XOOPS URL Overwrites | XOOPS MOD_REWRITE Let Dynamic Page Static Display, Heart ... Let's start, everything from Jane. Xoops MOD_REWRITE: Probably step: 1. You know the general application operation of Apache, please continue to see 2. You are server management Member, please continue to see 3. You have a fixed IP address, please continue to see 4. You don't have an IP address, please continue to see -_-! ! ! 5. Set the virtual host 6. Precautions 7. Rewind application, I will not explain to you, nor to explain, Apache's mod_rewrite is not easy to explain. . . 8. Modify template 9. Complete ----------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- 1. 2. 4. No good saying, below Start setting virtual host: 5. Try (I use the name virtual host, this you can use flexible _): Mixing port and IP-based virtual host | Mixing domain name and IP-based virtual host if your server is Two IP addresses ( and respectively correspond to domain name www.example1.com and www.example2.org. For each domain name, you want to publish your website at the 80-port and 8080 ports. You can configure this: Server Configuration Listen Listen Listen Listen
Server Configuration Listen 80 NameVirtualHost
Options Followsymlinks Allowoverride All ORDER ALOW, DENY Allow from All DIRECTORY> # ------------------------------- ------ Overwritten ReWriteEngine On # ------------------ News Modules ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Reword content REWRITERULE /MODULES/NEWS/topic_(. /.htm @ /modules/news/index.php?storytopic=1 [l] # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/news /index.php?storytopic=2 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/news/topic_2.htm Rewriterule /Modules/news/Article_([0-9] ).htm full of / modules / news /article.php?storyid= $1 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/news/index.php?storytopic=312 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/news/Article_312 .htm shutriteerule /modules/news/topic(.* )-( )/.htm full /Modules/news/index.php?storytopic= $ 1&Start= $2 # http://gi.2288.org:88/ Modules / news / index.php? storytopic = 312 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/news/Article_312.htm Rewriterule /Modules/news/Archive/.htm full of /modules/news/archive.php Rewriterule /Modules/news/index.htm owverage@php # -------------------- News Modules --------- ------------ Reword content # -------------------- Wfdownloads Modules ---------- Override content REWRITERULE /MODULES/WFDownloads/topic_ (. ) /.htm full of /modules/wfdownloads/viewcat.php?cid= $ 1 [l] # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/mydownloads/viewcat.php?cid=9 # http: // gi. 2288.org:88/modules/mydownloads/topic_9.htm Rewriterule /Modules/wfdownloads/topic_o_(.).. = $ / /Modules/wfdownloads/ViewCat.php?op=1 [l] # http: // gi.2288.org:88/modules/mydownloads/ # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/mydownloads/ RewriteRule /modules/wfdownloads/newlist/.htm$ /modules/wfdownloads/newlist.php RewriteRule / Modules / wfdownloads / hit _ /. htm $ /modules/wfdownloads/topten.php?list=
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$ 1 # ------------------- xphpbbi retwriterule /modules/xphpbbbi/index.htm full / typ/xphpbbi/index.php Rewriterule / modules / xphpbbi / viewforum_ (. *) /. htm $ /Modules/xphpbbi/viewforum.php?f= * xphpbbi/viewtopic_(.* )/.htm full / tydules/xphpbbi/viewtopic.php?t= $1 REWRITERULE / MODULES / XPHPBI /viewtopic_post(.*)-( )-(.* )-( )-(.* )/.htm full /modules/xphpbbi/viewtopic.php?t= $1&Start= $ 2&postDays= $ 3&postorder= $ 4 & HIGHLIGHT = $ 5 REWRITERULE /MODULES/Xphpbbbi/viewtopic_o(.*)/.htm#(.*) $ /Modules/xphpbbi/viewtopic.php?p= $ 1# $ # ----------- --------- Newbb Rewriteerule /Modules/newb/index.htm /modules/newbb/index.php riterule /modules/newbb/viewall.htm !/modules/newbb/viewall.php # http: / /GI.2288.org:88/modules/newbb/Viewall.php # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/newbb/VIEWALL.HTM REWRITERULE /MODULES/NEWBB /SARCH.HTM @ / modules / newbb /Search.php # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/newbbb/search.php # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/newbb/search.htm Rewriterule / Modules / Newbb / Forum _ (. *) /. htm $ / m Odules / newbb / viewforum.php? Forum = $ 1 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/newbb/viewforum.php?forum=5 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/ Newbb / forum_5.htm shutriterule /modules/newbb/viewtopic_id(.* )-( )/.htm full /Modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id= $ 1&sterum= $ 2 # http://gi.2288.org : 88 / Modules / Newbb / ViewTopic.php? Topic_ID = 111 & forum = 5 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/newbb/viewtopic_id111-5.htm Rewriterule /Modules/newbbb/topic_mode_(.* )- (. *) - (. *) /. htm $ /Modules/newb/viewtopic.php?viewMode= $ 1&topic_id= $ 2&Forum= $ 3 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/newbb/viewtopic. PHP? ViewMode = flat & Topic_id = 111 & forum =
