Linux Process Management

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  42

> No Chinese, I hope everyone can accept it!


> -

> Love need to learn.

> Love nesed to pay.

> Wade, Coventive, 886-2-8226-3600 EXT 229





> ------------------------------------------------- -----------------------


> 1. p.15 Chapter 2 - Process Management

> 1. Process Include:

> 1. TEXT Section: Executing Program Code

> 2. Data Section: Global Variables, A Set of Resources

> Such As Open Files, Pending Signals, An Address Space

> 3. One or more Threads of Execution

> 2. Each Thread Includes a Unique Program Counter, Process

> Stack, And Set of Processor Registers, But Linux Does Not

> Differentiate Between Threads and processes.

> 3. Processes Provide Two Vitualization:

> 1. Virtualized PROESSOR: Sharing The Processor Among

> Dozens of Other Processes

> 2. Virtual Memory: It lets the process allocate and

> Manage Memory as if it alone OWNED ALL The Memory in

> The system.

> 4. WHEN a Process EXITS, IT IS Placed Into a Special Zombie

> State That Used To Repesent Terminated Processes Until

> The Parent Calls Wait () or WaitPid ()

> 5. The Kernel Representation of a Running Program as a task,

> And the user-space representation as a process.

> 2. P.16 The Process Descriptor and task structure

> 1. The Kernel Stores The Processes in a Circular Doubly

> Linked List Called The Task List.

> 2. The Process Descriptor Contains The Data That Describe The> Executing Program: Running State, Open Files, The

> Process's Address Space, Pending Signals, Permission,

> Semaphore, Executing Time ...

> 3. THE TASK_STRUCT IS Allocated Via The SLAB Allocator To

> Provide Object Reuse and cache coloring.

> 4. Prior to the 2.6 kernel Series, The Task_struct Was Stored

> At the end of the kernel stack of each process. This

> ALLOWED Architectures with Few Registers, Such as x86, To

> Calculate The Location of The Process Descriptor Via THE

> Stack Pointer WITHOUT USING An Extra Register to Store To

> Location.

> 3. P.18 Storing The Process Descriptor

> 1. The System Identifies Processes by a Unique PID. The

> Default Maximum Value IS 32767 (Up to 4294967296).

> 2. It is very useful to beable to quickly lookup the process

> Descriptor of The Currently Executing Task, Which is Done

> Via the current macro. This Macro Must Be Separately

> Implement by Each Supported Architecture.

> 4. P.19 Process State:

> 1. The State Field of The Process Descriptor Describes The Process Descriptor Describes

> Current Condition of The Process. The value is represented

> By One of FIVE FLAGS:

> 1. Task_running: it is each currently Running OR ON A

> Runqueue Waiting to Run (Runqueue Are Discussed in

> Chap. 3).

> 2. Task_Interruptible: IT IS Sleeping, Blocked, Waiting> For Some Condition To Occur. When this condition

> Occurs, The Kernel Sets The Process's State To

> Task_Running. The Processes Also Awakes Prematurely

> And Becomes Runnable if IT Receives A Signal.

> 3. Task_uninterruptible: IT Will Not Wake Up and Become

> Runnable if IT Receives A Signal. (See fork ())

> 4. Task_zombie: The task Has Terminated, But ITS Parent

> HAS NOT YET ISSUED A WAIT4 () System Call. The Task's

> Process Descriptor Must Remain in Case The Parent

> Wants to Access IT.

> 5. Task_Stopped: This Occurs if The Task Receives

> Sigstop, Sigtstp, Sigttin, Or Sigttou Signal or IF

> IT Receives Any Signal While It Is Being Debugged.


> --- Refer ----


> 1. Running: ON User Space.

> 2. Interrupt Routine: a Exception Handler Such AS KBD,

> Timer.

> 3. System Call: Such As Read, Write.

> 4. Waiting: Waiting: Wait for an Event.

> 5. Return: Kernel Will Check Scheduler, Signals.

> 6. Ready: Ready to Run.


> Interrupt (kernel) Scheduler

> ----------. --------------------------- ---------



> Running === ==> system call <============================> Waiting> ^. |. ^

> |. | |.

> |. | ===== | => Interrupt Routing <==========

> |.

> |.

> |. V V.

> -----.----- Return <=========================== 中





> 5. P.20 Manipulating The Current Process State

> 1. Using the set_task_state (task, state) Function to set the

> Given Task to the given state.

