January Headline: PHP Awarded Programming Language of 2004
The TIOBE Programming Community index gives an indication of the popularity of programming languages. The index is updated once a month. The ratings are based on the world-wide availability of skilled engineers, courses and third party vendors. The popular search engines Google, MSN And Yahoo! Are Used to Calculate The Ratings. Observe That The TPC INDEX IS NOT ABOUT The Best Programming Language or The Language In Which Most Lines of Code Have Been Written.
The index can be used to check whether your programming skills are still up to date or to make a strategic decision about what programming language should be adopted when starting to build a new software system.
Position (Position) Programming Languagerates (Ratings) Status1C20.709% 2.11% A2JAVA17.478% -6.09% A3C 11.927% -4.16% A4PHP9.482% 3.17% A5 (Visual) Basic 7.928% -0.62% A6Perl7 .461% -2.14% A7SQL3.314% 0.22% A8PYTHON 2.842% 1.72% A9Delphi / KYLIX2.572% 1.77% A10C # 2.203% 0.40% A11Javascript1.703% -0.04% A12SAS1.412% 0.63% A13COBOL1.068% 0.31% A14AbAP0.736% 0.50% A-15IDL0.726% 0.31% A-16Pascal0.641% 0.04% B17LISP0.618% 0.12% B18Fortran 0.523% -0.02% B19ADA0.493% -0.04% B20RPG0.429% 0.09% B
Some Column NEED Extra Explanation:
(Position). This column indicates the difference in position with respect to last year. Ratings. The search query ' "
Long Term Trends
Other Programming Languages
On request, the complete top 50 of programming languages is listed below. This overview is published unofficially, because it could be the case that we missed a language. If you have the impression there is a programming language lacking, please notify us at tpci @ LanguageRatings21MATLAB0.424% 22Felix0.422% 23VB.NET0.368% 24Prolog0.363% 25Postscript0.345% 26Scheme0.323% 27ColdFusion0.271% 28Awk0.259% 29Ruby0.241% 30REXX0.207% 31Logo0.194 % 32Forth0.186% 33ActionScript0.180% 34LabView0.179% 35S-Lang0.173% 36Tcl / Tk0.167% 37Icon0.159% 38Bash0.158% 39PL / 10.121% 40Clipper0.105% 41Smalltalk0.102% 42Natural0.100% 43VHDL0 .094% 44Objective-c0.092% 45Vbscript0.091% 46ml0.090% 47LingO0.087% 48csh0.083% 49groovy0.080% 50DYLAN 0.073%
Possible Candidates for the Near Future
Apart from the 50 languages that are mentioned above, we keep track of some other programming languages that have the potential to become part of the top 50 in the near future. The languages are listed in alphabetical order.
ABC, Algol, APL, Applescript, BCPL, Beta, Bourne Shell, Clarion, Clean, Eiffel, Erlang, Euphoria, Haskell, Inform, IO, Lua, Mantis, MAPLE, MATHEMATICA, MANTIS, MAPLE, MATHEMATICA, MANTULA-2, MOTO, MS-DOS BATCH, Mumps, Oberon, Occam, OPL, OZ, Pike, Powerbuilder, Progress, Q, Scala, Slate, Verilog, Visual FoxPro, Whitespace, and XSLT.
January's NewsFlash
BROUGHT to you by Paul Jansen
In order to minimize fluctuations of the index, is now also used as a search engine to measure programming language popularity. Both C and Java take most advantage of this change, whereas PHP loses a couple of percents. PHP has earned the title "Programming Language of the year 2004" with a positive delta of more than 3 percent within 1 year. The launch of PHP version 5 is generally regarded as a further step to maturity. It is expected that PHP will be capable to maintain its top 4 position for a long time. suprisingly, C is runner up thanks to the addition of as an extra data provider. Delphi and Python are third and fourth best respectively. We asked Bruce Eckel (author of 'Thinking in Java' .) why Java dropped so heavily this year His answer can be found at his weblog:. Most interesting are the comments of Benjamin Ferrari stating that "[ ...] One Reason for Java Slipping Could Be That IT IS Not Treat ed as a 'language for everything' anymore. ". Finally, FYI. We started monitoring the programming languages AppleScript, BCPL, Oberon, Occam, and Slate. We stopped keeping track of A , REALBasic, and Rebol.Frequently Asked Questions