you have lunch, then you will know what you have smashed. (However, according to the internal people, this is not much.)

The last suggestion: To keep yourself energetic all day. This is difficult. Because all the day answers the question, it is difficult to make striking thinking about four in the afternoon. However, many decisions are made based on "this guy is full of enthusiasm for technology".

My interview

On April 18, 2003, Friday

March 2003, I received a nearly two-day interview in Microsoft. I have never thought about myself. The first day is a Microsoft Developer's interview me, published in All technical articles on this department are responsible for people of this department, their work is the most work in the past. Close. They are responsible for telling developers, how to make Microsoft's technologies in the way through articles, talking, online chat, and other ways in which they seem to have effectively.

Even after two weeks, the scene of the first day, I also remember. I heard that the interview me loves to drink coffee, it is not difficult to see that coffee played a role in him, because he can't stop! Similarly, his brain is still turning. He proposed a variety of interesting questions and ask me how to turn the idea into teaching materials about Microsoft technology. very interesting.

That day I have experienced some other interesting interviews, and some of some very intelligent people are really great. However, after several interviews, I was very disappointed because there was no interviewer asked me to write some codes on the writing board. Obviously, I have been well-known in this regard, so there is no need for this process. However, there is an interviewer smile, saying if I am happy, you can write any code on his writing. Another interviewer has a very strong negative attitude towards the idea of ​​writing coding on the writing board, and he thinks that this is not necessary. In fact, in all days, the problems I have encountered are studying my motivation and ideas. No one person tested my professional knowledge, until the end, the boss of the future boss is involved in this area. She asked me to answer the question about my idea, a plummet puzzle, and write some coding on the writing board. We carefully discussed the questions about my ideas, but the speed she asked is faster than I concluded, although this is a very interesting discussion). The brain rumor turned the problem started hard to have an answer, but after a few minutes, I found the answer. I gave this question to Tang Box, but he also said that he could not solve it, but he solved it faster than me. I am completely fascinated by the encoding test, or even wipe off some encoding for inserting a loop. Even so, I am still energetic at the end of the first day. I am a person who is willing to accept the test, especially when I am full of confidence in my test results. The last interviewer that day told me that I was very good, we talked about if the two positions I have appointed decided to ask me, what should I do. She is not worried about what will be unsuccessful next day.

The first day of the job is the technical aspect, I will accept this training from the age of 12. The second day, it is a job in market sales. This work is to seize the latest technology launched by Microsoft and do business from it. This is a very complicated work, and it is very different from the work that I have in the past, I am like a moth of a fire. Unfortunately, my answer clearly exposed my situation and far from the background of this job. I feel like a student who has just graduated from college, desperately, I want to find something that meets their requirements from some of my experiences.

The next day of the interview, I met such a question, I would like to make a sales plan about selling ice cubes to Alaska. "Do you want me to sell ice cubes to Eskimo?" I asked. "Yes," he replied. This is the problem encountered during lunch, and this is not the hardest problem I have encountered on the day! When I was last interview, I even afraid that they gave me this job. I was afraid that my brain would explode because of such a job. I am afraid that I will frankly say that I am not suitable for doing this. However, this does not allow the future boss to ask me to ask me, he asks me, how to find business opportunities from my son's hobby (I don't know anything about this).

Of course, I am in the next day, I can't help me (how can you think and think that you are ignorant.). However, this day's experience makes me unforgettable. There is an interviewer who has an amazing thing, she has to admire the ability. He let me imagine some kind of situation that Microsoft can actually encounter. In the end, I feel that my ear is grinding. I think this role play does not reflect the real skills of a person, but I don't think it is true that he puts me to make me.

Based on personal experience, I want to say that Microsoft's interview process is to find people who are best for dry work. Of course, all places have the case, but Microsoft seems to be particularly prominent in this regard. Suitable people include both masters of mastery (they seem to be classified into this), including those suitable for work in certain project groups. I am very suitable for this group, but it is not suitable for another group. The cooperation with the first day of the discussion of me will make me a successful part of Microsoft's big machine, but if I missed the work of market sales, then I will not be incompetent. So, if Microsoft doesn't hire you, it means that you are not good here. I know this is very good; you must not want to work in a job that is not possible. At least I know I don't want it. For more than a year, I have always wanted to shoot Microsoft interview job seekers, put on the web, the purpose is to indicate that Microsoft's most famous event is not as terrible as everyone's imagination, to prove Microsoft humanity. One side. I have never thought about this wish. In fact, I mean that Microsoft people will not put me in my heart.

Of course, Microsoft is the most tempting litigation object in the world, so it is particularly sensitive to legal problems, and naturally does not agree on my request. This is among my expectations. What I expected is that they have made so much effort for this. In fact, the employees of Microsoft departments - from wanting to see my engineers to help me to achieve the manager who wants to shoot the desire, then to the legal department to ask the staff of the Human Resources Department of the relevant matters - All people in Microsoft want to find the law I realize the desire to shoot.

So, although I will never put the scene of Microsoft interview job seekers on the web, but I can tell you that I successfully completed the task of looking for Microsoft's humanity. Everyone I have encountered there - whenever I record the recording of the interview, or ask me to see the technique of the technology in use - really doing the right thing in "intention". They want job seekers to succeed; they want to create a suitable product; they want to meet the requirements of users. In general, they succeeded. Otherwise, I will not spend most of the time they created.

Thinking of this, I gave up the idea of ​​shooting the Microsoft interview scenario. I saw Microsoft's humanity. Thank you, show me this.

Interviewer: Now we have to ask a question and see your creative thinking. Don't think too much, use common sense in daily life, describe your thoughts. This problem is that why is the well cover of the sewer?

Van Man: They are not all round. Some is some. There is indeed some round well cover, but I also look at the side, the longer.