5 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/newbbbbb/topic_mode_flat-111-5.htm Rewriterule /Modules/newbb/newtopic_(.* )-( )-(.* )-(.*) ) - (. *) - (. *) /. htm $ /Modules/newbb/viewforum.php?start= $1&ster €$$2&sortname= $ 3&sortorder= $ 4&sortsince= # http: //gi.2288 .org:? 88 / modules / newbb / viewforum.php start = 0 & forum = 27 & sortname = p.post_time & sortorder = DESC & sortsince = 100 & type = unread # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/newbb/newtopic_0-27-p .post_time-desc-100-unread.htm shutriterule /modules/newbb/digest_(.* )-( )-(.* )-(.* )/.htm $ /Modules/newbb/viewforum.php?start= $ 1&sterum= $ 2&sortname= $ 3/38 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/newbb/viewforum.php?start= 0 & forum = 27 & sortname = p.post_time & sortorder = DESC & sortsince = 100 & type = digest # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/newbb/digest_0-27-p.post_time-DESC-100-digest.htm RewriteRule / modules / newbb / uReplied (.*)/.htm full. /modules/newbb/viewall.php?type=1 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/newbb/viewall.php?type=unReplied # http: / /GI.2288.org:88/modu Les / newbb / unrepliedunreplied.htm shutriterule /modules/newbb/topic_time_(.*)-( )-(.* )-( )-(.* )-() /.htm full of / modules / newbb / viewtopic.php? viewmode = $ 1 & order = $ 2 & topic_id = $ 3 & forum = $ 4 & move = $ 5 & topic_time = $ 6 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?viewmode=threaded&order=ASC&topic_id = 111 & forum = 5 & move = prev & topic_time =
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IDX # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/ipboard/act-i_idx.htm # ------------------ Digest Rewriterule / Modules / Digest /index.htm ownel /modules/digest/index.php shutriterule /modules/digest/cid_(.* )/.htm full /Modules/digest/index.php?category_id= $1 # http://gi.2288.org : 88 / Modules / Digest / Index.php? Category_ID = 2 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/digest/cid_2.htm shutriterule /modules/digest/ud_(.* )-() /.htm @ /modules/digest/index.php?op= $ 1&digest_id= $ 200 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/digest/index.php?op=update&digest_id=7 # http: // Gi.2288.org:88/modules/digest/ud_update-7.htm shutriterule /modules/digest/ctid_(.* )/.htm full /Modules/digest/custom.php?category_id= $ 1 # http: // gi .2288.org: 88 / modules / digest / custom.php? Category_id = 2 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/digest/ctid_2.htm shutriterule /modules/digest/u-ccid_(.* ) /. htm $ /Modules/digest/index.php?digest_id= $ 1 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/digest/index.php?digest_id=10#10& # http: // gi. 2288.org:88/modules/digest/u-ccid_10.htm#10& shutriterule / module ES / DiGEST / U-CID _ (. *) - (. *) /. htm $ /Modules/digest/index.php?op= $ 1&category_id= $$ # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/ DiGest / index.php? OP = update & category_id = 4 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/digest/u-cid_update-4.htm # -------------- ------ wordbook RewriteRule /modules/wordbook/index.htm$ /modules/wordbook/index.php RewriteRule /modules/wordbook/letter.htm$ /modules/wordbook/letter.php RewriteRule / modules / wordbook / category .htm $ /modules/wordbook/category.php shutbook/category_( (.*)/.htm full /modules/Wordbook/category.php?categoryID= $ 1 # http://gi.2288.org:88 /Modules/Wordbook/category.php?categoryID=
1 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/Wordbook/category_1.htm Rewriterule /Modules/WordBook/letter_ (.* )/.htm full /modules/Wordbook/Letter.php?init= $1 # http : //gi.2288.org: 88 / Modules / Wordbook / Letter.php? Init = B # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/Wordbook/Letter_b.htm Rewriterule / Modules / Wordbook / Entry_ ( * Wordbook/ENTRY.PHPRYTRYID = 1 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/Wordbook/entry.php?Tryid=111 # http: // gi. 2288.org:88/modules/Wordbook/entry_111.htm # -------------------- WordPress Rewriterule /Modules/WordPress/index.htm full / modules / WordPress / INDEX.PHP REWRITERULE /MODULES/WordPress/index_(.* )/.htm full /Modules/wordpress/index.php?p= $ 1 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/wordpress/index.php ? p = 9 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/WordPress/index_9.htm shutriterule /modules/.htm full_ /modules/wordpress/index.php?cat= $ 1 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/WordPress/index.php?cat=1 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/wordpress/cat_1.htm Rewriterule / modules / WordPress /m_(.