> 6. P.20 Process Context

> 1. One of the Most Important Parts of a Process Is The

> Executing Program Code.

> 2. WHEN a Program Executes a System Call or Triggers AN

> Exception, IT Enters Kernel-Space. At this point, the

> Kernel is said to "be Executing on Behalf of the Process"

> And is in process context.

> 3. WHEN in Process Context, The Current Macro Is Valid.

> 4. All Processes Are Descendents of The Init Process Whose

> PID IS 1.

> 5. Every Process On The System Has Exactly One Parent.

> Likewise, Every Process Can Have One or More Children. The> Relationship Between Processes Is Stored in The Process

> Descriptor.


> # pstree

> INIT - - Apache - 5 * [Apache]

> | -Apmd

> | -ATD

> | | -Bash - - Bash - XPRT

> | | | -Logger

> | `-Tee

> | | -BDFLUSH

> | | -BRLTTY

> | -Cron

> | -5 * [Getty]

> | | -Inetd

> | | -Kapmd

> | -Keventd

> | | -Khubd

> | | -Kjournald

> | | KLOGD

> | | -Kreiserfsd

> | -KsoftIRQD_CPU0

> | | -KSwapd

> | | -Kupdated

> `-Syslogd



> 7. P.22 Process Creation

> 1. fork (): CREATES a Child Process That Is a Copy of The

> Current Task. It diffrom The Parent Only in ITS PID,

> ITS PPID, AND CERTAIN Resources and Statistics, Such AS

> Pending Signals, Which Are Not Inherited.

> 2. EXEC (): Loads a new Executable Into The Address Space and

> Begins Executing IT.

> 3. With Linux, fork () Is Implement Using Copy-On-Write

> Pages. INSTEAD OF Duplicating The Process ADDRESS SPACE,

> The Parent and The Child Can Share A Single Copy. The Data

> Is Marked In Such a Way That IT IS Written To, A

> Duplicate is Made and Each Process Receives a Unique Copy.

> 4. IF exec () IS Called IMMEDIATELY AFTER fork () - They Never

> Need to be copied. The only overhead incotred by fork () IS

> The duplication of the parent's page Tables and the parent's

> CREATION OF A Unique Process Descriptor for the child.> 8. P.23 fork ()

> 1. fork () <- clone () <- do_fork () <- COPY_PROCESS ()

> 1. Calls dup_task_struct () Which Creates A New Kernel

> Stack, thread_info structure, and task_struct for

> The New Process Whose Values ​​Are Identical To Those

> Of the current task.

> 2. CHECK That The New Child Will NOTETED THE

> Resource Limits on The Number of Processes for the Number of Processes for Thane

> Current User.

> 3. Now the child Needs to Differentiate Itself from ITS

> Parent. Various Members of The Process Descriptor

> Area cleand or set to initail value.

> 4. Next, THE Child's State Is Set To


> 5. Calls Copy_Flags () To update the flags member of the

> Task_struct. The Pf_superPriv Flag, Which Denotes

> WHETHER A Task Used Super-User Priv, IS Cleared. The

> PF_FORKNOEXEC FLAG, Which Denotes a Process That Has

> Not caled exec (), is set.

> 6. Calls get_pid () to assign an available pid to the

> New task.

> 7. Depending on the flags passed to clone (), Either

> Copy or Share Open Files, FileSystem Information,

> Signal Handlers, Process Address Space, And Namespace.

> 8. Share the remaining TimeSlice Between The Parent and

> ITS Child.> 9. Cleanup and return a Pointer to the new child.

> 2. ==> The Kernel Runs The child process first. (Avoid

> Copy-on-Write Overhead)

> 9. P.24 vFork ()

> 1. The vfork () HAS The Same Effect As fork (), Excepter That The

> Page Table Entries of The Parent Process Are Not Copied.

> INSTEAD, THE Child Executes as the sole thread in the

> Parent's Address Space, and The Parent Is Blocked Until

> The child Either calls exec () or exits.

> 2. The child is not allowed to write to the address space.

> 3. ==> Use fork () IS OK in Kernel> 2.2.

> 10. P.25 The Linux Implementation of Threads

> 1. The Linux Kernel Done Not Provide Any Special Scheduling

> Semantics or Data Structures to represent threads.

