Universal function of outputing an Excel file

zhaozj2021-02-12  200

It is often necessary to output a variety of queries to Excel, so do the following small programs, used to output the result of a SQL SELECT query to an Excel format file, this program You only have to get it A recordset SQL SELECT query statement and a file name, the program can output the Excel format file, this program consists of three files, the file name of the first file is: TOEXCEL.ASP is the main file, the content is as follows :


'The front is to link to the database, please write the relevant statement yourself, this is slightly

SQL = session ("TOEXCELSQL") 'This is the query statement to output Excel, such as "Samplect * form cai where gender =' female '" filename = "excel.xls"' to output the file name of the Excel file, you only Change the above two sentences, don't change anything else.

'You just modify the above two variables. Others I have done it.

Call toExcel (filename, sql) set conn = Nothing

Function ReadText (filename) 'This is a function set adf = server.createObject ("adoDb.stream") with adf .type = 2 .LineseParator = 10 .open .loadFromfile (server.mappath (filename) ) .Charset = "GB2312" .position = 2 readtext = .readtext .cancel () .close () end with set ads = nothingend function

Sub Savetext (filename, data) 'This is a function of writing files set fs = createObject ("scripting.FilesystemObject") set ts = fs.createtextfile (server.mappath (filename), true) Ts.writeline (data) Ts.Close set ts = nothing set fs = nothingend Sub

Sub toExcel (filename, sql) 'This is a SQL statement and filename generating an Excel file set RS = Server.createObject ("AdoDb.Recordset") RS.Open SQL, CONN, 1, 3 TOEXCELLR = "

& Formator (RS (FieldName (I)), 2) &" "Else TOEXCELLR = TOEXCELLR &"

"end if else toexcellr = toExcellr &"