Interviewer: However, we only consider the rounded well cover, why are they round?

Van Man: If we only consider round, they are naturally round.

Interviewer: I mean, why do there be a round hole cover? Is there any special meaning to design the well cover into a circular?

Van Man: It is a special meaning. When the hole that needs to be covered is circular, the cover is usually round. Cover a circular hole with a circular cover, this is the easiest way.

Interviewer: Can you think of a circular well cover What is the advantages of square well cover?

Van Mum: Before answering this question, let's first look at what is below the cover. The holes under the cover are circle because cylindrical is best to withstand the pressure of the surrounding land. Moreover, the sewer entry into the hole means that there is a space sufficient to pass, while the cross section of the person climbed down on the ladder is basically circular. Therefore, the circle naturally becomes the shape of the sewer access hole. The circular well cover is only to cover the round hole.

Interviewer: Do you think there is security consideration? I mean, will the square hole cover will not fall in, so cause personal injury?

Van Man: Not very might. Sometimes the square cover is also seen on some square cave. This cover is larger than the entrance, and there is a horizontal gear around. Usually this lid is a metal texture, very heavy. We can imagine, two-footed square hole, 1 to 1.5 inches wide cross gear. In order to let the well cover, it is necessary to raise one end, then rotate 30 degrees so that it is not hindered by the horizontal gear, and then the well cover is 45 degrees angle, and the center of gravity of the transfer is sufficient to let the well cover. Yes, there is a possibility that the well cover does exist, but the possibility is very small. As long as the person responsible for the opening well is slightly trained, he will not make such a mistake. From a perspective of engineering, the shape of the well cover depends entirely on the shape of the hole to cover. Interviewer (there is a color color): I have to talk to the management of things. (Departure)

(After 10 minutes, the interviewer came back.)

Interviewer: We recommend you to go to the sales department immediately.

Fred offers:

10:15 to 10:45 - talk to people who want me to take the interview. Talking about what is arranged this day, introducing the two groups of people who want to interview me, from the CLR Department and the Enterprise Service Department.

11:00 to 12:00 - Interviews of the Enterprise Services: Discuss high-performance system and enterprise service standards. Problem: Design and implement a self-managed Thread pool.

Interviewers at 12:00 to 13: 30 - CLR, interviewed me when using lunch: Discuss the security issues of CLR and PKI. Programming Problem: Two-zero-completed fixed-word long buffer memory. You can exchange and reverse the order of bytes, but cannot exchange and transform zero position.

At 14:00 to 15:00 - Interviews of the Corporate Services: Discuss VS.NET. Designed a function of letting stereo on the car to select the strongest frequency of six signals.

Interviews at 15:30 to 16: 30 - CLR Interview Group: Use StrPBak.

Adam Bal, April 4, 2002

On October 26, 1999, the relevant part announced that Microsoft will be one of the 30 stocks of Dow Jones industrial an index with other three companies. This is the role of technology in the US economy, especially the core status of Microsoft in the technology industry, although this recognition is a bit late.

But Microsoft is different from three other companies. It is not like Intel's factories with computer chips, nor well as HOME Depot has its own retail chain, and there is no telephone line network like SBC Communications. In fact, it is not "industrial" at all. Its product is software; its production line is the wisdom of employees. Although all US companies will say that employees are critical to their success, but for Microsoft, to a large extent, employees are the company.

This makes Microsoft very picky when recruiting new people.

Kris Serbs, February 19, 2002

When I woke up this morning, I feel headache. Just wake up, I dreamed that I was interviewing myself. They dare to try anything. At that time, several roles were designed to see how I responded to these situations. Finally, they staged a wedding, let Tit Donno sit next to me, he pretend to be a big door, drunk uncle. I finally pulled him to the street, he pulled out a knife (obviously he or a veteran veteran). Before he "kill", I want to give him a punch. Later, in order to save the face, I explained to Titte that I can do it better, but I am afraid to hurt him. Tit is looking at my eyes as if it is saying: "In Microsoft, we never shrunk your feet." This is a tough interview.

According to many friends in Microsoft (Yes, I have a lot of such a friend) said that Microsoft's work environment is not so terrible, but who is not as good as Mike Byron's words: "Ha, I accidentally entered your Website, I want to make a sense of the content I see, this content is:

'For many years, I have been collecting Microsoft's interview issues. I think this hobby is to let yourself have to work there, but now I have a wife and two children, I'm going to work almost impossible. '

This is simply nonsense. I have worked in Microsoft for nearly five years. I have a wife and a seven-year-old twin child. I often go to the church. I am basically 40 to 45 hours a week. I am very happy in Microsoft. I have been working in Silicon Valley. System software has been writing since 1977. Most companies in Microsoft and Silicon Valley have no difference - working hours are not as long as those newly created, but more urgency than HP. If the time of housing is approaching, I will occasionally work 50 to 55 hours a week.

Now, some people working here have a very different experience. But I have nothing special. I have a lot of situations and my same friends. Everyone is 40 hours a week. "

Puzzle, intelligence sharp turning problem

◆ 1. There is a rectangular cake, cut off a piece of rectangle (size and position casual), how can you go straight down, cut the remaining cake into two pieces of equal size?

Answer: The center of the entire cake is connected to the center of the cutting cake into a line. This method also applies to cubes! Please note that the size and location of the cutting cake is random, don't think about the way you checade, you want to jump out of this circle.

◆ 2. There are three baskets of fruits, all the apples, the second basket is all orange, the third basket is orange with apples. The label on the basket is lie, (for example, if the label is orange, then you can affirm that there will be only oranges in the basket, there may be Apple) Your mission is to take out one of the baskets, only one from it Just fruit, then write the label of the three baskets of fruits.

Tip: With a fruit from the basket labeled "mixed" tag, you can know what the other two baskets are fruit.

