I don't know what kind of reply would be made this time this time, we look forward to it. . . . . .
"China Business Times" reported that
54 multinational companies in China, in response to the influence of the internal and foreign corporate income tax may be impact on multinational companies, prepare a report to the State Council Legal Office, requiring "canceling the foreign enterprise preferential policy should have a 5- and 10 years of transition" . It is said that this report will also submit it at the same time.
Ministry of Finance,
Ministry of Commerce and
State Administration of Taxation. The following table is the list of these 54 multinational companies.
ABB KCC South Korea Kodaki Chemistry Alcatel Alcatel Kodak Kodak Alstom Alstom Kraft Kraft Amat United States Applications Lexmark Lee Amway Amway Metro Metro Basf Basil Microsoft Microsoft Bayer Bayer Motorola Motorola BP British oil NCR Anxiang Degussa Deguri Nestle Nestle Dell Dell Nokia Nokia Delphi Delphi Omron Omron DHL DHL Oracle Oracle Dupont Dupont Otis Otis E28 E28 Panasonic Matsushita Effem Mars Pepsi Pepsi Emrsn Emerson Philips Philips Epson Epson Praxair Praxair Ericsson Ericsson, Samsung Samsung Exxonmobil Exxon Mobil Schneider Schneider GE General Electric Shell Shell Oil Gener Mills Universal Mill Food Siemens Siemens GM General Motor Sojitz Double Honeywell Honeywell Sony Sony HP HP TNT IBM International Commercial Electrical Toshiba Toshiba Ikea IKEA Home Unilever Unilever ITOCHU ITENZT YUM