> INSTEAD, A Thread is Merely a Process Which Share Certain

> Resources. Each Thread Has a Unique Task_struct and

> APPEARS to the KERNEL AS A Normal Process Which Shares The

> Address Space, FileSystem Resources, File Descriptors, And


> 2. Threads Are Created Like Normal Task with The Exception

> That The Clone () System Call is Passed Flags Corresponding

> To specify resources to be shared:

> Clone (Clone_VM | Clone_fs | Clone_Files | Clone_sighand, 0);

> Fork () can be implemented by clone () AS:

> Clone (sigchld, 0);

> VFork () as:

> Clone (Clone_vfork | Clone_VM | SIGCHLD, 0);>

> - Clone () Flags:


> Flag meaning

> ================================================== ===================

> Clone_cleartid Clear Tid

> Clone_Detached The Parent Does Not Want A Sigchld Signal Send ON EXIT

> Clone_Files Parent and child Share Open Files

> Clone_fs Parent and Child Share FileSystem Information

> Clone_idletask set pid to zero (only used by the idle tasks)

> Clone_newns Create a New Namespace for the child

> Clone_Parent Child Is To Have Same Parent As ITS Parent

> Clone_Ptrace Continue Tracing CHild

> Clone_Settid Write The Pid Back to User-Space

> Clone_Settls Create a New TLS for the child

> Clone_Sighand Parent and Child Share Signal Handlers

> Clone_sysvsem Parent and child Share System V Sem_undo Semantics

> Clone_thread Parent and child aew in The Same Thread Group

> Clone_vfork vfork () WAS Used and The Parent Will Sleep Until The

> Child Wakes IT

> Clone_VM Parent and Child Share Address Space

> ================================================== ==================================================>


> 11. p.26 kernel threads

> 1. kernel threads is offen useful for the kernel to perform

> Some Operations in The Background - Standard Processes


> 2. The Significant Difference Between KERNEL Threads and

> Normal Processes Is That Kernel Threads Do Not Have AN

> Address Space and Do Not Context Switch Into User-Space.

> Kernel threads area schedulable and preemptable as normal

> Processes.

> 3.


> # ps axw

> PID TTY Stat Time Command

> 1? S 0:05 init [5]

> 2? SW 0:00 [keventd]

> 0? SWN 0:00 [ksoftirqd_cpu0]

> 0? SW 0:11 [kswapd]

> 0? SW 0:00 [bdflush]

> 0? SW 0:00 [kupdated]

> 7? SW 0:00 [khubd]

> 8? SW 1:45 [kjournald]

> 60? SW 0:00 [Kapmd]



> 4. Indeed, A Kernel Thread Can Only Be CREATED BY Another

> Kernel thread. The interface for spawning a new kernel

> Thread from an existing one is: int kernel_thread (int

> (* Fn) (void *), void * arg, unsigned long flags) Flags:

> MOST KERNEL THREADS Pass Clone_fs | Clone_Files |

> Clone_sighand

> 12. P.27 Process Termination

> 1. Typically, Processes Destruction Occurs When the Process

> Calls the EXIT () System call: exit () or return from main ().

> 2. a Process Can Also Terminate When IT Receives A Signal OR

> Exception it cannot handle or ignore.

> 3. Do_exit () in kernel Complete a Number of Chores (in

> Kernel / exit.c):

> 1. set the pf_exiting flag in the flags member of the

> Task_struct.

> 2. IF BSD Process Accounting Is Enabled, Call

> Accct_process () to write out accounting information.

> 3. Call __exit__mm () to release the mm_struct held by


> 4. Call sem_exit (). Dequeue ITS IPC Semaphor if IT

> Queued Waiting for.

> 5. Call __exit_files (), __EXIT_FS (), EXIT_NAMESPACE (),

> And exit_sighand () to Decrement The usage country of

> Objects Related to File Descriptors, FileSystem

> Data, The Process Namespace, And Signal Handlers,

> Respectively.

> 6. set the task's exit code, stores in the exit_code

> Member of the task_struct, to the code provided by

> EXIT () or wherever kernel mechanism forced the

> Termination.

> 7. Call exit_notify () TO Send Signals to the Task's

> Parent, Reparent Any of The Task's Children To

> Another thread in their thread group or the init> process, and set the task's state to task_zombie.

> 8. Finally, Call Schedule () To Switch To a New Process,

> This is the last code the task will Ever execute.

> 9. ==> The Only Memory It Occupies ITS Kernel Stack

> And Slab Object, Which Contain Its Thread_Info and

> Task_struct structures. The task exissrs solely to

> Provide information to it its parent.