◆ 3. You have eight balls. One of them is damaged, so it is better than other balls. You have a balance to compare the weight of these balls. If you only call it twice, how to find the ball with damage?

◆ 4. Why is the well cover of the waterway?

Tip: The square diagonal is longer than the side!

Other answers: 1 The circular well cover can be moved by a person because it can be rolled on the ground. 2 The circular well cover does not have to rotate it in the wellhead in the wellhead.

◆ 5. How many cars do in the United States?

◆ 6. You have made some people for seven days for you, and you have to use a gold bars as a remuneration. The gold bars are divided into seven small pieces, give a piece a day. If you can only cut the gold bars twice, how do you give these workers?

◆ 7. A rapidly 15 mile train departs from Los Angeles and drives to New York. Another 20 mile of train from New York, driving to Los Angeles. If a bird flew at 25 miles per hour, starting from Los Angeles at the same time, going back and forth between two trains, when the train meets, how far is the bird fly?

Tip: Think about the relative speed of the train.

◆ 8. You have two jars, with 50 red glass balls and 50 blue glass balls. I am free to pick up a jar and take out a glass ball from inside. How to maximize the opportunity to get yourself to the red ball? How big is the chance to get the red ball? ◆ 9. Suppose you stand before the mirror, lift your left hand, lift your right hand, look at yourself in the mirror. When you lift your left hand, you look up in your right hand. But when you look up, yourself in the mirror is on your back, not your head. Why is the image in the mirror seem to be reversed, but didn't reverse it?

◆ 10. You have 5 bottles of medicine, 10 grams of each pill, only a bottle of polluted pills have changed, and each pill is 10 grams. Give you a balance, how can you measure which bottle is contaminated?


1 Tag 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 to 5 bottles.

2 Take 1 pill from the No. 1 bottle, 2 pills in the No. 2 bottle, 3 pills in the No. 3 bottle, 4 pills in the No. 4, 5 pills in the 5th.

3 put them all in the balance.

4 Now minus the measured weight with the result of 1 × 10 2 × 10 3 × 10 4 × 10 5 × 10.

5 Results is a bottle number with contaminated pills.

◆ 11. If you have a bucket with a capacity of 5 quarts and a bucket of 3 quart, how to accurate 4 quart water?

◆ 12. Which direction should be rotated in the key when driving a car?

◆ 13. If you can move any of the 50 states, which one you will pick, why?

◆ 14. There are 4 dogs (4 ants or 4 people) in 4 corners of a square, respectively. Suddenly, they simultaneously chase a person in the clockwise direction at the same time, and will catch this goal. How much time does it take to meet, where is the location?

Tip: They will meet in the center of the square, and the distance running is not related to the route they run.

◆ 15. Putting two trains from the air, each train has a parachute, landing to a straight railway without his end. The distance between the two trains is unclear. Both two trains face the same direction. After landing, the parachute falls on the ground and separated from the train. Two trains have a microchip to control their movements. Two chips are the same. Two trains don't know your location. You need to write encoding in the chip, let these two trains meet. Each line encoding has a certain amount of execution command.

You can use the following instructions (and you can only use these instructions):

Mf- Let the train open

MB - let the train open behind

IF (p) - If there is a parachute next to the train, this condition is met.




IF (p)

Goto B

Goto a


Goto B

Explanation: The first line is just letting them leave their own parachutes. They must let them leave their own parachutes, so the trains can discover the parachute of the previous train, which satisfies a condition that can jump out of the original compliance. They are initially circulated in this, until the latter train discovers the parachute of the front train, then transfer to B: and fall into B cycle. The front train still did not find a parachute, so he kept cycling in a. Since each line encoding has a certain execution command time, the completion A loop is compared to the completion B, so the latter train (in the B loop) will eventually catch the front train.

Personality problem

It is best to see websites or books involving these issues:

1. Tell me which courses do you like, and why do you like them?

2. Talk to your successful solution to the scene of what you encounter.

3. What is your ideal working environment?

4. Why do you think you are smart?

5. Some content listed above your resume.

6. Do you want to know what is this company? (Try to ask some important and interesting questions.)

7. How long do you want to stay in the United States, why? (I guess this is asking for American citizens.)

8. Which place do you like?

9. What is your expectation for this job?

Chapter 2 character

Please select the correct answer in A, B, C, and D.

1. Which describe is wrong?

(A) Subjectivists may also be relatively relatively.

(B) The relatively disclator may also be an objectivist.

(C) Absolute arguants may also be subjectivists.

(D) Objectivists may also be absolute.

2. If it is said like Sart, "people have to be responsible for their enthusiasm", then no matter what we do, we all:

(A) violating its own will.

(B) did not think.

(C) is free.

(D) is out of contempt to God.

3. Sarted claimed that "there is a preceding essence" for humans, in other words:

(A) When people are sensible, they are in line with the nature of humanity.

(B) According to the instructions of God, people are essentially destined to exist.

(C) Humans can choose freely, and even choose not to do anything in any way.

(D) Human beings are free, and can become any role they are willing to become by their own behavior.

4. Sart said, "There is no human nature of this kind of thing," he means:

(A) As a self-conscious life, we can decide and do to determine what kind of life they become.

(B) There is no way to choose whether it is painful or desperate.

(C) Humanity does not have genetic features that can be classified from a species from a bioengion.

(D) Existentialism believes that God's existence is just a prerequisite for moral judgment.

5. Kant said that a behavior is in line with the obligation to make it a moral behavior, when the executor is only to do anything or because this is his obligation, his behavior is a moral behavior. Kant said that it is to show:

(A) The consequence of a person may be good or bad, everything depends on this behavior.

(B) Behavior is always a moral behavior for free wishes.

(C) The moral value of a behavior is determined by the executor's motivation, not determined by this behavior.