* )/.htm full Modules / WordPress / INDEX.PHP? M = $ 1 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/wordpress/index.php?m=200412 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/ WordPress / M_200412.htm Rewriterule /Modules/WordPress/author_(.* )/.htm full /Modules/WordPress/index.php?author= $ 1 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/WordPress/index .php? author = 1 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/WordPress/author_1.htm # ------------------ Flashgames Rewriterule / modules / flashgames / index.htm $ /modules/flashgames/index.php RewriteRule /modules/flashgames/highscores.htm$ /modules/flashgames/highscores.php RewriteRule /modules/flashgames/hit_(.*)/.htm$ / Modules / Flashgames / Topten.php? Hit = $ 1 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/flashgames/topten.php?hit=
1 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/flashgames/hit_1.htm shutriterule /modules/flashgames/rate_(.* )/.htm full /modules/flashgames/topten.php?rate= $1 # http : //gi.2288.org: 88 / Modules / FlashGames / Topten.php? rate = 1 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/flashgames/rate_1.htm Rewriterule / Modules / Flashgames / CID_ *flashgames/viewcat.php?cid= $ 1 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/flashgames/viewcat.php?cid=5 # http: // gi. 2288.org:88/modules/flashgames/cid_5.htm shutriterule /modules/flashgames/lid_(.* )/.htm full /Modules/flashgames/game.php?lid= $ 1 # http://gi.2288.org : 88 / Modules / FlashGames / Game.php? Lid = 15 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/flashgames/lid_15.htm # --------------- ----- mylinks RewriteRule /modules/mylinks/index.htm$ /modules/mylinks/index.php RewriteRule /modules/mylinks/submit.htm$ /modules/mylinks/submit.php RewriteRule / modules / mylinks / submit. HTM $ /Modules/mylinks/submit.php shutriterule /modules/mylinks/hit_(.* )/.htm full /Modules/mylinks/topten.php?hit=1 # http://gi.2288.org:88/ Modules / mylinks / topten.php? hit = 1 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/mylinks/hit_1.htm shutriterule /modules/mylinks/rate_(.* )/.htm full of / modules / mylinks /topten.php?rate= $1 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/mylinks/topten.php?rate=1 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/mylinks/rate_1 .htm shutriterule /modules/mylinks/cid_(.* )/.htm full /modules/mylinks/viewcat.php?cid= $ 1 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/mylinks/viewcat.php? CID = 5 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/mylinks/cid_5.htm shutriterule /modules/mylinks/visit_(.*)-(.* )/.htm Modules / MyLinks / Visit. PHP? CID = $ 1 & LID = $ 2 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/mylinks/visit.php?cid=21&lid=
14 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/mylinks/visit_21-14.htm # ------------------- XMline Rewriterule / Modules / XMLine /index.htm full / typ/xmline/index.php shutriterule /modules/xmline/cid_(.* )/.htm full of /modules/xmline/index.php?category_id=1 # http://gi.2288.org : 88 / Modules / XMline / Index.php? Category_id = 2 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/xmline/cid_2.htm shutriterule /modules/xmline/o-Item_(.* )/.htm $ /Modules/xmline/Item.php?digest_id= $ 1 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/xmline/Item.php?digest_id=32 # http://gi.2288.org:88/ Modules / XMline / O-Item_32.htm shutriterule /modules/xmline/d-(.* )-( )- (.* )/.htm full /Modules/Xmline/index.php?op= $ 1&digest_id= $ 2 # http: // Gi.2288.org:88/modules/xmline/index.php?op=update&digest_id=40 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/xmline/d-Update-40.htm Rewriterule / Modules / XMLINE /c-cid_(.* )/.htm full /modules/xmline/custom.php?category_id= $ 1 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/xmline/custom.php?category_id=7 # http : //gi.2288.org: 88 / Modules / XMline / C-CID_7.htm Rewriterule / Modules / XMLI NE / U-CCID _ (. *) /. htm $ /Modules/xmline/index.php?digest_id= $ 1 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/xmline/index.php?digest_id=40# 40 & # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/xmline/u-cid_40#40.htm shutriterule /modules/xmline/ua-cid_(.htm full of (./.htm full) / Modules / Xmline / index.php? OP = $ 1 & category_id = $ 2 # http://gi.2288.org:88/modules/xmline/ua-cid_update-4.htm # ------------- ------- lykos_syndication riterule /modules/lykos_syndication/index.htm !/Modules/lykos_syndication/index.php # -------------------- Liaise Rewriterule / Modules / Liaise / Index.htm $ /Modules/liaise/index.php # -------------------- Other virtualhost>