To Turn on The Backlight and Keep IT Turned on, a Timer Can Be Used That Fires Every Ter Fires a Raw Event IS Simulate, Which Keeps The Backlight Turned ON.
The following example code illustrates this.void CStreamingClientAppUi :: ConstructL () {...... iTimer = CPeriodic :: NewL (CActive :: EPriorityStandard); // CPeriodic * iTimer; iTimer-> Start (KTimerTick, KTimerTick, TCallBack (Tick, this)); // const Tint KTIMERTICK = 10 * 1000 * 1000; ......} cstreamingclientappui :: ~ cstractclientAppui () {itimer-> can (); delete itimer;} // this method Should BE DECLARED As Static // Static Tint Tick (Tany * / * AANY * /); Tint CstreamingClientAppui :: Tick (TANY * / * AObject * /) {user :: resetinactivitytime (); rwssession session; session.connect ();
TrawEvent Event; Event.Set; session.simulaterawevent (event);
Session.flush (); session.close (); Return Kerrnone; // Return That We Want The Timer to Continue Calling US.}