(D) Behavior for its own interests is different from the behavior of the criteria.

6. Kant believes that the key to determining whether a behavior morality is the criterion based on this behavior, not this separate behavior itself. because:

(A) According to the definition, an individual behavior cannot be universalized.

(B) Our behavior is always based on such or such guidelines.

(C) No guidelines, we will not know how to do it. (D) Our guidelines are the objective rules of behavior, which is the basis of our act.

7. According to Kant's point of view, a motive or purpose of the universal universalization:

(A) According to the difference, it can be moral or unethical.

(B) whether or not the behavior is accepted by the society, it can be moral or unethical.

(C) is unethical.

(D) Whether or not the behavior is for free, it can be moral or unethical.

8. Kant said, "I can judge whether all other rational people are obliged to do something as I am," judgment is:

(A) Whether certain behaviors are generally accepted by different cultures.

(B) whether other people do the same behavior as I get good results.

(C) This behavior is good in everyone.

(D) Motivation of my behavior can be universal, and is not conflicted or not accepted by some people.

9. Practerants say that we should have been doing things that can bring the greatest happiness, even if this means violating moral principles. In principle, pragmators disagree with this opinion, saying that we should comply with moral principles, even if we think that violation of these principles will produce better results, because:

(A) The happiness brought about by the overall moral principle is usually the unhappiness brought about a few exceptions.

(B) We should not be a slave of any moral principles, and morality is just a personal choice problem.

(C) Usually, the behavior of most people seek the greatest happiness is not always moral.

(D) Even if we obey the principle of morality, it will inevitably cause the unhappiness of some people.

10. Practical practicalists pointed out that sometimes it is more happiness that violates a moral guideline to comply with criteria. They believe that in this case, violation of moral guidelines is allowed:

(A) as long as the guarantee is not an example.

(B) As long as the person affected by this behavior is not unpleasant.

(C) As long as the motivation of the actors or intent is to do their own obligations without the consequences.

(D) The practical principle itself does even ask people to do so.

In the following single topics, it is not more than 5 minutes.


"The responsibility is one of the necessary elements of any major success ... In the final analysis, the quality of all successful people can be responsible."

- Michael Kada (edited by Simon Sushi Publishing Group)

"The great price is responsibility."

--Winston Churchill

Subjective initiative

"Success seems to be inseparable from action. Successful people continue to enter. They also make mistakes, but they will never refund."

- Conrad Hilton

"This is the most important quality of an excellent leader. Don't fall into the syndrome of 'Ready to target the target - target - target - target'. You must take the initiative."

--T · Bohen Pickens

"The right person is a person who can seize the opportunity."

John Wolfgang Von Gee

"People who must be persuaded by others will take action, you must act while breathing."

- Georges Clarivan


"Don't lying in the deep ditch, say 'God, please help me"; use him to give your legal tools. "

- British proverb

"Most people spend more time to buy groceries than they spend more than they spend the future. People who turn their dreams into reality and will only dream of how they want to live, they are planned The accuracy and the ability to generate new ideas and put into action. "

- Anonymous

"Lucky only comes to the people who are prepared. You will go to the place where you may find something, then find it, it is so simple."

In the following single topics, it is not more than 5 minutes.

Appreciate and respect

"I have to respect other people's point of view, even if I don't agree with them."

--H · H · Leman

"In successful formulas, the most important factor is to know how to get along with others."

--Theodore Roosevelt

"If you use the same method to treat every customer, you can only get along with 25% to 30%, because you can only come with a personality. But if you learn how to effectively Lead with four people, you can imagine, you can get along with all people. "

- Rod Nikls

"There is no space and air, what is not good."

- Patricia Monahan

"Soft things are always hard to deal with hard."

- Rochel Enrieco (Pepsi Vice Chairman)

"I believe that in our work, there is no more important thing than hiring and developing employees. At the end, you have to rely on people, not strategy."

- Larry Bosidi (CEO of Lianxin Company)

"If you are kind, you can be very short, it is easy to say, but the repercussions they bring are endless."

- Tissa


"From ancient times, no one will win honors because of his got. Honor is a reward for him."

- Calvin Kulic (former US President)

"Unless you do anything for others, let him (or her) will never repay your kindness, otherwise you can't actually live."

John Bunan


"Do the right thing, because it is right."

Duan Hawkin

"Brave is regarded as the most important quality of humanity, this is a well-deserved ... Because it is a must-have condition for ensuring other qualities."

Winston Churchill (former British Prime Minister)

"In front of every hard, you can get strength, courage and confidence, because you have to stop, and fear faces."

- Eleno Roosevelt (former beauty

National first


"I appreciate it to smile in front of difficulties, you can draw strength from difficulties and hardships and get courage people through reflection."

- Thomas Peine

"Bravely stand up for justice, even if the monarch fights, it is fearless."

- Anonymous

"Desire safety is the road to every great and lofty plan."

Tasi (ancient Roman historian)

"In this world, there is nothing more than knowing how to use the courage to take the unfortunate people more admire."

- Seneca

"The courage is something you dare not do. Unless you really feel fear, don't you have any courage."

- Eddie River (First World War Hero)

"The ideal man can use dignity and elegance to undertake an accident in life and make full use of the environment."


"Whether you are a man, what is the status, life is a war for you, you must express your courage, as a wonderful thing. Whether you spend it in the bed, it is still on the battlefield The tent has been spent in a fair competition, there is no smart and stupid difference. Desperate and delayed time is a manifestation of embarrassment and failure. The man is born for success, not to fail. "

Henry David Salone

In the following single topics, it is not more than 5 minutes.


"I am not the person who is selected." Although she and her husband "in many questions" inconsistency, she stressed: "I will never do anything that is damaged by my husband."

