WebStart is a technique that allows users to run a Java desktop app on the web page to click on a hyperlink. For Java applications with WebStart capabilities, users use it as simple as using web applications, but it has the interface capabilities and local processing capabilities of the web applications that cannot be expected to be back.
Pattern = "hh: mm: ss" OFFSET = "10" unit = "minute" /> tstamp> Driver = "org.gjt.mm.mysql.driver" URL = "JDBC: mysql: // localhost: 3306 / mydb" Userid = "root" Password = "root" SRC = "DATA.SQL" /> 2. Driver = "org.database.jdbcdriver" URL = "JDBC: Database-URL" UserId = "sa" Password = "pass" SRC = "DATA.SQL" RDBMS = "Oracle" Version = "8.1." > sql> send email n Send an email using the SMTP server n example: fileset> mail> l Mailhost: SMTP server address l Mailport: server port l Subject: theme l from: sender address l TO: Accepted human address l message: Send message l FileSet: Set an attachment