> 13. P.28 Removal of The Process Descriptor

> 1. The ACTS of CLEANING UP AFTER A Process And Removing ITS

> Process Descriptor is Separate.

> 2.hen it is time to finally deallocate the process

> Descriptor, release_task () is invoked. It does the folowing:

> 1. Call Free_UID () To Decrement The Usage Count of The

> Process's User.

> 2. Call unhash_process () to remove the process from the

> Pidhash and remove the process from the task list.

> 3. if the task was ptraaced, reparent it to its Original

> Parent and Remove It from the ptrace list.

> 4. Call Put_Task_struct () To Free The Pages Containing

> The process's kernel stack and thread_info structure

> And deallocate the slab cache containing the

> Task_struct.

> 14. p.28 The Dilemma of the Parentless Task

> 1.


> 2. The Solution, Hinted Upon Previously, IS To Reparent A> Task's Children on Exit To Either Another Process in The

> Current Thread Group OR, IF That Fails, The Init Process.


> 1. Commands for Process

> Command Description

> PS Report a Snapshot of The Current Processes.

> TOP Display Linux Tasks

> Nice Run a Program with modified scheduling priority

> Renice Alter Priority of Running Processes

> Kill

> Send a Signal To a Process Name Num Action Description

> 0 0 N / A EXIT CODE INDICES IF A Signal May Be Sent




> Kill 9 EXIT this Signal May Not Be Blocked


> Poll exit





> Vtalrm EXIT



> Winch ignore

> Chld ignore



> KILLALL KILL Processes by Name

> Skill, Snice Send A Signal or Report Process Status

> PSTree Display a Tree of Processes

> PGREP, PKILL LOOK UP OR SIGNAL Processes Based on Name and

> Other Attributes

> Free Display Amount of Free and Used Memory in the system

> Uptime tell how long The system has been running.

> W show who is logged on and what the isy.

> PIDOF Find The Process ID of a Running Program.

> Fuses or sockets Using Files OR Sockets

> SLEEP, Usleep Delay for a Specified Amount of Time> Time Counting Running Time of A Command

> Jobs Show Stopped Processes List

> History Command History

> NOHUP Run a Command Immune to Hangups, with Output to a non-Tty

> AT, BATCH, ATQ, ATRM Queue, Examine or Delete Jobs for Later

> Execution

> CRONTAB Maintain crontab files for Individual users

> BG, FG Let Stopped Process Run on Background, Foreground

> Procinfo Display System Status Gathered from / Proc

> Reboot, Halt, Shutdown, Poweroff Stop The System


> 2. / proc

> 1. APM: Advanced Power Manager

> 1.16 1.2 0x03 0x01 0xFF 0x80 -1% -1?

> 2. Bus: Such PCI, USB BUS.

> 3. Cmdline: Boot Parameter for kernel

> Root = / dev / hda4 VGA = 785 rootfstype = ext3

> 4. CPUInfo

> Attribute Value

> Processor 0

> Vendor_id genuineintel

> CPU Family 6

> Model 7

> Model Name Pentium III (KATMAI)

> Stepping 3

> CPU MHz 451.028

> Cache Size 512 KB

> Fdiv_bug no


> F00f_bug no

> Coma_bug no


> Fpu_exception YES

> CPUID Level 2

> Wp yes



> BOGOMIPS 897.84


> 5. Devices


> Major Number Device Name> 1 MEM

> 2 pty

> 3 TTYP

> 4 TTYS

> 5 CUA

> 7 VCS

> 10 MISC

> 14 Sound

> 29 FB

> 81 Video_Capture

> 108 PPP

> 128 PTM

> 136 PTS

> 162 RAW

> 180 USB


> * Block Devices:

