Good articles that are seen today and share them:
Here is the code I have modified:
Package testclass;
PUBLIC CLASS1 {public class1 () {}
Public Int Add (int A, int b) {RETURN A B;}
Import java.lang.reflect. *;
Import TestClass.class1;
Public class calclass {
Public calclass () {
Public static void main (string args []) {
Try {
Class CLS = Class.Forname ("TestClass.class1");
System.out.println ("Load The Target Class");
Class Partypes [] = new class [2];
Partypes [0] = integer.type;
Partypes [1] = integer.Type;
Method method ("add", partypes);
System.out.Println ("Get The Method of The Class");
//testclass.class1 method1 (); /// class const = class.Forname ("testclass.class1"); class par [] = null; constructor ct = cls.getconstructor (PAR); // Since the constructor of Class1 is no argument, I will give getConstructor.
Entered a parameter / in the NULL of the Class array
Object arglist [] = new object [2];
Arglist [0] = new integer (37);
Arglist [1] = new integer (47);
// Object retobj = method.invoke (methobj, arglist); Object retobj = method.invoke (ct.newinstance (null), arglist;
Integer Retval = (Integer) Retobj;
System.out.println (RetVal.intValue ());
Catch (Exception E) {
System.err.Println (e);
THank you for everyones suggestions!