- Laura Bush accepts the interview with the Associated Press reporter

"When your friends have fault, you have to stand with him."

John Landalf

"And the right people stand together, when he is correct, and he stands with him, when he is wrong, he leaves him when he is wrong." - Abraham Lincoln

"There are many people who are loyal to the leader. If he is lost, there will be someone to support him; if he makes a mistake, someone has to cover the mistake; if he sleeps, others can not disturb his sleep. If he One is nothing, he must be ruthlessly changed. "

--Winston Churchill

"You have to win his heart before you have a unique spirit, your ability to succeed."

Andrew Carnegie

"When we argue a topic, loyalty means to tell me your most sincere opinion, whether you think I will like your opinion. At this stage, the opinions will make me up. But once we formed The decision of the unified decision, the debate should be a paragraph. From this moment, loyalty means that the decision is implemented unconfilled, it seems that this decision is what you have made. "

- General Colin Powell


"The reason why people can develop a certain quality because he often does things in a particular way."


"The laudor is very good."


"What can I stay after the honor is lost?"

- Probes 265 "in the first century BM

"No one will be happy to accept the door to truth. One person will only be driven out of the truth in both cases: deception or deceived by others."

- Roman philosophers, writers, Neada (4 years ago), 65 years ago)

"The fake truth is so close, it will let a smart person don't trust yourself."

- Sichyro

"Don't use your own standard to measure whether neighbors are honest."

American proverb

"If we think something is very bad, if we have the right to stop this, then we have a responsibility to stop and prevent the occurrence of consequences."

- Sir Milna

"When looking for people who can hire, you have to find these three quality: honesty, wisdom and energy. If they don't have the first quality, the other two quality can be your life."

- Warren Buffett, President of Pocolshi Haswood

"To convince others, we must let others believe; let others believe, we must make people feel reliable; let people feel reliable, we must be honest."

Edward Muro

"Almost everyone can overcome adversity, but if you want to test a person's morality, give him power."

--Abraham Lincoln

"A great man is always willing to start from small things."

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

"You have the right to keep silent, but you can no longer, repeat, and never lie or cover the truth."

- Robert Wood Rome

"Although the negotiation is a hard game, you should not turn it into a dirty game. Once you agree, you should not quit, unless otherwise don't do it in accordance with the agreement. Handshake representative commitment. According to my opinion, the value of shaking hands exceeds a signature agreement. As an entrepreneur, honest reputation is your most valuable product. If you want to deceive the means, others will be like this. "

- Victor Kiam

In the following single topics, it is not more than 5 minutes.


"If you have not made something for those who can never return you, then you have passed this day."

John Ban Yong

"If you stand up, you will be in seconds, then you will be knocked down by you yourself. But remember this: a person who is knocked down by the opponent can stand up again, and a person who is knocked down by the world is always It also can't stand up. "

Tobassas Washeng

Good morality

"Leaders can be the ability and will of calling male and female women to pursue a common goal, is the morality of stimulating confidence."

British Army Yuan Shuai Bernard Montgomery

"The leader wants to be respected, his morality must have no problem. A leader must not only go beyond the boundaries of the wrong, and he will define the boundary with those gray areas."

- Mudpack President Allen Bernard

"For peace and peace, never give up your experience or belief." - Politician Dyg Hama Sherd

"Made decided to fate."


"Good morality is power."

- Bark T · Washington

"Morality is an unsubstant, it determines everyone and the true value of all the careers they are engaged."

- Orisson Sweit Malden

"Dream is the only way to form a product."

Henry David Salone

"In the final analysis, we are more convincing than what we said or do."

Steven Ke Wei

"Solden use of force is a trip stone, and a person who shows the advantage of others is the test of a true gentleman. The strength of the weak, the advantage of official opponents, Educators' advantages of illiteracy, experience the old people to believe in the advantages of others, and even the intensity of the apriloises, how to use this advantage and power in the case of not harming others, or in the case of possible Using this advantage and power is the true test of gentlemen. A gentleman does not have to remind him of the wrong thing. He can forgive, he can forget, he is pursuing a noble self, one A gentle morality, a force that makes the past past. "

Chapter 3 IQ

1 rule

Troublely excluded some questions, you can determine the problem first determined, and minimize unknown ranges to facilitate the analysis and resolution of the problem. This way of thinking is very useful in our work and life.

2 recursive method

It is analyzed by the known conditional layer to ensure that every step can be accurate. There may be several branches, which should be in the principle of temporary, first from simple one.

3 pouring practice

From the final result of the problem, step by step forward until the answer to the problem. Some questions are very simple to use this approach, and it is difficult to use other methods.

4 hypothesis

For a given question, first as one or some assumption, then analyze according to the conditions that have been given, if there is a contradiction with the conditions given to the topic, the hypothesis is incorrectly, can be another or other assumption. If the result is only two possibilities, then the problem has been solved. In the history of science, "hypothesis" has played great role.

5 calculation method

Some problems must be calculated to solve. It should be noted that problems in intellectual tests often contain implicit conditions, and sometimes the number given is useless.

6 analysis

This is the most basic method. Various methods often use the analysis. It can be said that the level of analytical capabilities is an embodiment of a person's intelligence. Analysis capabilities are not only congenital, and to a large extent, depending on the training, it should be a good habit of analyzing objective things.

Grand picture

According to the conditions known in the problem, draw a graphic with an appropriate method, which helps to solve the problem. Some problems, before you didn't draw a picture, I feel nowhere to start, and I will have a lot after painting the picture.

8 synthesis method

In fact, many problems can be used to use several different ways to solve. The so-called syndrome is to solve certain problems in combination of various methods (including methods other than the aforementioned methods).

Marshal Leading

Marshal is united eight-year-old, each of the eight battles, each of the battles, each array, each pioneer eight flag, each flag, each team, each group, each group Lead eight soldiers. Please do you think about it, how many soldiers have the Master?

