Direct assignment numbers can be flexalignlefttop 0 cell content left, top alignment. The FlexalignLepCenter 1 string default alignment. The content of the cell is left, and it is aligned. FlexalignLetbottom 2 The content of the cell is aligned. Flexaligncentertop 3 The content of the cell is aligned, and the top is aligned. FlexAlignCenterCenter 4 cell content is aligned in place. Flexaligncenterbottom 5 cell content is aligned in the bottom. FlexAlignrighttop 6 cell content right, top alignment. FlexalignrightCenter 7 values default alignment. The content of the cell is aligned. FlexalignrightBottom 8 cell content right, bottom alignment. The content of the FlexalignGeneral 9 cell is aligned in a general manner. The string is displayed in "Left, Case", and the number is displayed in "Right, Case".