"& rs (fieldname (i)) &" "end if Next TOEXCELLR = TOEXCELLR & "" rs.movenext loop toExcellr = TOEX Cellr & "" Tou = ReadText ("Tou.txt") Di = ReadText ("Di.txt") TOEXCELLR = Tou & toExcellr & Di Call Savetext (FileName, TOEXCELLR) End Sub%> is generating an EXLCE file </ title> </ head > <Body> is generating an exlu file .... </ body> </ html> ************* The second file name is: di.txt content is as follows:</p> <p><Table x: str border = 0 cellpadding = 0 cellspacing = 0 width = 288 style = 'border-collapse: collapse; table-layout: fixed; width: 216pt'> <tr height = 0 style <[if supportMisalignedColumns]!> = 'Display: None'> <TD Width = 72 style = 'width: 54pt'> </ td> <td width = 72 style = 'width: 54pt'> </ td> <td width = 72 style = 'width : 54pt '> </ td> <td width = 72 style =' width: 54pt '> </ td> </ tr> <! [Endif]> </ table></p> <p>*********** The file name of the third file is: Tou.txt content is as follows:</p> <p><html xmlns: o = "URN: schema-microsoft-com: office: office" xmlns: x = "URN: schema-microsoft-com: office: Excel" xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/tr / REC-HTML40 "></p> <p><head> <meta http-equiv = content-type content = "text / html; charset = GB2312"> <meta name = progid content = excel.sheet> <meta name = generator content = "Microsoft Excel 9"> <link Rel = file-list href = "./ 222.files / filelist.xml"> <link rel = Edit-time-data href = "./ 222.files / editdata.mso> <link rel = OLE-OBJECT- Data href = "./ 222.files / oleData.mso> <! - [if gte mso 9]> <xml> <o: DocumentProperties> <o: Author> xky </ o: author> <o: Lastauthor > xky </ o: Lastauthor> <o: create> 2002-05-27T17: 51: 00Z </ o: create> <o: Lastsaved> 2002-06-22T10: 03: 03Z </ o: Lastsaved> <o : Company> Zydn </ o: Company> <o: Version> 9.2812 </ o: Version> </ o: DocumentProperties> <o: offnotocumentSettings> <o: DownloadComponents /> <o: locationsOFComponents href = "file: // /E :/msowc.cab "/> </ o: officedocumentSettings> </ xml> <! [Endif] -> <style> <! {Mso-displayed-decimal-separator:" /. MSO-Displayed-Thousand-separator: "/,";} @ page {margin: 1.0in .75in 1.0in .75in; mso-header-margin: .5in; mso-footer-margin: .5in;} Tr {mso -Height-Source: Auto; MSO-Ruby-Visibility: None;} C Ol {mso-width-source: auto; mso-ruby-visibility: none;} br {mso-data-placement: Same-cell;}. style0 {mso-number-format: general; text-align: general; vertical -Align: bottom; WHIGN-SPACE: 0; MSO-ROTE: 0; MSO-BACKGROUND-SOURCE: Auto; MSO-Pattern: Auto; Color: WindowText; font-size: 9.0pt; font-usight: 400; font- STYLE: NORMAL; Text-Decoration: None; Font-Family: å; mso-generic-font-family: Auto; MSO-FONT-CHARSET: 134; Border: None</p> <p>MSO-PROTECTION: LOCKED Visible; MSO-Style-Name: MSO-style-id: 0;} TD {mso-style-parent: style0; padding-top: 1px; padding-right: 1px; padding-limited: 1PX; MSO-IGNORE: PADDING; Color: WindowText; font-size: 9.0pt; font-weight: 400; font-style: none; font-decoration: none; font-family: Song; MSO-generic-font-family : AUTO; MSO-NUMBER-FORMAT: General; Text-Align: General; Vertical-Align: Bottom; Border: None; MSO-Background-Source: Auto; MSO-Pattern: Auto; MSO -protection: Locked visible; white-space: 0;}. xl24 {mso-style-parent: style0; border: .5pt solid windowtext;}. xl25 {mso-style-parent: style0; mso -Number-format: "long Date"; Text-align: Left; border: .5pt solid windowtext;} ruby ​​{ruby-align: left;} RT {Color: WindowText; font-size: 9.0pt; font-weight: 400; Font-style: Normal; TEXT-DECORATION: NONE; FONT-FAMILY: Song; MSO-generic-font-family: Auto; MSO-FONT-CHARSET: 134; MSO-CHAR-TYPE: NONE; DISPLAY: NONE } -> </ stop> <! - [if gte mso 9]> <xml> <x: Excelworkbook> <x: Excelworksheets> <x: EX CELWORKSHEET> <x: name> Sheet1 </ x: name> <x: WorksheetOptions> <x: DefaultRowHeight> 225 </ x: defaultHeight> <x: print> <x: ValidprinterInfo /> <x: papersizeIndex> 9 </ x: PapersizeIndex> <x: horizontalresolution> -3 <x: horizontalresolution> <x: VerticalResolution> 0 </ x: VerticalResolution> </ x: print> <x: Selected /> <x: panes> <x: Pane > <X: Number> 3 </ x: Number> <x: activelow> 24 </ x: activeRow> <x: ActiveCol> 5 </ x: ActiveCol> </ x: Pane> </ x: panes> < x: ProtectContents> False <</p> <p>/ x: ProtectContents> <x: protectobjects> false </ x: protectobjects> <x: protectscenarios> false </ x: protectscenarios> </ x: WorksheetOptions> </ x: Excelworksheet> <x: Excelworksheet> <x: Name > Sheet2 </ x: Name> <x: WorksheetOptions> <x: DefaultRowHeight> 225 </ x: DefaultRowHeight> <x: ProtectContents> False </ x: ProtectContents> <x: ProtectObjects> False </ x: ProtectObjects> < x: ProtectsCenarios> false </ x: protectscenarios> </ x: WorksheetOptions> </ x: Excelworksheet> <x: Excelworksheet> <x: name> sheet3 </ x: name> <x: WorksheetOptions> <x: defaultHeight> 225 </ x: DefaultRowHeight> <x: ProtectContents> False </ x: ProtectContents> <x: ProtectObjects> False </ x: ProtectObjects> <x: ProtectScenarios> False </ x: ProtectScenarios> </ x: WorksheetOptions> < / x: Excelworksheet> </ x: Excelworksheets> <x: windowheight> 6600 </ x: Windowheight> <x: WindowWidth> 12000 <x: WindowWidth> <x: Windowtopx> 0 </ x: Windowtopx> <x: Windowtopy> 1395 </ x: windowtopy> <x: protectstructure> false </ x: protectststst RucTure> <x: protectwindows> false </ x: protectWindows> </ x: Excelworkbook> </ xml> <! 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