> Major Number Device Name

> 2 fd

> 3 IDE0

> 7 loop

> 114 Ataraid


> 6. DMA

> 7. Driver


> 9. FB

> 10. FileSystems

> / Dev node? FileSystem

> Nodev rootfs

> Nodev BDEV

> Nodev Proc

> Nodev Sockfs

> Nodev TMPFS

> Nodev SHM

> Nodev PIPEFS

> EXT3

> EXT2

> Nodev Ramfs

> ISO9660

> Nodev Devpts


> Nodev USBFS

> Nodev Autofs

> Nodev NFS

> Vfat

> Reiserfs


> 11. fs

> 12.Ide

> 13.Interrupts

> IRQ Number In CPU0 ??? Name

> 0 20684227 XT-Pic Timer

> 1 74567 XT-Pic Keyboard

> 2 0 XT-Pic Cascade

> 4 153184 XT-PIC Serial> 8 4 XT-PIC RTC


> 11 4078280 XT-Pic Eth0

> 12 301378 XT-PIC PS / 2 mouse

> 14 1182857 XT-PIC IDE0

> NMI 0

> Err 0


> 14. omem

> Address Description

> 00000000-0009FBFF System RAM

> 0009FC00-0009fff Reserved

> 000A0000-000Bffffff Video Ram Area

> 000c0000-000c7fff video rom

> 000f0000-000fffff System ROM

> 00100000-07FFCFFF System RAM

> 00100000-00245388 kernel code

> 00245389-002D0C03 Kernel Data

> 07FFD000-07ffefff ACPI TABLES


> E1000000-E100007F 3COM Corporation 3C905B 100BaseTX

> [Cyclone]

> E1800000-E3DFFFF PCI BUS # 01

> 1800000-E1800FFF ATI TECHNOLOGIES INC 3D Rage Pro AGP 1x / 2X


> 2000000-E212BFFF VESAFB

> E3f00000-E3FFFFF PCI Bus # 01


> Host Bridge

> FFFF0000-fffffff Reserved



> IO-Address Description

> 0000-001F DMA1

> 0020-003F PIC1

> 0040-005F Timer

> 0060-006F Keyboard

> 0070-007F RTC

> 0080-008F DMA Page Reg

> 00A0-00BF PIC2> 00c0-00df DMA2

> 00F0-00FF FPU

> 01f0-01f7 IDE0

> 02F8-02FF Serial (SET)

> 03C0-03DF VESAFB

> 03f6-03f6 IDE0

> 03F8-03FF Serial (SET)


> 9400-947f 3com corporation 3C905B 100BaseTX [cyclone]

> 9400-947f 00: 0C.0

> 9800-9803 ESS Technology ES1969 SOLO-1 Audiodrive

> 9800-9803 ESS SOLO1

> A000-A003 ESS Technology ES1969 SOLO-1 Audiodrive

> 000-A003 Ess Solo1

> A400-A40F ESS Technology ES1969 SOLO-1 Audiodrive

> 400-a40f Ess Solo1

> A800-A80F ESS Technology ES1969 SOLO-1 Audiodrive

> 804-a80f Ess Solo1

> B000-B03F ESS Technology ES1969 SOLO-1 Audiodrive

> 000-b00f Ess Solo1

> B400-B41F Intel Corp. 82371Ab / EB / MB PIIX4 USB

> 400-b41f USB-UHCI

> B800-B80F Intel Corp. 82371Ab / EB / MB PIIX4 IDE

> 800-b807 IDE0

> 808-b80f IDE1

> D000-dfff pci bus # 01

> 800-d8ff ATI TECHNOLOGIES INC 3D Rage Pro AGP 1X / 2X

> E400-E43F Intel Corp. 82371Ab / EB / MB PIIX4 ACPI

> E800-E81F Intel Corp. 82371Ab / EB / MB PIIX4 ACPI


> 16. IRQ

> 17. kcore

> 18. kmsg

> 19. ksyms: refer to after building kernel Source

> 20. Loadavg: Refer to "uptime" Command

> 21. LOCKS

> 22. Meminfo: Refer to "free", "TOP" Command> 23. Misc

> 24. Modules: Modules in Kernel: Build In Insmod

> 25. Mounts: Refer to "Mount", Normally LN -S / Proc / Mounts

> / Etc / mtab

> 26. mtrr

> 27. Net

> 28. Partitions: Refer to "fdisk -l"

> Major Minor #Blocks Name

> 3 0 19551168 HDA

> 3 1 4192933 HDA1

> 3 2 88357 HDA2

> 3 3 249007 HDA3

> 3 4 15020775 HDA4


> 29. PCI

> 30. SCSI

> 31. Self: "Self" Process, Symbolic to / Proc / # PID


> 33. Stat: CPU, SWAP, Interrupt, Diskio, Boot Time

> 34. SWAPS:


> FileName Type Size Used Priority

> / dev / hda3 partition 248996 26540 -1



> 35. SYS

> 36. Sysvipc: IPC

> 37. TTY

> 38. Uptime

> 39. Version: Refer to "uname -a" Command

> 40. Video



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