2. Make the calculation symbol

In the middle of the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, add the arithmetic symbol " " or "-" to make the algebra and equal to 99, press (1 ... 9) There are 17 solutions, and the latter (9 ... 1) can have 11 kinds of solutions. Interested readers, may wish to try.

3. Two Turtles Racing

There are two turtles run together. When turtle arrived at 10 meters, the turtle ran to 9 meters. Now if you let the turtle's starting line ends 1 meter, then the two turtles start running in the game, ask A, whether the two turtles arrive at the same time? 4. The price of the TV

McChen is busy, decided to temporarily invite Nick to help him work. It is specified in a year, and the one-year remuneration is $ 600 with a TV.

But after the Nick did 7 months, the Mike must be left because of the urgents, and asked McGM to pay the money and TV. Since the TV can't be dismantled to him, Nick got $ 150 and a TV.

Now please think about it: How much is this TV value?

5. How much is this stone?

There are 4 children to see a stone roll down along the hillside and the account is discussion.

"I see this stone has 17 kilograms," said the first child.

"I said it has 26 kilograms," the second child did not agree.

"I see it weighing 21 kg", the third child said.

"You are not right, I see its correct weight is 20 kg," the fourth child said.

They four people compete for red ear, no one is notiety. Finally, they told the stone and called the result, no one guess. One of the people guess is 2 kg from the correct weight of the stone, and the weight guess the two people is the same as the correct weight of the stone. Of course, the difference refers to here, does not consider the positive and negative, take absolute value. Does this stone have multiple?

6. Three weights

There are now three different weight standard weights, 3 grams, 9 grams. How many different items can be referred to? At the time of weighing, the things you want to be called with known standard weights can be arbitrarily placed in one of the two discs of the balance. In addition, there is only one weight, and it is not allowed to copy.


There are 9 kg and 50 grams of weights and 200 grams of weight. How do I only weigh three times on the balance?

8. Pizza trading

In my favorite pizza shop, 10 inch pizza sells $ 4.99. The owner said that they have a 12-inch pizza transaction, priced for $ 5.39 per share. Excuse me: How many discounts have been given to buyers in this Pizza trading?

9. Yisa Bella Fashion Boutique House

New York Ishatbel Fashion Boutique House, newly purchased a woman's winter clothing. The purchase price of this dress is added to two, which is the sales price of the store.

It was not sold in half a month, and the female boss minus this pricing was completed, and it was quickly bought by a beautiful lady. Female boss profits 400 yuan.

Excuse me, how much is this high-end women's winter purchase price?

10. Weighing can

Delivery Ai A, a food company, sent 10 boxes of pineapples to a food company. Each can weight is 800 grams, 20 per box.

Just after he sent the goods, when he returned to the factory, he received a call from the factory. Delivery members send this box to the factory for replacement. But how do you find it from this box? The most needed is of course a scales, but there is no hand.

At this moment, he suddenly found that there was a automatic weighing body next to the road, which is to weigh a weight of 1 yuan. There is a 1 yuan coin in his pocket. Of course, you can only be able to once. So how should he make full use of this only one chance to find the box that does not meet the specifications?

11. Pay according to labor

There is a farm master, hired two temporary workers to help the wheat. One of them is called Tom, which is a cultivated land, but he will not sow; and another name is Nick, he is not good at cultivated land, but he is a good hand of sowing. This farmer decided to speculate ten hectares of wheat, allowing them to have half, so Tom starts cultivated land from east, and Nick began cultivated land from the West. Tomo, Tom, as long as it takes for more than twenty minutes, but Nick needs more than 40 minutes, but the speed of Nick sowing is three times faster than Tom. After they were seeded, the farmer was given him a total of one hundred yuan according to their workload. Excuse me: How should they do this work is the most reasonable?

12. Age of the four brothers

A family has 4 brothers, and 4 ages are taken 14. So, how old is their individual age? Of course, age should be an integer.

13. The extent of love

Among a rural school, a male mathematics teacher who just graduated was very fortunate to get the favor of two female teachers A and B. S full of head numbers, in the case of choosing from both, he had to say that these two female teachers said, "I hope you use numbers or mathematical formulas to express your extent to me."

A said, "I am more than one hundred times," I love you. "

B said, "A. The feelings for you have no feelings of me. Compared with A, I love you one thousand times."

After listening to their affection, I don't know why mathematics teacher s said, "This is not equal to saying, do you have two don't love me at all?"

what on earth is it?

14. Climbing stairs

A gentleman is going to do things on the 8th floor of the 10th floor, can't catch up with the power outage, the elevator can't use it, he can only walk on the floor. If he climbed from the first floor to 48 seconds, then how many seconds need to go to the 8th floor with the same speed?

15. Air attendant distribution items

On a plane, the middle is a road, both sides are seats, each row of three. Two flight attendants A and B are responsible for each of the passengers to allocate travel items.

At the beginning, A was issued to the right passengers on the right. At this time, B came over to her, and the left should be responsible for being. So A reached the left and started, B then gave the remaining passengers on the right, and then helped a 15 copies, and finally the two ended at the same time.

Excuse me: Who is A and B send more? How many copies have been made?


Start now in the mouse game! Participants have Ralph, Willy and Paul.

Ralph 10 seconds to take 10 mouse; Willy can strike 20 seconds; Paul is 5 seconds to attack 5 mouse. The time used by the above people is calculated; from the first hit, the last hit ends.

Do they play flat? If not, who is the first to hit 40 mouse?

2. I feel

Using the first feeling judgment 8 8 = 91 this equation correctly? Explanation.

3. Lie

If everyone says, what is wrong, who is smashing a vase?

Xiake: Jim broke a vase.

