Function trycatchdemo (x) {
Try {
Try {
IF (x == 0) // Estimates the value of the parameter.
Throw "x equals zero"; // Throw an error.
Throw "x does not equal zero"; // Throw a different error.
Catch (e) {// Treats "x = 0" error here.
IF (e == "x equals zero" // check if the error can be processed here.
RETURN (E "Handled Locally."); // Returns object error message.
Else // cannot handle this error here.
Throw e; // Re-thrown the error to the next one
} // Error handler.
Catch (e) {// Treat additional errors here.
Return (E "Handled Higher Up."); // Returns an error message.
Document.write (TrycatchDemo (0));
Document.write (TrycatchDemo (1));