"Agile Software Developments" Principles, Patterns and Practices Robert C.martin
This book won the 2003 Jolt Awards, a veritable celebrity, worth repeated reading.
The English subtitle of the book "Principles, Patterns and Practices" points to the core content of this book - the principle of agile development, OOP design mode, and its practice.
1. Agile development: four declarations, 12 principles. Introduction XP practice, more detailed introduction: plan, test, reconstruction. Finally, use agility methods to develop bowling integral procedures.
2. Agility OOP the five principles: SRP (The Single-Responsibilty Principle), OCP (The Open-Closed Principle), LSP (The Liskov Substitution Princile), DIP (The Dependency-Inversion Principle), ISP (The Interface-Segregation Principle) .
3. Software design pattern detailed:
Command and Active Object
Template Method & Strategy
Facade and Mediator
Singleton and Monostate
Null Object
Abstract Server & Adapter & Bridge,
4. Software package design principle.