Tom: Xiake tells you who broke a vase.

Epsur: Tom, Xiake and I am unlikely to break the vase.

Kles: I didn't break a bottle.

Alike: Xiake broke the vase, so Tom and Eps were unlikely to break the vase.

Jim: I broke the vase, Tom is innocent.


Rudolph, Philip, Robert, three young people, a singer, a university, an joined US military team, and there is a big future. Now known:

A. Robert's age than the warrior; b. The age of college students is smaller than Philip;

C. Rudolph's age is different from college students.

Excuse me: Who is the singer? Who is college students? Who is soldier?

5. Students from Massachusetts University

Students from Matro University from different countries.

David, Billy, Ted three students, one is the French, one is a Japanese, one is an American. Now known:

1, David does not like noodles, Tud doesn't like hamburgers;

2, I like the noodles is not the French;

3, like hamburger is the Japanese;

4, Belly is not Americans.

What are the three international students from these three students from?

6. Banquet table

In a banquet hall in a hotel, there are 4 friends who are sitting around the table, and talk about it. They used four languages ​​in China, English, Method, and Day. Now known:

A. A, B, and C will be two languages, and there will be only a language;

B. There are 3 people in 4 people.

C. The Japanese, Ding is not Japanese, and B will not speak English;

D. A & C is could not talk directly, B and C can directly talk directly;

E. No one will be both Japanese and will be French.

I would like to ask: What languages ​​do each will be made?

7. Remittach

From the two adjacent countries in front of A, B, their relationship is very good, not only frequently between trade, but the currency can be common, the exchange rate is the same. That is to say 100 yuan in the A country is equal to 100 yuan in the B country. However, the relationship between the two countries was broken because of an event, although trade contracted, but the king of the two countries announced that the 100 yuan of the other currency can only be exchanged for 90 yuan in the national currency. There is a smart person, he has only 100 yuan banknotes in his hand, but it took a lot of money and sent a fortune. Please think about it, how is this smart person from rich?

8. Unreasonable arrangements

When Mr. S is resting at home, I received an appointment phone called a stranger. The other party really wants to visit him at his family on Friday next week. But Mr. S didn't want to see this stranger, so he quickly said: "I am very busy with my next week. I have to meet at 1 o'clock in the morning. I have to participate in a student's wedding, then I have to join a friend. The child's funeral, followed by my uncle's seventy birthday banquet. So I don't have time to receive your visit. "

Please look carefully, there is one place in the words of S. where is it?

9. Quick horse whip

Mexican rural can still see people with horse and 运 carries. A businessman pulled four horses from Jiacai to B village, and from Jia Village to B village, A horse had to spend an hour, B horse wants to spend two hours, C Horse wants to spend four hours, D heard to spend five hours.

This businessman only pulled two horses once, and he would return a horse when he came back, in which the slow-running horses were taken as the time required from Jiacai Village to B. I heard that someone spent 12 hours, I pulled all four horses from Jia Village to I. Excuse me: How did he do?


There is a bug, split once every two seconds. Two new insects after splitting were divided after two seconds. If there is only one bug in a bottle, then there are two seconds after two seconds. After two seconds, it will change four ... After two minutes, it is full of bugs full of bugs. Now, this bottle is originally placed in two such bugs.

Q: How long is it, is it a full bottle?

2. Meet

There are 17 small bus in a small town team in the United States, all day in the two small towns of 197 kilometers and green water. The driver must take a rest for 8 minutes after the driver reaches the small town. Driver Jack started at 10:20 am from Qingshan Town, encountered from time to time (sometimes it came to come, and sometimes beyond each other) a team. At 1:55 in the afternoon, he arrived in the green water town. When he was resting, it was found that the team's other drivers were not there. No companions can chat, Jack quietly recallors those who have encountered on the road. Q: Jack has encountered several cars from this team?

3. Dating

Ph.D. of matrix


Miss is him


She is a beautiful beauty. No wonder


Mr. has been astonished. However, this lady is born, if it is straightforward, I will be invited to eat, may be declined. Here,


Mr. race his brain, hermetic countermeasures.

Suddenly, he had a bloody tide, I remembered the math of Harvard University Jilby Baker taught him a mystery, and suddenly the heart was ambiguous, and he hired.

"Dear, I have two questions to ask you, and I can only answer: 'Is' or 'no', don't allow other statements. But before formal questions, I have to pre-tell you, you must After listening to clear, I will soon answered, and the answers to the two questions must be completely reasonable, and they cannot be contradictory. "He said to Eva.

Eva is slightly eyebrows, I feel very interesting, so she said, "Okay! Please ask you!"



How can I ask questions?


Miss is the purpose of eating?

4.30 second answer

(1) Where do you always find happiness?

(2) When a person walks into his garden, do you always put it in the inside?

(3) What is more and more dirty?

(4) What is the one hundred bundles of hay can't stand a sand?

(5) What is the more broken, the more popular?

(6) What did you never eat when breakfast?

(7) What is the things that the magnifying glass can't be enlarged?

(8) What will increase by half?

5. One minute answer

(1) When you walk from the West, it will go to the left and then turn away from the left, turn it back, then turn it back, turn left to the left, and finally turn away. Excuse me, do you finally walk in any direction?

(2) There is such a year in the twentieth century, when writing it into arabic number, is looking at this year, it is still the year. Excuse me, what year is this?

(3) How much is this number of use with three matches to settle (not allowing matches or bending)?

(4) There is a high and narrow glass cylinder, with a fresh egg in the cylinder. If you don't want to tilt the glass cylinder, don't use any fixture to put the fresh eggs, then, do you have any way to take the fresh egg?

