1.Myeclipse J2EE development plug-in, support servlet / jsp / ejb / database operation, etc. www.myeclipseide.com
2.Properties Editor Edit the Java properties file and you can automatically store to Unicode format http://propedit.sourceforge.jp/index_en.html
3. Colorer Take For the hundred types of files colored by synthesis http://colorer.sourceforge.net/
4.xmlbuddy Edit XML file www.xmlbuddy.com
5.code folding Add to multiple code folding (more than Eclipse) http://www.coffee-bytes.com/servlet/platformsupport
6.easy Explorer Access the selected file from Eclipse, the folder where the directory is located http://easystruts.sourceforge.net/
7.fat JAR packaging plugin, you can easily complete a variety of packaging tasks, you can include external packages, etc. http://fjep.sourceforge.net/
8.Regex Test Test Regular Expression Http://brosinski.com/stephan/archives/000028.php
9.jasperassistant report plugin (strong, required money) http://www.jasperassistant.com/
10.Jigloo Gui Builder Java's GUI Editor Plugin http://cloudgarden.com/jigloo/
11.Profiler Performance Tracking, Measurement Tool, Can Track, Measurement BS Program http://sourceforge.net/projects/eclipsecolorer/
12.AdvanQas Provides tips and shortcuts (automatic change structure, etc.) http://eclipsecolorer.sourceforge.net/advanqas/index.html
13.log4e log4j plugin, providing various and log4j-related tasks, such as methods, add a logger, etc. http://log4e.jayefem.de/index.php/main_page
14.VssPlugin VSS plugin http://sourceforge.net/projects/vssplugin
15. IMPLEMENTORS provides a way to jump to a method, not the function (practical!) Http://eclipse-tools.sourceforge.net/implementors/
16.Call hierarchy Displays a method of calling hierarchy (which method is tuned, what method is toned) http://eclipse-tools.sourceforge.net/call-hierarchy/index.html
17. Eclipsetidy check and format HTML / XML file http://eclipsetidy.sourceforge.net/
18.CheckClipse Check the style of the code, whether it meets the specification http://www.mvmsoft.de/content/plugins/checkclipse/checkclipse.htm
19.Hibernate Synchronizer Hibernate plugin, automatic mapping, etc. http://www.binamics.com/hibernateSync/
20.VeloeClipse Velocity plugin http://propsorter.sourceForge.Net/21.editorList Conveniently list all open editorHttp: //editorList.SourceForge.NET/
22. Monitor Monitor Memory Memory Http://cloudGarden.com/MemoryManager/