(5) Jeff, a company purchaser in London, UK, often goes to Paris, France, and every time you take the train. Once, he went to Paris, France, but his first half was flying, which was eight times faster than he usually took the train; and his second half is taken by train and cars arriving in Paris, France. The speed is half the speed than him usually take a train. Excuse me, this time I go to France Paris, is it more time to save time than him? why? (6) How many times will be coincident in twenty-four hours in twenty-four hours?

(7) If you give you a longer thick copper line, you have to use this copper wire to extinguish the ignited candles flame, but you don't allow you to touch the candle with a copper wire. What can I?

(8) There is an iron line. If it cuts it with a pliers, it is still a wire equal to the original length. Excuse me, what is the shape of the iron line?

(9) The astronaut Carter entered the talker by the spacecraft, and he was using the spin of the people who came to sign the visitors. When he entered the space, he was busy using this pen to write a diary. Do you believe?

(10) There are twelve people to cross the river. There is only one boat that can carry three people. Excuse me, these twelve people cross the river, need to spend a few times?

6. Modern Swinx's Mystery

Swinx is an ancient Greek mythology with wings lion female magic. Legend has it to guess her in the vicinity of the Best, can't guess. Once, she wants to ask the Prince of Biz, "There is an animal, four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, three legs in the evening, what animals?" The smart prince said: "It is a person." He guess.

If you are modern SFs, what kind of problem will it be put forward? For example, what symbols plus 1 and 0 can make the number ratio of 0 big and 1 small? do you know?

Clever chain

In production, a piece of iron chain is required. Only five iron chains of only three iron rings in the warehouse are only required for the length of the five truncated chains.

Q: How to connect these five three iron rings in the case of only three iron ring?

2. Clearing aircraft ticket

The travel agency has just reserves a plane ticket for three passengers. These three passengers are Dutch Cole, Canadian Botto and British Danpi. They go to the Netherlands, one go to Canada, one go to the UK. According to Koer, don't plan to go to the Netherlands, Dan Si is not going to go to the UK, Bero does not go to Canada, nor to the UK.

Q: Who should these three aircraft tickets should be their?

3. White Hat and Black Hat

The teacher let six students sit around and let a student sit in the center and take out seven hat, four top white, three black. Then I blindfolded the eyes of seven students and put a hat sitting in the central students, and only unwind the six students sitting on the circle. At this time, because of the blocking of the students sitting in the center, everyone can only see five people's hats. The teacher said: "Now, you guess your head color wearing the hat you wear." Everyone thoughtfully thought of a big one. Finally, sitting in the center, the student who was blindfolded and said: "I guess it."

Q: What is the color of the blindfolded student with the blindfolded student? How did he guess?

4. Urgently

There is a farmer picking a pair of bamboo baskets, caught up to buy something. When he came to a wooden bridge, he came to a child. He wanted to return to let the child first cross the bridge, but take a look, and there was a child. At the end of the two difficulties, the peasants urgently have a wisdom, think of a clever approach, so that everyone has passed the wooden bridge smoothly, and no one in the three people will return one step. Q: What method is farmers use?

5. Clever into the room

A certain geological exploration team has 12 players, they live in 12 rooms in a building. Due to the work relationship, the information cannot be concentrated, and there are information on others need to check.

On this day, 12 players have to go out. Before leaving, the captain said to everyone: "During the work of the work, it is impossible to come back together. If there is a player back to check the information is difficult. Now we have two keys to open their own locks, only Quickly take one of the keys, the rest is not allowed to hang on the door, because not safe, every room must be more critical, everyone wants to think, how can I get anyone to open 12 Room? "

Q: If you are one of a player, can you come up with a way?

6. Daughter's fault

My father called her daughter, I want to buy some daily necessities for myself, and tell her that the money is placed on an envelope on the desk. The daughter found the envelope and saw 98 above. I thought that I had 98 yuan in the envelope, I took the money out, and the number was not put into the bag.

In the store, she bought 90 yuan, and she found not only 8 yuan left, but it was 4 yuan.

Going home, she told the father and suspected that her father went wrong with the money. The father smiled and said that he did not have a number of mistakes, failed to be on his daughter.

Q: Where is the daughter wrong?

7. Looking for a coin

3 Japanese kids closed, they took out all the money in the pocket and see how much money. The result is 320 yen. Two of these coins are 100 yen, two are 50 yen, two are 10 yen. There is no different in the coins of each child. Moreover, children who have no 100 yen coins have no 10 yen coins, and children who have no 50 yen coins have no coins of 100 yen. Can you figure out what kind of hard coins have these three Japanese children?

8. Sleep and wake up

I would like to ask: From the moment you have born, how many times you slept and wake? How many times?

Chapter 4 Chinese

1. What books are the most wrong?

2. Why don't you eat back?

3. What is the "father" will not touch, but will you encounter twice when "Dad"?

4. Farmers support 10 cows, only 19 angles, why?

5. What are you doing so?

6. Tony always likes the alarm clock in the family, why do my mother always let the father who will not repair the watch for the repair?

7. Dafu walks from the foot, why?

8. What should I do when I don't care about the maturity?

9. What is the product of the manufacturing date and the effective date?

10. The clock knocks thirteen, what should I do now?

11. How to write zero in the Roman number?

12. There is a two-star brother, his brother's butt is black, and the younger brother did not. But even if you wear the same costumes for twins, you can still know who is your brother, who is your brother. Who is it?

13. The family has a family rules, state-owned national regulations, and the regulations in the zoo?

14. Do you have a man first? 15. Who is lucky every day?

16. Mary said that he said all day, but she said least for a month, why?

17. Where is your acne, you are not worried?

18. David holding a match to the kitchen, there is a gas stove and a wine finger, he wants to boil water, ask: What should he ignite first?

19. The teacher said that he can regenerate it in two paragraphs, and the teacher of Xishen is going to do, but it is dead, why?

20. Which tire does not turn when the car is turned right?


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